Fury Family

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Celestial Fury

A knight of Vornion. A member of Cagilan Empire.

Primary Objective

To command the biggest, meanest, scariest press-gang ever to tromp through the Cagilan countryside.

Secondary Objective

To be spotted wearing into battle the latest in unique artifacts.

Coat of Arms

Heraldic Description:



Family Archives

There Be Monsters

Where there be monsters, there be Guardians of Ered Luin

Whether old or youngsters, we'll leave them all in ruins

For we march and we march, 'cause it's worth doing

To clear the realm of monsters, we be Guardians of Ered Luin

Through mountains steep and valleys low

We tread where very few shall dare to go

Though snow shall fall and rivers flow

We be Guardians so onward trudge, yo-ho!

Now here we are, and where you be?

No monsters here, they saw us come and had to flee!

Celestial Fury (Knight of Vornion)

In my search for bling bling

Nobles started to sing sing

Because I wanted to bring bring

Something from my older sibling

Alas, it's true. My late grandfather's forays into Eston proved too much to handle for the common womenfolk. He claims that the act happened by divine inspiration, thus the child was named Divine Fury, though I strongly suspect it was more of a divine opportunity that seized the day. Still, the family of Fury are a secretive lot as we are rather hard to name, or so I'm told.

Nonetheless, my brother quests to be a noble one day and can handle any balls any ladies might wish to throw but could they handle... er... his? He is handsome as can be though not so more than me.

Also, how could anyone think I would cheat my own brother, flesh and blood that he is? Certainly I must think of his welfare, rolling around in the mud in his sleep while I have my silk tent and my silk bedsheet. And he certainly could get a helping hand improving his adventure gear like with his rusty knife, though stabbing monsters with it might kill them from infection.

I like to think too that status and priviledges in life are a matter of fate and the life to which one is born in. My brother may yet prove to be the better man. After all, we all put on our pantaloons one leg at a time.

No one gets out alive :P

Celestial Fury (Knight of Vornion)

Monsters, you beasts of the realm!

Hear me now you shallow stomach-leading fiends!

You may strike down my men on the battlefield,

You may rip them apart and gnaw on them,

You may knock me down unconscious

But you will never, ever,

And I mean never, ever,

Really mean never, ever,

Rip my Adorned Chain Mail of Strength +2 Prestige

Off my cold dead body!

Celestial Fury (Knight of Vornion)

Celestial Fury,

I don't like to participate in heated discussions but i would like to tell you some words.

You talk about social oppression. What that means? Do you expect anything else when you talk and act as if peasants were our peers? That goes against the roots of our society. I don't whip peasants if there is no reason, i don't believe in such actions but they cannot decide there own fate, if they try they should be punished. That is how our world works and those are the rules, you contribute to them by being a noble. Do you want to change this society? Perhaps you will be happier in a world without nobility, then you should take a sword, join the peasants and change it with blood. If you do, you will see how the same peasants you defend will be the firsts to fight against you.


Sir Nuno Freire de Andrade (Knight of Eaglin)


I am ashamed of many of you. An able and committed Knight is slighted for his father's procreative urges... and by many who have not shown more noble behaviour then my boot-laces have! Sir Celestial Fury is one of the most dedicated and inspired Knights that have ever served Vornion, always searching to better the County and the Empire! He himself is a true noble, of blood and mind, who would rather shed his blood than see an innocent man suffer injustice, who feels compassion for his fellow man and fulfils his duties with loyalty and perseverance!

Yes, he has a bastard brother! Let all of you who are in the same position but have been hypocritical enough to remain silent about it think about what your opposition to Sir Celestial truly entails! As all of us he was born of noble blood and is of noble breading, his sense of humanity and civilisation is even more developed than most nobles I know, and for this you choose to degrade him?!

Yes, Sir Celestial, the quill is ever mightier than the sword, but should only be so when employed with intelligence and skill. Even the quill is powerless against the foul stench of bigotry and misplaced sentiments of superiority…

All Cagilan banners in County Vornion will fly low today, for something in the Empire, what has once made it great, has died…

in honour,

Sir Cullen O'Ways Earl of Vornion

This has to be a fake letter to Celestial Fury. There is no scandal. There is no demoralization of Ered Luin or unwillingness to follow our Second in Command into battle. Relieved of command by who's authority? Certainly not our Prime Minister's. This is ridiculous.

I have bled for Sir Fury and he for me in the heat of battle, defending the empire. All of Ered Luin has bled for the empire. We are all now, and forever shall be in service of the empire. Just because he speaks of those we command as 'friends' in our war camps while having an ale or three before another battle in service of the empire is no reason to punish him.

