Von Genf Family

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The von Genf family consists of three young men from the small village of Genf in the region of Jagla, Atamara.


The oldest of the brothers, Joseph was passed over to inherit the family estate as his father found that he did not have enough of a military mindset to succeed in the harsh Taran environment. Instead, he travelled to the Far east continent where he landed in the city of Sasrhas. There he started a career as a trader. On family reunions, he enjoys bringing exotic food and drinks that he found in his numerous travels. The rest of the family would like to tease that he only brings back food while they bring fame and glory to the family, but they quickly remember that he is by far the richest of all and that they may well have need of him in the future, so they keep their mouth shut.


Olivier, Joseph's younger brother, was enrolled at a very young age in Tara's army where he valiantly and proudly fights in the war against the Falasan rabbits. He is known as courageous and hard-working, and he is certainly the most conservative member of the family.


Pierre, a young hotheaded cousin of Olivier and Joseph, left Atamara at a young age with ideas of grandeur. He ended up in Dwilight, where he quickly joined Morek and the Order of the Maddening Star, even though he is eyeing a career change as a bureaucrat. He enjoys the opportunities afforded by a mostly uncolonized land. He puts himself in trouble more than even basic regard for his own life should allow, but somehow always ends up surviving to tell the tale.