Malone Family/Alphonse

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Alphonse Malone

Ahh...Alphonse. He has always been the wild one of the family, creating mischeif where ever he goes. He started out in the Caligan Empire, but like his brother before him joined RedSpan and became a trader. He traveled far across the Atamara Continent, before deciding he wanted some action and imigrated to Beluaterra. Joining the realm of Melhed in the midst of the undead uprising. Not happy with the way the realms few gold coins were being spent Alphonse and a few others were organising a coup to over through Tzu. But before anything could come to that he was discovered as the ringleader and banned. He declared himself a rouge and wandered of looking for a realm to join. The Undead got to him first and he was wounded. He then joined the realm of Luz de Bia, Near the end of the undead invasion. Where he made a name for himself and proclaimed himself a hero. Soon he would be rewarded for his hard effort with the region of Kuugl, Now he has participated in the Fall of Midas Chia, with the Take Over of Grekh. The Nobles of Luz de Bia have placed there faith in him, by electing him as Supreme Judge.

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