The Way of the Dragons/Tenebriouns Prophecies

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The Words of the Dragon Prophet Tenebrioun.

Tenebriouns First Prophecy.

Tenebrioun first prophecy Fafnir.jpg

As Tenebrioun stood on the tower in the Castle of Port Raviel, he looked out across the channel Towards where he knew Shadovar to Lie. Sighing discontently, he wondered aloud...

Why sister of the East... Why did it have to come to this? Were our differences truely so great? Was the corruption truely so set? Is there no other option? But to stand and stare upon each other across a blue vastness? More than this narrow water divides us now. And it is not our fault, nor yours, but circumstances beyond our control... Why though... Why must we do this? Is there to be no peace, prosperity, Love in our time? When even the priesthood betrays its people? When those responsible for the protection are the oppressors? What have times come to?

Tenebrioun sighed again, and hung his head glumly, contemplating the waters below. I came from a land ruined with war, for a new start, and find chaos... disorder... treason, is this the human way? Is this nature? Is it inescapable?

He closed his eyes a moment, frustration overcoming him. Then he heard a deep rumbling, coming from all sides of him, from around him him, from in his mind, he felt his body begin to shake with it.

He opened his mouth to scream in fear, instead came forth the words, "Fear not Young One. Have courage. It is not yet the End Child. I have need for one like you. Remember child, Persevere, You will not falter, and you will not fail. Life is the future, not the Past. To succeed, all you must do is Deserve it. Deserve Victory. I shall be near, child. We will talk more soon."

Tenebrioun felt the presence on his mind disappear as quickly as it came, leaving him to collapse on the ground beside the parapets, shaking, where his servant found him a short time later, and brought him inside and to a bed.

Tenebriouns Second Prophecy

Tenebrioun sat in his Chambers, poring over reports of the realm. He curses in frustration upon seeing another report of Edith's treachery.

How does one impose justice in a land where those entrusted with the safety of a region, harm their own subjects? He thought to himself.

He felt the strange rumbling from the previous night beginning in his legs as a knock was heard upon his door and his scribe entered.

"My Lord, I have these lette... My Lord?" The scribe began as he saw Tene's body shaking in the chair.

Before the rumbling reached his head, Tenebrioun gasped out, "Scribe what I am about to say, Word for word.... DO it man!"

The scribe ran forward and grabbed a paper and quick as Tene's head was flung backwards, and his eyes rolled back. Mouth involuntarily opened to scream.

"Let Treachery not Stand. In this world, one always has but one thing. Riches may be lost. Lives may be lost. Health may be lost. But ones word is eternal. And as Men of this world have only this one thing, it must never be broken. Those with no Honor are lower than peasantry. They are lower than Filth. Speak only the Truth. Remain faithful. Honor those who Honor you. Face your enemies with a smile, and an Inner light. They may only harm you being. No enemy can harm your soul, or your Honor but yourself. Protect what is most vital. Be Patient, Consider before one's word is Given. Passion Rules reason, but without reason, there is no order. Without order there is no worth. A betrayer has no place. The one you call Edith Hashimashidas shall be punished in time, by her own actinos. But Child, do not let these actions go unnoticed. Humans may only act and react upon what is presented to them. Give your fellows a chance to show their Honor. I shall return in time."

with that parting word, Tene's body fell forward, head crashing to his desk, leaving a small cut. As he sat up, exhausted with blood dribbling down his face, he yelled to the emptiness... "WHO ARE YOU, DEMON!?"

He heard a fleeting disembodied voice from behind his scribe, "You will know soon child."

That was the last thing Tenebrioun heard before the convulsions took him. His scribe carefully folded the paper containing his words, and ran quickly for the Healer, shaken to his core.

Tenebrioun's Third Prophecy

Tenebrioun sat before the healer.

"Out with it man. What is wrong with me? Is it a Malady of the Mind? Have I gone mad? A Daimon possession? What is it?"

