Talk:Askari Family/Adika

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Revision as of 06:06, 25 July 2008 by Ceorl (talk | contribs)

Haha, you realize Mordred, and none of the Le-Fays, have *ever* talked with Louis-Joseph, the founder of the Blood Cult? That the Blood Cult has never done *anything* against Qyrvaggism or its followers? That not a single Qyrvaggist and Cultist had ever met before he sent you to loot the temple?

You, my friend, have been lied to. -Chénier 16:42, 24 July 2008 (CEST)

You crazy? We got torture reports loads of times about BC killing innocents. Furthermore, LJ had a nice talk on the ruler channel which proved you worshipped Arcane. Now, please stop deceiving yourself. I'd link you a letter if it wasn't over 30 days old. Ceorl 08:02, 25 July 2008 (CEST)