His position as a SiC should not be in question here. Do not punish him for saying something you believe to be politically incorrect, please. Not everyone feels that way and I would be surprised if anyone in Ered Luin feels that way about him. I will continue to follow his lead and expertise on the battlefield for it has proven to be sound and wise.

If you do not want to listen to his rants in the battle tent then ignore it. I assure you that the next day, when Ered Luin rides into battle with Celestial Fury in its ranks, the troops give 200%. 100% for effort and 100% respect!


Jeren Mithril Tybonn (Knight of Ansalle)

Lord Samuel,

I'm not a member of the Ered Luin, but I also wish to state that - if I were a member - I would gladly follow Sir Celestial into battle.

I sure hope the letter that was sent to him, is fake and means nothing. Should he be replaced I seriously doubt that this is the Cagilan Empire I've been fighting for - and lost many good men while doing so.

Faeryl Firesong (Dame of Cagil)

Nobles of the Empire,

Prime Minister Samuel also happens to be the Sponsor for the Ered Luin. He has the full authority to switch both the Marshal and the SIC.

As for the call to relieve Sir Celestial, it was I who made that request.

Now some of you are questioning why he was relieved. I shall explain.

Sir Celestial is an excellent fighter and a brave defender of the realm. There is no question about that.

Moreover, he was my pupil when I was Viscountess of Rauxod and a Mentor. He was a very good student, asking lots of questions and curious about the workings of the realm.

However, it has become apparent that I failed to instill in him a sense of the proper heirarchy of the Empire. Nay, the world! I have tried to repair this mistake through conversations with Sir Celestial, but to no avail.

Peasants have their uses. Adventurers (both outlaws and freemen) are very useful. Yet they are still baseborn. We are nobles. There is no crossing of that line. Ever.

Sir Celestial, while an able warrior, cannot be trusted with command over others if he does not recognize this fundamental difference.

This hierarchy is the way of the world.

If one cannot recognize and obey this order, one must accept the consequences.

Thank you,

Lady Renee Quasath Duchess of Nida

Lord Marshal Zond and Lady Duke Quasath,

With all due respect, I would like to request reassignment from the Guardians of Ered Luin if indeed Sir Celestial is to be relieved of his secondary command. During Lord Zond's imprisonment, Sir Fury commanded our army with temperance, decisiveness, and daring, showing all of the qualities that mark a man for military greatness. Though I may disagree with some of his personal views, I could not speak ill of a member of my family, even a bastard of a peasant. My life has been saved before by commoners fighting along side me. It is they who truly spill their blood for our crown. Just because they lack the intelligence of nobles is no reason for persecution. Even the basest smelling of flowers, with the sharpest of thorns has power in the hands of a true healer, just as the lowest men of the empire may have use if utilized properly by their lords. I have no desire to fight in an army that punishes the free expression of its leaders and will put pride before intelligent leadership, as Sir Celestial is without doubt the best man for the job. I will, of course, stay on and fight if it is required of me, but I respectfully request reassignment to the Eaglin Eagles if Marshal Kinsey is willing.

Knight Fury-

Noble or no, if your willing to take arms and fight the enemies of the Empire, I will reserve a place in formation for you. Just keep a wide birth as I tend to lose sense of friend or foe in the heat of battle. When the battle rage is in my heart it is kill or be killed. My allegiance is to the Empire and my Duke, I care not for politics.

Upon arrival in Trawiy, in honor of Caledor, where should a knight find the ale that he might share a drink with comrades in honor of the fallen?

Dougan Prestongreen (Knight of Skalk)

Duchess Renee,

if you felt that Sir Celestial has done something wrong, you should refer him to Judge Milan, who can then decide what punishment, if any, would be appropriate.

If you do not like Judge Milan's decisions, you are free to run against him in the next election.

With all due respect, I do not recall the realm electing you as Judge. So I believe demanding Sir Celestial's removal is a bit pre-mature.

Sir Enri Kinsey Viscount of Ravening, Marshal of the Eaglin Eagles

I would like to make public my vote on the issue of "Is it tolerable for a noble to consider a peasant kin".

I believe that the answer is yes, if only because we cannot alter the fact that there are occasions where a nobleman has slept with a peasant, and the peasant girl bore a child from it. While that resulting offspring is not a noble, they are kin to the nobleman's legitimate children. I do not see any good reason that the children of the two mothers should be forbidden from correspondence.

I would wish however, that Celestial Fury would quit stating his relationship with his common kin. I'm starting to get the impression that he's proud of the relationship that he has with a peasant.

Jasper Kirias Earl of Ansalle