Caligus Post/Issue 1/Braga Battle Report

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Revision as of 01:13, 30 December 2008 by Tor DaiShan (talk | contribs)
  • 18 attackers (183 Inf, 236 Arch, 24 Cav, 5 other)
  • 3 defenders (10 Inf, 14 Arch, 23 other)
  • Total combat strengths: 5909 vs. 454
    • The region owner Fontan and their allies defend.
    • The (rogue) troops attack because they are at war with Fontan.
    • The Caligus troops attack because they are at war with Fontan.
    • The Westmoor troops attack because they are at war with Fontan.
  • This skirmish resulted in a victory for the Caligus and Westmoor forces.

  • December 1, 2008: Received reports of a major battle in Oporto.
  • Battle in Oporto
    • Caligus, Perdan vs. Fontan
    • Estimated combat strengths: 6000 CS vs. < 500 CS
    • doombringer deathkiller, King of Caligus is spotted wielding the Bone Sword of Bloodletting.
    • Ercc O'Riley (Knight of Partora) is spotted wielding the Mighty Nightblade of Flame.
    • Zofer von Snipe, Marquis of Bisciye is spotted wielding the Bone- Dagger of War.

Attacker Victory!

Published December 29, 2008 by: Agelmar Gaidin