Knights Fafnir Code of Conduct

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You have managed to slowly make your way to the front of the crowd, and have noticed that this is actually a group of Knights of Devotion as they call themselves. They are listening to what seems to be a knight of much higher rank teaching them about the plaque. You decide to stay and listen so that you might learn something.

"Alright all you wannabe knights. This plaque here is probably the most important piece of writing here in this guild hall. It is the rules writting on this plaque that have guided order since its creation, and shall continue until the end of time. These are the rules that we must follow."

Code of conduct

"Rule one. Heed the Code of Conduct at all times!
Two, It is in Fafnir alone from whom we gather strength, and it is for Him that we fight!
Three, Heed the Call of the Grand Prior and his Master of Arms!
Four, We shall fight the Monsters and the Heretic at all time and with all due vigor!
Five, All Knights of Fafnir that are able will fight for the Honour of Our Order and the Glory of Our God!
Six, We shall not intentionally do battle with a fellow follower of The Way unless ordered to do so by the Grand Prior!
Seven, We shall give aid to followers of The Way and our allies when we can!
And finally, Failure to Comply with these rules could result in Excommunication from the Order."