Skoorbosla Family/Anatrok

From BattleMaster Wiki

Anatrok Skoorbosla

Name: Anatrok Skoorbosla

Age: 23 Years Old

Sex: Male

Height: Six Feet and One Inch

Weight: One Hundred and Eighty-Nine Pounds

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Hazel

Birthplace: Soniel, Arcachon

Nationality: Papania

Marital Status: Single

Profession: Knight

Military Unit: Shadow Riders

Steed: Isularian Blue

Title: Sir Anatrok Skoorbosla, High Lord of Papania

Description: Anatrok Skoorbosla is a young man of average height. Handsome in appearance, but not overly so. His skin complexion is somewhat dark, but not roughly so. His hair is long and wavy and reaches just below is shoulder, but is often kept back in a knot to help keep it out of his face and eyes. His facial features show a man that have yet to reach his prime. His face lacks facial hair, but light stubble shows if not kept in check over a couple of days. His eyes show a kindness to him and his voice helps to support that kindness.

Travel/Casual Attire: Gray cloak with hood. Silver strands of thread are woven into the cloak to give it a more regal look, but it is very subtle. A black long sleeved tunic conceals his families' bracers, white gold bracers with the family mark on them. A brown leather belt helps support his black pants.