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Letter from Cato De La Fere (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (59 recipients)

Honoured Nobles,
We have gone through lots of difficult times. We had Attius Miriel, who was rebelled against by Neel Arya. Attius was a bad ruler, very tyrannical and dangerous to nobles. Sadly I have to say that so is Emperor Arya...

We have had Dukes and Duchesses missing (Duke Terivus of Aegir and Duchess Zyrrin of Springdale both replaced by supporters of Neel...), lords gone, yet Neel was sitting in Morek and partying, instead of helping the realm and fix things together. Then there was an infiltrator who attacked me, I thought he was sent by one Springdalian, but now I see, he was sent by Neel! How I know this? My Knight Ferber told me that he can't live with the guilt, he told that Neel wanted him to assault me, he said that no! But he remained quiet of this. But now when I was attacked by a female infiltrator, then Ferber confessed why my bounty is being raised by Neel and his companions...

Springdale is not a safe place for Nobles, Lords and even Dukes! There is no place for me in Springdale, where security is lost and the government allows some knights to speak against Dukes! That is going against hierarchy!

Also, Neel wears the "Breastplate of Foolish" Does he think that nobles are foolish? Or he himself?

You can be with me, or against me!

Emperor Arya broke many traditions the S&S had, first the Vice Marshal was always the next Marshal, second the government officials were never Marshals! And why did he had to take the control of the S&S after Duchess Fallan "dissappeared"? This all broke the honour of everybody in the S&S!

Emperor Neel went against the law! Imperial Inquisitor suggested that S&S will be disbanded and then refound by Sammael, but did Neel did that? NO! He wanted more control over Springdale, by holding the largest army under his hand!

He made an accusation towards Duchess Zyrrin, me and Marshal Vita - then he changed the story and hid his face!

The loss of Ymers Fall is also under his belly! He didn't appoint a lord for the region, which let the region to fall far from good control. Then the illegimate Marshal appointed by him, couldn't handle the monsters.

He was too afraid to keep Marshal Vita, one of the best Marshals we have, with Marshal Vita we would have had Ymers Fall!

The latest events have been too much, people spying on me, infils attacing me, I am not safe anymore! Nor are my knights... I am tired of unjustness! I am tired twisting words! Farewell!

I, Cato De La Fere, with the support of my lords, will re-form my fathers lost Kingdom Virovene!

Don't start blaming me, I held a banquette to get over our differences, to discuss things. But as the other part didn't arrive. Then I have no other choice. I gave him the chance to get over things... He decided not to! HE!

HE decided to start sending spies or so called secret agents against me, to spy what I do. You can be the next!

Also, notice that all the Dukes except me, were changed to people supportive to Neel!!! I was the next one! Only old Duke there was left... Duchess Fallan, Duke Osha, Duke Terivus... all gone! Now see who support Neel mostly, the Dukes that replaced those people! Soon you shall see the light... I hope it comes sooner...

My kingdom is based on theocratical views of Sanguis Astroism, so every member of SA will defend our theocracy, if it will be opposed by Springdale! It will be very much based on monarchy too.

Don't accept the lies Neel will give you once I leave... Stand for yourself! Stand for Springdale!

With Respect,

Sir Cato De La Fere
Duke of Muspelheim