Kelly Family

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The Kelly family originally from Eldoret on the East Continent is new to the wolrd but is striving to become a family of fame,wealth and respect.At present the Kelly family has 15 and family wealth of 2879 gold. There are at this time three nobel sons and one daughter serving in armies aross the world,

Ian decided to stay close to home and serve his beloved Ubent,as long as there is air in his lungs he lives to serve Ubent and restore her to her past glories.He is a Knight of Eldoret searving under Baron Lothar. After hearing of his brothers glories Ian set out to earn some himself and travelled to Fontan and serves Ricard Count of Oporto. It was in Fontan that Ian got his first real taste of battle and was involved in the storming on Fontan City and the death of LOF. He grew unhappy with the decission to leave the thier allies to the south and attack their allies Sirion and Old Rancagua. He went down south and served Tuchanon V and became an Infiltrator but was quickly deported to Beluaterra and he joined the mighty realm of Sint. Here is where Ian's skills were shown, he became a feared master of shadow plauging Old Grehk in perticular Lady Skye Uceek, Arch Priestess and Banker of Old Grehk, Duchess of Ossmat, his constant attacks on Skye had a massive effect on the war and was awarded with Lordship of Fikman. He was deported to Dwilight and joined Everguard but was unhappy and returned to Sint.

Colin moved a little way off choosing Ibladesh. He was made Count of Moyale and Marshal of the The Army of Sartan. It was in the war of the southern federation that Colin proved himself a military leader but Ibladesh was beaten by superiour forces and were forced to seed some regions. War soon broke out between Ibladesh and Itorunt, a chance for Ibladesh to seek some revenge. Colin lead his army perfectly and was elected General and so far his forces haven't lost a battle.

John had a loving of battle and adventure so he travlled all the way to Ikalak,and since his short time there has already done his family proud by being in the mists of as many battles as he could manage to find.He is the best know of the family winning fame for his deeds on the battle feild,he serves Sir Moonglum II as a Knight of Sandalak.John has since become a Hero of Sandalak the first of his family to do so.Jonn died in battle,his unit were in bad shape having been beaten the day before but he would not leave the field without victory and died achieving it.

James a cousin of the family travelled to vist John arriving a day after his drath,inraged at the death of his beloved cousin he swore to advenge him and joined Ikalak and has pleged his service to Moonglum II. When Moonglum II switched the duchy James remained loyal to Ikalak and become a high ranking offical and member of Ikalaks elite forces and was the very last Count of Kietrem. The island sank not long after this but not before James and the other brave Ikalakians bravely defended their city and remaining regions.

Cara the result of a not talked about affair between the three brothers father James and a chamber maid while he travelled Sint. She was not accepted by her family so she chose to lead a humble life of poverty serving the poor. She became close to Joan of Arc Countess of Apokh and choose to become a member of Heen. Cara worked day and night ridding Apokh of undead. Joan chose to move on and was replaced by Caroline, who disliked Cara and had her beaten on many occasions. Cara was fueled by this hate and decided to take up her rightful role as a nobel. She challenged Caroline to a duel until death but Caroline now Heens judge had Cara banned and imprissoned. Cara escaped before Caroline could have her deported or worse and travelled to Bara'Khur to serve the The Valentic Order.