Helios Chronicles/S of T

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Arella did question me if I knew much about Thanatos. I said I did. I brought out the text I had been keeping with me in Nahad... I'm surprised Taurus never found it.

The book's title was almost completely gone. Only two letters remained. He gave Arella the book and patiently sat while she read through the story Helios had specially marked.

The book was a stories of an angel deeds and misdeeds. The stories showed how he fell and was later redeemed. Then later how something else happened changing everything completely.

In one of the stories during his fallen period, he came upon a mortal who was different. This mortal had a bit of an angelic presence... He stalked the angelic mortal for weeks always staying just out of sight.

During this time he observed the angelic mortal helping other humans. He was bewildered by the being. Was it an angel in a mortal form or was it a fallen one like himself? He had to know.

He found the strongest demon in the area and set it on the angelic mortal. A true Angel could destroy it by a slight glance. A fallen would have slight more difficulty but would still prevail unharmed.

When the demon fell upon the angelic mortal, it did something he never expected. It ran. The being was terrified and running from the demon. Dumbfounded he sat and watched as the demon cornered its prey. Why wasn't the angelic mortal destroying this foul demon? Was it playing with the demon?

He decided to get a much closer look. He walked in between the demon and the mortal. The demon balked. It was not stupid enough it bother him. The mortal stared up at him confused with her sword drawn, and asked a question that further confused the fallen one.

"Did my mother send you?" the mortal asked.

The fallen one replied "No, but who is your mother? She must be something special if you think she sent something as strong as I am to you."

Slowly regaining its composure the mortal stared at the fallen one and declared her mothers name. The name he knew but could not remember where from. The demon let loose a deafening roar. He knew who the mortals mother was.

"Today is a great day," It rumbled. "I get to consume an angels mortal child."

The demon's rumbling laughter was drowned out by the fallen one's thoughts. The mortal is an angel's child? No wonder she had the presence and ran from the beast...

The demon lunged for the mortal who rose her sword in a vain attempt to combat the beast. The fallen one realized he could not let this happen. This entire situation was because of his meddling. Lightening flashed all around the group.

When the light cleared the mortal was on the ground staring up at fallen one. A scythe was in his hand and covered with dark black demonic blood. The demon was on the ground with its head cleanly removed.

The fallen one looked down upon the mortal, and said "I am sorry for bringing this all on you. I wanted to know if you were a true angel in mortal form or a fallen like myself, so I set the demon upon you. You quite surprised me with a third unexpected outcome. I will pay you back for all this trouble."

The fallen one looked upon the mortal and smiled, "Well not necessarily you.. perhaps one of your line though."

The mortal picked herself off the floor and went to question him when he disappear. Leaving only a black feather behind. She picked up the feather and her a comforting voice behind her.

"You are lucky my child. He is perhaps the most dangerous thing in the world." The angelic mother said.

The mortal turns and embraces her mother. "You said I should not worry much about fallen ones that they would be weak and wary not to cause your ill will."

"He is something different. He was one of the first. One of the most powerful. Consider it a blessing that he will eventually help our line."

The End

Arella never said anything after she finished reading. She set the book down and said she would talk with me more later about it. She had to think, and then she quickly left.