Madina (Realm)/Library/book8

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New Contitutional Bill (Draft Version)

Writ by Kyra von Ulthuan, Lady Court Mistress of Madina Gardens, Marchioness of Madina Gardens

This is a draft version of a new constitution for the Isle Republic of Madina. It is planned to one day replace the current constitution, making it easier for the layman to view as well as filling in loopholes in the current constitution available here

1st Amendment.
Every Lord, Knight and Citizen of the Isle Republic of Madina is protected and subject to the Law and the Constitution of the Isle Republic of Madina where stated.

2nd Amendment.
Every Lord, Knight and Citizen of the Isle Republic of Madina is equal before the Law of the Isle Republic of Madina, no matter of their profession and their personal beliefs, spiritual or political.

3rd Amendment.
Every Lord, Knight and Citizen of the Isle Republic of Madina maintains the right of free speech and action as long as national unity and security are preserved.

The Duties and Rights of the Grand Doge

The Grand Doge is the highest ranking noble in the Isle Republic of Madina.

Directive 1a
The position of Grand Doge is electable by simple majority, with each duchy having an equal vote. Each Governor can choose the way an election in his duchy is run to see the way in which his duchy votes.

Directive 1b
In elections for Lord Admiral and Lord Purser, it is the Grand Doge's duty to gather all the duchies’ electoral results before coming to a legitimate conclusion. The electoral method is described in Directive 5.1g

Directive 1c
The Grand Doge has the duty of appointing a Governor to City or Stronghold or Lord to a region unaligned to any duchy when the position of lord is vacant. To do this the following conditions must be met:
Clause i. To be considered for appointment, the noble must have issued and official claim to the region on Book of Claims.
Clause ii. To be considered for appointment, the noble must also have a local claim when this is possible. A local claim is any claim recognised by the people of the region.
Clause iii. The Grand Doge may only overrule the above when the appointment of any of the nobles filling these criteria would lead to destabilization which could be avoided. (Case in point El Cid's Claim to Tovabur)

Directive 1d
It is the Grand Doge's right to dictate foreign policy.

Directive 1e
The Grand Doge has the right to approve extra-realm excursions as is his wont.

The Duties and Rights of the Lady Court Mistress

The Lady Court Mistress is the Judge and Dungeon Keeper of the realm.

Directive 2a
The position of Lord Court Master is electable each month with each lord having an equal vote. Knights and Nobles do not have a vote but knights may lobby their lords.

Directive 2b
The duty of upholding the constitution of Madina.

Directive 2c
The duty of punishing any transgression of the constitution of Madina.

Directive 2d
The right to exercise her powers as she sees fit in so far as the action does not conflict with the constitution of the Isle Republic of Madina or with Directive 1c.

Directive 2e
The duty of making contracts as regards mutual banning and prisoner exchange and treatment in so far as there is no conflict with Directive 1d

The Duties and Rights of the Lord Admiral

The Lord Admiral is the master of the Military.

Directive 3a
The Lord Admiral is appointed by the Grand Doge whenever the position is vacant. The appointee is elected as described in 5.1h

Directive 3b
The Lord Admiral has the right to call for a situation of national security which is voted upon by the Grand Council.

Directive 3c
It is the duty of the Lord Admiral to direct movement of the armies by delegating the role of issuing orders to the marshals in times of national security.

Directive 3d
The Lord Admiral has the right to approve extra-realm excursions as is his wont.

Directive 3e
The Lord Admiral maintains the right to coordinate in attacks with foreign generals in so far as this does not conflict with Directive 1d.

The Duties and Rights of the Marshal

The Marshals are in charge of the armies of Isle Republic of Madina and answer to the General.

Directive 3.1a
The Marshal is appointed by the sponsor of the army upon conferring with the Lord Admiral of Madina.

Directive 3.1b
The Marshal has the right of issue orders to his army in so far as those orders are not in direct conflict with Directive 3c.

Directive 3.1c
The Marshal has the duty of leading his army in battle.

The Duties and Rights of the Lady Purser

The Lord Purser is is charge of the finances and maintenance of the resources of the Isle Republic of Madina

Directive 4a
The Lord Purser is appointed by the Grand Doge whenever the position is vacant

Directive 4b
The Lord Purser has the duty of administration of regions and resources in the Isle Republic of Madina.

Directive 4c
The Lady Purser maintains the right to object to or obstruct any trade if she feels that this directly conflicts with the well being of the Isle Republic of Madina.

Directive 4d
The Lady Purser has the duty of management of trading with foreign nations.

The Duties and Rights of the Lord

The Lords of the Isle Republic of Madina are those who are in charge of a region.

Directive 5a
Every Lord maintains the right to choose his Knighthood.

Directive 5b
Every Lord has the duty of preserving the Knights' rights, liberties and income.

Directive 5c
Every Lord of the Isle Republic of Madina maintains the right to demand anything from his Knights in so far as Directives 1d, 3d and 5b are not violated in doing so.

Directive 5d
Every Lord maintains the right to revoke any of his oaths with his Knights unconditional of the situation.

Directive 5e
Every Lord of the Isle Republic of Madina can trade his resources and food per wish. only in the case of foreign transactions a report must be submitted to the Ministry of Trade (Lord Purser and Governor of the respective duchy) prior to the transaction.