The Healer looked up, a perturbed look on his face. "Your mind is Sound Lord. I find no maladies on you whatsoever. And I have yet to hear of a Daimon with such power at such a distance."

"Then why does this keep happening?" Tenebrioun said slowly through gritted teeth.

He had barely had the energy to dictate a letter to the Justice of the Land before exhaustion had consumed him again. Upon his awakening, a healer had be assigned to him on a temporary basis, to observe him in his drained state.

"I do not know Lord." The Healer said almost apologetically.

Tenebrioun felt the strange rumbling again, beginning in his chest this time. He clenched his muscles and resisted with all he had, containing the rumbling for a moment. Then he felt his heart skip a beat. The shock of it drained all the strength from his muscles. As he relaxed, the rumbling calmed, becoming almost pleasant... It seemed to patiently wait for him to open his mouth, rather than force a scream. Confused he obliged.

"You are my voice child. For now. That is why 'this' keeps happening." The gentle buzzing retreated back into his chest, allowing Tenebrioun to speak.

"But what form of Spirit are you? What Daimon posseses me? I must know!" Tenebioun exclaimed.

The buzz returned to his mouth. "I am no Daimon child. And I forgive your rashness and disrespect, you do not yet know better. Your kind are often impatient. This will change in time. As to your question. You already know. You just do not realize your knowledge."

The healer stared on in disbelief. "My Lord, how do you do such a thing? Changing your voice as you are."

Tenebrioun turned to him sharply, unaware if the action was his, or from the strange spirit within him. And from his mouth, both his voice and the spirits erupted. "You doubt me? You would think this is a hoax?"

He looked to the scribe. "Pen this child. The Sisters shall bleed together, yet find peace with a simple cut. The North shall know no Fall so long as Spring reigns. A sea of reeds shall provide shade to a legion. And the Dragon shall fly again."

He looked back upon the healer. "Spread this child. Spread it as far as you can see. Let all know what is to come to pass. This man is my chosen. He has no maladies, he has no illness, no madness, no Daimon. He is mine, as I am his."

The healer quickly fled the room.

Tene relaxed into his chair, and the Buzzing became a pleasant tingle. "Yes child, if you do not struggle against your destiny, you will not feel the pain. My time is short child. You may ask me but 2 questions, then I must see to other affairs."

The Tingle remained in his mouth, yet Tenebrioun realized he too could speak. "... There is so much to ask..."

"Time is short child."

Tenebrioun considered. "Yes... Alright.... Why me?"

Tenebrioun felt an even more pleasant tingle and vibration run through him, and felt chuckling erupt from his mouth. "Well, It is because you remind me of one long ago. A friend I had. A student I taught. And a brother I lost. You have justice in your soul, yet you allow your passion to impede it. You seek out injustice and correct it, often causing rifts and bad feelings between you and those uninvolved. You child, are a Weapon of Truth, with no guidance, blindly swinging at any and all wrongs you see. I chose you because, with my guidance, you can do great good for this land. Restore the balance that once was. And I miss my friend. I do wonder you may have been him in another age. He too resisted at first, and in time, came be as a brother to me, teaching all around him."

Tene felt his head shake, "Enough remembrance for now. Your next question."

Tenebrioun pondered a moment. "... You have said so much, made demands, and yet.. I do not know you. Who are you?"

For a moment, Tenebrioun felt the painful rumbling within him, before it settled back into its tingle. The voice which came forth sounded almost... bitter. "I am a Relic Child. A forgotten memory of an age long past. I am one of many, and yet only one now. I have a family, yet I am alone. I have advised Kings and advised rocks. I have fought for Love, for Honor, For Truth, and fought for Survival. I rule the sky, yet live below ground. You may call me Fafnir Child. And I will fly again."

Tenebrioun felt the tingle leave him a moment later. He braced, expecting the worst, and was relieved when all he felt was a mild sense of further fatigue.

He was excited and afraid of this strange being Fafnir, and of his riddles. But he eagerly awaited his next conversation with the being whilst he dug back into his paperwork with the first smile in what felt like ages.