Sacred Vest from the North

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Discovered by Morgan Hossenfeffer on 22nd August, 2008.

A clattering sounded through the darkness, as the animated skeleton jogged with its tireless pace through the catacombs under the great cometary of Domus. It was followed by softer footfalls, less perfectly constant in their rhythm, but showing no signs of fading yet.

The undead creature trotted on, emotionless, and showing no fear as the footfalls behind it drew closer. The gap narrowed, and the light of Morgan's torch now illuminated the skeleton as it ran. The crossbow was useless, he would have to get close enough to slash at it. He was beginning to breathe a little more heavily now and he increased his pace to catch it before it could get much further.

The creature's companions lay destroyed and scattered behind him, he would have to return to where they had fallen and burn the remnants, but now he needed to end this. The creature ahead seemed to have somehow brought the other skeletons to this unholy semblance of life and he was determined to put a stop to its activities.

Finally, he drew close enough to swing with his sword. The blow turned, the creature's armour shone for a moment with a pale light. Morgan groaned as the skeleton suddenly stopped and span round to face him. Undead foes were bad enough, but magically armoured undead foes were more than he cared to face alone. However, it was too late for regrets now. The skeleton wielded the spear it carried with devastating speed, and it was all Morgan could do to avoid the thrust. He set to with his sword.

The fight was a long and desperate one. Perhaps the longest single combat Morgan had yet faced, for the skeleton seemed invulnerable with its magically glowing armour. Finally though, the opening he had been waiting for, been pushing towards, appeared, and Morgan's sword took the head from the skeleton's body.

Instantly it crumpled to the ground, the fell glow in its eye sockets fading.

Morgan sat and rested, all the while regarding the cuirass the skeleton had worn. Some nobleman would pay well for a treasure like that.

Sold to Waylander Con Doin on 8th September, 2008