Heen/Judicial Agreements

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Below are the Agreements that were made between the Arch Priest of Heen and Judges of other realms, chronologically sorted:

Current agreements

  • Agreed by Heen's High Amir J. Baraedor and Judge M. Galadeon of Vlaanderen;


  1. No taking enemy nobles' gold, unless they hold on their person, 150 gold or more.
  2. No torturing of any nobles.
  3. High Councillors and Dukes to be released after one day in prison.
  4. All other nobles to be released after a maximum of two days.
  5. Any nobles with previous bans, to be deported rather than executed.
  6. Evidence of insults to the High Council of enemy realm, will void the rights of that specific noble. This evidence must be provided to the respective Judge of the noble in question.

Past agreements

Agreement between Heen and Mesh

  • Agreed by Heen's Arch Priest Medium of Heen and Supreme Judge Legault of Mesh
  • Reconfirmed by:
    • Supreme Judge Ricourt of Mesh
  • Terms:
  1. Heenites will stay out of Mesh' territory, Meshians will stay out of Heen's territory. Any potential battles between these two parties will be fought outside the borders of the two realms.
  2. Prisoners-of-war will not see their gold stolen by the Judge, and will remain in prison for the full week, unless they are able to pay the ransom before that time.
  3. Infiltrators will be punished according to the crime they were captured for. If they were captured travelling or scouting, that means they will stay unharmed. Punishments of stealing gold and banishing infiltrators are given according to the crime.
  4. Torturings or executions will not be done in any case.
  5. The above terms do not count for anyone formerly part of Vice or Varyamo Nolvo, nor for any noble that is banned from Heen for his or her behavior or actions as a Heenite.

Agreement between Heen and Plergoth

  • Agreed by Arch Priest Medium of Heen and Supreme Judge Artevan of Plergoth
  • Reconfirmed by:
    • Supreme Judge Aravan of Plergoth
  • Terms:
  1. All Heenite prisoners will be released upon arrival in the dungeons of Plergoth, and all Plergothian prisoners will be released upon arrival in the dungeons of Heen.

Agreement between Heen and Old Grehk

  • Agreed by Arch Priest Medium of Heen and Arch Priestess Thena of Old Grehk
  • Terms:
  1. Captured nobles be held no more than five days, upon which they should be released unless they should previously escape.
  2. Troop leaders may be exchanged on a one for one basis, should any two or more opposing realms have in their dungeons Troop leaders from the opposing realm.
  3. Troop leaders shall at no time be subject to torture, confiscation of funds, or execution, even for a formerly banned Troop leader.
  4. Inflitrators and Heroes who have escaped from their cells prior to an agreed upon exchange taking place, do not count as "exchanged" prisoners.
  5. Exceptions to the above mentioned situations are as follows:
    1. Troop leaders, heroes, and infiltrators who have been positively identified performing espionage actions against an opposing realm will be subject to judgment by the offended realm's Judge, Arch Priest, etc. This includes banishment, deportation, and confiscation of funds, and shall not include torture or execution.
    2. Those that can be positively identified as having participated in heinous crimes against an opposing realm (i.e., Rape and Murder) suffer in no way the limitation listed above and may be subject to the unrestrained wrath of the offended government.
    3. Assassination attempts against Nobles whose realms' relations are better than neutral shall be considered heinous (as stated above) as this is a violation of the trust between friendly governments. Attempts upon Nobles whose realms' relations are worse than neutral shall be considered lawful acts of war.
    4. Espionage actions include but are not limited to: Destruction of property, theft of realm financial assets, and the religious subversion with proven intent of conquest of the citizens of other realms.
    5. Scout Troop leaders that are captured for little more than traveling through territory owned by an opposing realm shall be released to their home realm upon capture, being held in captivity for no more than two days. These troop leaders shall also be exempt from the above mentioned sanctions against the person of a noble troop leader.
    6. Troop leaders of all other classes shall be treated equally as troop leaders, regardless of possession of troops.

Ended agreements

Agreement between Heen and Ashborn

  • Agreed by Arch Priest Medium of Heen and Supreme Judge Goran of Ashborn
  • Ended by Supreme Judge Zortagh of Ashborn
  • Terms:
  1. No prisoners will be tortured whatsoever. This includes infiltrators.
  2. Our council members will not be target of enemy infiltrators, including our dukes.
  3. Infiltrators will be deported twice before they'll be executed.