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Desperatism is the worship of the most holy Goddess Despera. She manifests her power in the last moments, rescuing mortals from insurmountable odds by granting them extraordinary power to succeed in their most desperate struggles.


In the beginning, back in 955, our goddess was born. But this needs more explanation of the events that led to this...

There had been waged a major war between two malevolent deities, one a male god of justice who championed the cause of the cavalier Realm X (note to self: create background realms) and the other the patron of a nation of warrior women, a warlike Goddess reputed to be the most terribly beautiful creature to walk the realms.

After many years exhaustive fighting, the two sides called an eventual truce, though hostility remained. It was declared by the religious leaders that there would be a contest of single combat, and the Gods would choose the representatives of each side.

A young knight by the name of Andrew, mounted on a horse of great speed, whose mane was made of purest silver, was ordained by the priests to be the hero this day for the God and to glow through the sunlight as a beacon of the just conduct dealt by these warriors and indeed the priests themselves. Standing at 6'5" and wielding a mighty warhammer, he was a fearsome sight indeed.

For the women's part, their chosen representative was nearly the antithesis of all Andrew stood for. While still as respected amongst her peers, this woman, Olivia, had for years stalked the shadows, disrupting enemy lines and murdering hundreds of dozy militiamen. An adept swordsmistress, she was lightly armoured but floated as a dark angel across the ground, treating all her enemies with a look of utter contempt.

The watching hordes drew back, and at the determined time, as the clock struck three, the two combatants launched themselves towards each other and struck out with the passion and pride of their races.

It is unknown what the gods thought of this, but it is rumoured that as the first blows wee exchanged the sparks that flew ignited the passions of the God and goddess. Surveying the scene together, they came to find a greater understanding of each other, and fell deeply attracted to each other. The Just God suddenly appreciated how beautiful his adversary was, while the Warrior Goddess sensed that her counterpart was a gentleman amongst thugs. As the battle raged, so their passions became ignited,and it was such that that night, after the single combat had ceased and both combatants bowed out, weary and having suffered superficial wounds, that the Goddess Despera was conceived.


Despera wields great power, and is equally impressed by shows of loyalty and of arms. She is often known to appear to soldiers trapped in a corner by numbers of men many time their own and give them the courage to fight the overkill. Many special Forces units train in worship of her to allow them to devastate their enemies, and infiltrators favoured by her are known to be able to escape impossibly huge armies when trapped in corners after having committed great acts of sabotage.


Occasionally the spirit of Despera herself will be manifest in her chosen disciple, but it is far more often that the qualities of the two heroes, Olivia or Andrew, will be given to a follower. Feats of arms can be one way to attract the goddesses favour, but as always, hr greatest blessings come to those who, wilfully or otherwise, must call upon her aid lest the last moment of possibility become the last moment of existence.