Tinsley Family/RP/The Note

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The Note (where Willem passes a note to Ilya)

Willem, having gotten some good rest and saw that his men did as well, gave them some time off. Some pulled out dice, as they had recently been paid. Willem didn't encourage that sort of gambling, but in the long run the men would win one week and lose the next. Besides, it kept their minds occupied. Thinking about losing some silver is better than thinking about losing one's life.

While he was in Barad Falas, he stopped by a certain shop. The keeper was a distant cousin. Fourth cousin on his mother's side, or something like that. They didn't know each other, except by name. A few days before, the shopkeeper had received a package from Menedor. It was two newly made Tinsley family banners. That way, perhaps Ilya would have a better chance of finding him. He had lost his when he was captured and his troops slaughtered in Anost. He'd heard that Eston might attack at sundown and he wanted to make sure that Ilya knew. Sometimes it is better to be prepared. He hoped that he would see her after the battle.

He went up and down the lines looking for Ilya. He knew what her banner was. Her men had done a fine job digging in. He quickly passed on a note to one of the men.

He made his way quickly back to his own men. He felt a bit ashamed, just passing notes and then almost running away, but that's what he had to do now. Other things could wait. The enemies of Falasan would not.

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