Tara Times

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Tarabanner.png The Tara Times
Price: ONE GOLD PIECE Editor: Peter Kolak Date of Issue: March 1st, 2008

Archive History

Disclosure: Whatever is stated in the Tara Times does not reflect the opinions and ideals of all Taran nobles.

Aja Liberated!
March 5th, 2008

After 5 days of a brutal takeover, the citizens of Aja have finally been freed of their oppressors. Women are dancing naked in the streets as news of their freedom spread. The intolerance, fanaticism and rigidity of the Serpent religion have always bred low-level resentment among ASI's outlying regions, making them open to more modern faiths. Now, they are free to embrace the beliefs Tara makes available to them. This unprecedented liberty has already increased the loyalty of half the population and promoted Tara to the surrounding regions. Aja is indeed grateful to have us here.

Administrators and Government Officials are fanning out and spreading order as they go. The presence of several The Order Priests are assisting them. Still, we expect several days before control is fully ours.

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

Enter Urpo, Duke of Aja
March 5th, 2008

Urpo, the former Duke of Foda and Sponsor of the Army of Tara, has now been appointed by Dictator Lister as the new Duke of our Stronghold Region. Let all know that the people of Tara has the utnost faith in his ability to restore Aja to her former glory.

Written by Jose Dela Cruz