Astonishing Book of the Dead

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Revision as of 23:06, 29 November 2007 by Brakus (talk | contribs)
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The Astonishing Book of the Dead

The Creation




By Brakus Stien High Priest of Caergoth Kinght of the Oreder of Strength and the Sword. PUrchased the Book from Maximo on november 11 2007 it was in bad condition when he recived the book and he promptly scoulded the lowly commoner for trying to decive a noble by trying to sell him a iTem that would bring him Prestiage. How could such a book even be shown in public in the condition that t is crrently in little alone bring the owner Prestiage.

Astonishing Book of the Dead Book 43 % + 2

(more to come soon)