Avalon/Roleplay Section/Hector/The Seed

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Previous: Hector's Return

The Seed, part I

Jessica and Arian decide for them to get to Zod, they’d rather go by way of Norjke. It was mountainous, provided cover and places to hide, and in general was better than roaming the open ground and forests where the population has been hounded by the undead and Monsters. They make slow progress through the mountains. Arian notices Jessica seems to be a bit red in the face, and sweaty. “Jessica, are you OK?”

“Huh? Oh, yes, I’m fine, just a little flush. We’ve been walking a long way.” Jessica says, bowing her head.

Arian looks her over a little closer. It could be the fact that the Colony Tree is dying and that perhaps, it is affecting her, as it did give her the seed. Somehow, they might be intertwined now.

They walk on through the day until well after the sun has set. “Here, let’s make camp here”. They sit down and share some bread and dried meat. They sip from a flask that contains some ale to quench their thirst.

As Jessica dozes off to sleep, Arian hears some brush move in the woods. It’s dark where they are, he has trouble seeing past a crop of bushes about 10 yards off. The moon is only a sliver tonight, so the light is scarce. He sits up a bit, listening for a long time. After a few moments, he puts his head down to go to sleep. Suddenly, as if a tree is falling, a crash comes from the tree lines. Arian is up, he utters something, and then tosses a small bag towards the sound. A flash reveals two creatures of perfect stature charging for him. “Seekers!” Specifically designed and trained by the banshees as sleek, strong and efficient killing machines. They are demons of the underworld, and stop at nothing until the one they seek is destroyed.

They’re here for her! He wheels around and darts away from Jessica. The creatures are a bit confused, pausing for a moment to start towards Jessica, then, minding the druid, decide to chase after him as he is a bigger threat. It worked! Now I just have to stay alive long enough to remember the spell. If I remember right, it is nearly impossible to kill them.. Arian runs deep into the forest, jumping boulders, fallen trees and brush at almost every step. He can hear them pursuing him, but he can’t see them. It’s so dark. He is going through potions and spells in his head until... Arian grabs a bag from his cape, runs up a fallen tree trunk that rises to 15 feet at one end, and jumps off, spinning around, and throwing the bag while uttering something under his breath. As he falls on his back, he sees the bag explode and the two creatures are suddenly covered in an iridescent powder, causing them to glow.

Arian scrambles to his feet, while the creatures sneeze and spin, trying to get the dust off of them. They give up and proceed towards Arian, their pace quickening. Arian pulls out a sword, and while in a full run, suddenly stops behind a tree. The two creatures charge up and pass Arian by. He watches as they continue to run into the night. After a moment, Arian comes out from behind the tree and runs quickly back to camp. Jessica is still there, somewhat fevered, and still asleep. He grabs her shoulder, “Jessica, wake up, we have to break camp and head out. We haven’t much time…”

Jessica rocks back and forth then leaps awake! “EEEiiicccchhh!” She shrieks. “What were those things?”

Arian looks at her with a puzzled look, she was completely asleep during the events, but she speaks as if she saw the whole thing. “They were seekers. And we don’t want to be anywhere near them. They are after you, Jessica, we are in grave danger. We must leave right now!”

Jessica and Arian leave some of their belongings and proceed forward. Arian knows they know where they are headed so he takes a detour towards Henhower rather than proceed straight to Zod. This will slow their pursuit, and cause them some confusion. Arian casts some spells to conceal their trail, and they move on to Henhower, unnoticed and alone.

The Seed, part II

Hector is traveling on the road with a few of his men and several other Troop Leaders. As he marches through Henhower, he glances up at the mountain range to his left. It is a beautiful mountain. Norjke is what it is know as, and Hector has spent some time on those ranges, hunting and being hunted. He smiles as he reminisces. He starts to drift off, thinking of Jessica, her long, brown hair, curling around her beautiful face, her dark, brown eyes, looking right through you. As he drifts off thinking of her, he swears he hears her voice calling him… “Hector, Hector! Up here, Hector!”

Hector realizes it is too real to be his imagination. He looks off in the distance and sees Jessica and Arian. “Jessica, Arian! Oh, am I glad to see you!”

They run together, Jessica, embracing Hector. Arian, with an unusual smile on his face. “What’s that look for, Arian?”

“Oh, just surprised you survived yet another battle, hero!” Arian has a slighted smile on his face, almost mocking Hector.

Hector pays him no mind and looks into Jessica’s eyes. “You…you look a lot different. Is everything OK?”

“Oh, we were attacked again, Arian saved me though. Strange, I slept through it, but can remember the whole thing as if I were a bird watching.”

Hector glances at Arian. Arian looks away.

“No mind, lets get moving. We’re heading to Zod, and we can finally plant this tree and get on with our lives.” Hector says, eagerly.

Jessica pulls her hands away. “Hector, you have to be prepared for anything. It is possible we get attacked in Zod, and you could lose me. You have to be ready to let me go if that happens.”

Hector smiles, “If that happens, then all we know will be gone too, so, I have no fear of that, my dear.”

They march on towards Zod. As they enter Henhower, Hector notices something off in the distance. “Monsters!” He shouts, and all of the Troop Leaders immediately ready themselves. Within a matter of minutes, horns sound and the men are off. They charge into a small gathering of creatures on the open meadow and kill them quickly.

Hector rejoins Jessica after the battle and this time, Revan is with him. “Jessica, it’s good to see you. I hope all is well.” Revan says to Jessica.

“Revan, it is good to see you again. I hope all is well with you too.” Jessica says with a smile.

They mount up, and again, head off to Zod, where the Colony Tree is almost dead.