Minas Ithil/EF

From BattleMaster Wiki


The EF was founded as a group by High Marshal Relkin Sypher, then it was called "Expeditionary Force," it was ment for special raids. Later when Raoul De La Fere became High Marshal, he used this group and thanks to its success, he started it as army, he saved the name EF, but added "The Swords of Minas Ithil," as the army was ment to be as the quick strike force mainly infantry.

EF played big part in capturing Mansbridge for the first time in the Norther War, they made a move into Elost to distract the enemy. Norland took the bait and moved into Elost while the EF rallied with the main army to Winwich and striked Mansbridge with full power. This manouver led by current High Marshal Raoul De La Fere allowed current King Dead Angel the second to start a successful takeover of Mansbridge.

Also all the members of the EF carry a special sword which has the name of its carrier, also the symbols of Minas Ithil. For the regular members the swords are with silver handle, for Marshal and founder it is with golden handle. The Second in Command has a mixture of both. If the sword is once given, it is for life, but it can be used if you hold a place in the EF.

At the moment EF is the personal army of King Raoul De La Fere, which is used as his bodyguard and as elite army which strikes into the enemy without fear! The army which has the Kings support, not everyone can be part of it... New members have to get approved by The King and current Marshal.

Current Members

King Raoul De La Fere

Marshal Artos Whiteblade

Aethelred Anhorn

Cochrane Fentworth, Viscount of Winham

Jearom Gaidin

Robb Stoneheart

Silas Thundar

Unity Soul

Xibalba Stoneheart

Former Marshals (Most recent Marshal listed first)

Raoul De La Fere

Francis Kingsley

Former Members

Marshal Francis Kinsey