Danlawer Family/Gaius Julius

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When Gaius arrived in Perdan

Fellow nobles of Perdan,

I'm Gaius Julius Danlawer, Son of Ghaleb Danlawer. I had two brother, one died in a battle, but Jannes Danlawer is still alive. He's successful noble in the Far East where he commanded (and within several days will command again) the armies of Sartania.

I myself come from Toren, the realm on the South-East Island. I travelled away, leaving behind the treason of my land. The people back stabbed our ally without listening to the words of wise and some of the oldest nobles, including me. I was Judge of Toren for many months before I left. I served Toren for a very long time. In the beginning as a knight, but later on as a hero. I was count several times, the same with the Marshal position. I also commanded the Toren army but I served the longest as Judge. I crushed three rebellions but also worked out two incapable realm leaders.

Maybe these things don't mean anything to you... And I can understand that, but it means a lot for me. I worked very hard to achieve the goal the nobles were promised when they arrived in Toren: become one of the two last realms on the island. We worked hard to that goal and we were almost there till my brothers in our quest and I saw our work destroyed. It was hard to leave, but I couldn't live with the idea to follow a traitorous General. So I left my beloved home...

I hope to find a new home here in Perdan. A new land where my past achievements don't mean a thing, a new start... and I'm really looking forward to this start! I hope that one day I can call Perdan my home! I drink one on that!

I recruited a small unit. I will be trying to find my way through Perdan the first days, looking for a Liege and information. Any help is welcome and much appreciated. I would be very pleased if someone could tell me a bit about our current diplomatic status. I noticed we are in war with Ibladesh... and I also noticed a huge war is going on in the north.

Oh, and if someone could tell me where I'm needed, then I can leave at once.

That will it be for now...
