Veritas Vincit/Ranks

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The non leadership ranks of the church is broken down as follows:

  • Observer- Observers have joined the church, but are not yet decided if they believe the truth laid out before them. Observers take little part in the affairs of the church, and their main purpose is to decide rather or not they want to dedicate themselves to the Veritas Vincit.
  • Supporters- Supporters are only a step up from observers. They have decided they want to support the church but not dedicat themselves fully to it. Each month the supporters are required to give 15 gold to the church.
  • Members- Members are the non clergy nobles who decide to dedicate themselves to the church.
  • Senior Members- Senior Members are members who have actively involved themselves in the church, and has shown they wish to go beyond the duties of a regular member.
  • Seekers- seekers are the clergy who have decided to dedicated themselves to the Veritas. Seekers perform a variety of duties, but may decide to spealize themselves.
  • Dedicated Seekers- Dedicated seekers have decided to dedicate themselves to a particular god. Those the Dedicated still seek to spread the truth, and remain loyal to church, they may also have additional traditions and beliefs.
  • Protectors- The Protectors are the clergy members who have given their life to the opposition of evil gods. Such priest will actively involve themselves in conflict and wars that evil gods are part of. Many Protectors find themselves away from their home realms most of the time, and may even join other realms on a temporary basis.
  • Knights of Truth and Justice- The knights are the non clergy version of the Protectors. These are warriors who have dedicated themselves to opposing evil wherever it maybe found. Most Knights don't have one realm to call home, as they must join other realms to pursue evil.
  • Missionaries- Missionaries dedicate themselves to spreading the truth beyond the border of their home realms. Such realms may not be under the control of evil gods, but deserve to hear the truth regardless. Missionaries aren't afraid to face prosecution to make sure the truth has a voice.
  • Historians- Historians can be held by both clergy and non clergy. Historians are scholars that dedicate themselves to uncover the ancient histories, and to discovering new gods, and what the gods believe.