Directive 5f
Lords are responsible for military action, unless if there are reasons of national security in which case this right is restricted.

Directive 5g
It is the lord's right to deny permission to his knight to colonize and found a new realm as described in Directive 6d.

Directive 5h
The lord is required to respect his knights' request to go on a looting mission. Exceptions to this directive are:
Clause i. In a state of national security, permission to conduct a looting mission can be denied.
Clause ii. Looting is forbidden in foreign realms when this is not directed by a marshal.
Clause iii. Looting is forbidden in all regions bordering Madina.

The Duties and Rights of the Governor

The Governors of Madina are those charged with control of a city or stronghold region and hence a duchy.

Directive 5.1a
The Governor is appointed by the Grand Doge when the position becomes vacant. The strongest claim being respected unless by respecting the claim a situation of destabilization which could have been averted is caused, in which case the next strongest claim is respected and so on.

Directive 5.1b
The Governor has the right to appoint lords to regions within his duchy.

Directive 5.1c
Each Governor can call upon land to be taken. If the region does not belong to any nation, the interested Governor maintains the right to use his powers to take it and call upon all Lords in the Isle Republic of Madina to do so. If the region belongs to a nation, the interested Governor is obligated to ask permission from the Lord Admiral and the Grand Doge; permission from both is obligatory.

Directive 5.1d
Each Governor is only allowed to execute his rights mentioned in Directive4.1c if he does so through his own army. In that case, the interested Governor maintains the right to request from every Lord to assign his Knights to the said army.

Directive 5.1e
Every Governor is obligated to discuss military plans with the Lord Admiral of the Isle Republic of Madina and seriously consider the Lord Admiral’s deliberate expertise.

Directive 5.1f
Every Governor is obligated to take the responsibility of every takeover made by his army and thus executing his right, he needs to make sure the conditions of Directive 1c are met.

Directive 5.1g
In elections of the governmental positions, each duchy holds an electoral value equal to the number of nobles within his duchy. The Governor of each duchy maintains the right to decide on how his electoral value is used. As legitimate methods are recognised the following:
Clause i. The Governor can vote in the name of the entire duchy all by himself, while maintaining the right to be advised or consulted by anyone before reaching his conclusion.
Clause ii. The Governor and his Lords can individually vote by representatives where all Lords vote for their entire Knighthoods as well as themselves.
Clause iii. All Lords and Knights in the duchy are allowed to vote with equally weight.
The Governors then deliver the results to the Grand Doge

Directive 5.1h
It is every governmental position’s duty to announce the intentions of resignation before every Governor of the Isle Republic of Madina as soon as possible.

The Duties and Rights of the Lesser Lord

The Duties and Rights of the Knight

Aligned Nobles will be referred as Knights of the Isle Republic of Madina.

Directive 6a
Every Knight of the Isle Republic of Madina maintains the right to have his Rights, Liberties and Income protected by his liege.

Directive 6b
Every Knight of the Republic maintains the right to dissolve his oath with his liege 24 hours after an official announcement to the liege in question.

Directive 6c
Every Knight of the Isle Republic of Madina maintains the right to travel per wish, under their lord's responsibility and authority as long as there are no reasons of national security to restrain that right. In case of restraint, they are obligated to respect the orders and demands of their liege or the Lord Admiral of the Isle Republic of Madina.

Directive 6d
Every Knight of the Isle Republic of Madina maintains the right of colonization in consensus with his liege. Permission from the respective Lord is required. If the preordained procedure is not followed to a nicety, then no colonization can be accepted.

Directive 6e
Every Knight and Citizen of the Isle Republic of Madina maintains the right to free Trade. Use of the black market however is forbidden.

Directive 6f
Every Knight of the Isle Republic of Madina maintains the right to occasionally call for a looting mission from his liege and it is the liege’s duty to respect that call except as dictated in Directive 5h.

Directive 6g
If there are no opportunities for looting missions, every Knight of the Isle Republic of Madina can mutually demand opportunities to be made in public from the Grand Doge.

Directive 6h
It is every Knight’s duty to protect his superiors, his vassals, his family and himself.

The Duties and Rights of the Citizen

A citizen is any Noble of Madina who is not a member of the council, not a lord and who is not bound by an oath to a liege.

Directive 7a
Citizens of the Isle Republic of Madina are obligated to ask for permission of leave for any journey outside the realm. They have to do this by filling a form with their destination, date of departure, expected date of return and the nature of the journey (i.e. Military, Trade, Tourism etc.). The form requires the signature of either the Grand Doge or the Lord Admiral of the Isle Republic of Madina as per Directives 1e and 3d.

The Duties and Rights of the Commoner

The Duties and Rights of the Foreigner

Directive 9a
Foreigner must request passage through the realm from the Grand Doge. Failure to do so will result in a full tenure in the dungeons upon capture.

Directive 9b
Foreigners belonging to a realm at war with Madina are protected as far a treatment of prisoners agreement with that realm permits.

Directive 9c
Foreigners who actively damage the infrastructure or assault the nobility of Madina (infiltrators) will be banned.

Directive 9d
Foreigners already with a ban on their heads will be dealt with most severely.

Directive 9d
Foreigners who come to Madina and obey Directives 9a, and 9c will be protected as guests to Madina and transgression against them will be punishable by law.