Ash Sea Chronicle/Issue 23

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Ash Sea Chronicle
The Voice of the Islands!

Disclaimer: The Chronicle would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Ashlantean Government. For information concerning the official diplomatic stances of the Isles, we suggest speaking to an appointed representative of our illustrious monarch, King Doc's Revenge Primus.
Chief of Staff: Wolfram Gunnar, former Lord Steward of the Royal Household.

Reporter: TBA

Battle Reporter: TBA

Interviewer: TBA

News Stories and Words from the Editors
News around the Continent
April 25, 2008

Pyrrhic Victories for our Enemies

For the third time this month, Ashlantean armies have beaten their stronger, more numerous foes to a brutal stalemate. This time in Wynford. Increasingly, the sight of rallying archers protecting panicked withdrawals is something we're becoming used to. This latest phyrric victory on behalf of our enemies follows on from similar battles in Barnlure earlier in the month, which forced the withdrawal of hostile forces from outside Ser'quea. Hopefully our southern neighbours have received the same clear message. -Wolfram

April 7, 2008


We apologise for the recent inactivity at the Chronicle offices. The pressures of the war have been felt across the Kingdom, leaving precious little unaffected. Of late our couriers have had to undertake dual duties of delivering the Chronicle and increasingly, many important messages around the Kingdom. Likewise, supplies for our work begin to lessen as trade is hit by the mass movement of soldiers and the economic impact of the war. Regardless, we remain ever vigilant in our efforts to spread all the news from the Ash Sea Islands. -Wolfram

April 7, 2008

Priest Mourned

Sir Trenan Fortran, a Herpetarian of Magnus and former Ashlantean was executed in Wayburg this afternoon. He shall be in the Chronicle's prayers.

Extras: March Chronicle | May Chronicle | Archives of the Chronicle