Valderra News

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Revision as of 22:01, 9 September 2008 by Jim Watson (talk | contribs)

The official newspaper of Valderra.

Founder and Chief Editor: Jack Carnes Writers:

Valderra News

Arrival in the Capital of Morek September 1, 2008
Jack Carnes and his fellow expedition members have arrived in the capital of Morek.

The where welcome with grace and honour. Moreks Grandmaster has entrusted Jack with 1000 gold, to build up his forces.

So the delegees did, in hope of succes. As Morek will sponsor them for 1 time, and 1 time only...
Comment on this story. by Jack Carnes 
Sep 8, 2008
Expedition leaves Morek and sets off West!

September 1, 2008
Expedition arrival in Morek
The Leader of the Valderra Delegation has arrived in Morek's capital, to build up forces for the upcomming expedition.

Archives Valderra
Realm Information

Valderra | Royal Line | Founders of Valderra | Wars of Valderra | The Valderra News

Duchy of

Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 3