Minas Ithil/York's Elite Army

From BattleMaster Wiki

York's Elite Army

Sponsor - Duke Dante Raiva, Royal Treasurer of Minas Ithil, Duke of York
Marshal - Sir Malcor Devereaux, Field Marshal of Minas Ithil, Marshal of York Elite Army
Second-in-command - Dame Rain Aurora

  • Adam
  • Cody
  • Dirk
  • Drizzt
  • Durac
  • Enzeru
  • Faolan
  • Fennel
  • Finrod
  • Finwe
  • Flavius
  • Galen
  • Gorukha
  • Gothar
  • Hagen
  • Havoc
  • John Blair
  • Lelouch
  • Mark
  • Rain
  • Vinnie

Coat of Arm


Used on the left side before the name of the unit to display the army that unit belongs to.


  • -=YE=- Vagrants
  • -=YE=- Rangers
  • -=YE=- Phalanx