Bennet Family (Aniri)/Lucilla/Lucilla rp2

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You were captured by Vlaanderen forces during the battle in Naraka.

Lucilla suddenly woke up. She had no idea where she was. It took a few moments before her eyes adjusted to the dim light. Only then she realized she was behind bars, in a cold, windowless room. Apart from the bed she was lying on, she couldn’t see any other objects in the room.

What the…!?! Where am I?” she asked herself.

You are still in prison and will be held captive for 6 more days unless you escape or pay ransom. The new ransom has been set to 157 gold.

And then it all came back to her…the battle, the sound of the arrows flying thought he air, the clashing of the swords, the shouts of the knights encouraging their troops, the terrible screams of those who were injured and a sharp pain in the back of her neck. And then it struck her:

Bloody hell! I got captured.” she thought.

She got up from the bed and started to explore the room. “I wonder if there’s any way to escape from here…” She noticed there were some phrases written on the walls of the cell (“I’m bored”, signed Sir Thomas, ||||| ||||| |||, “All days are nights to see till I see thee, And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me”, “I will not fear, fear is the mind killer, I will not fear, fear is the mind killer, I will not fear…”), but found nothing that could help her escape.

You have made friends with a guard during the long and lonely night, and he is slipping news from the outside world into your cell (no need to bribe anyone today).

Oooh, looks who’s up!” she heard someone say. Looking out on the hallway, she could see one of the guards. He seemed to stumble on his feet and when he got closer, Lucilla sensed the strong smell of alcohol. “Someone seems to have drank a bit too much.” she thought. “I wonder if I could use this to my advantage”.

Greetings. I woke up a few minutes ago and was just exploring my room. I didn’t realize I was making so much noise, I’m sorry I disturbed you” she told the guard thinking, “I hope he’s drunk enough not to notice I’m mocking him”.

Don’t worry dear, you didn’t disturb me. I was sitting alone in my room, trying to find a way to pass the time. I heard someone moving and I came to see who it was” the guard replied, and Lucilla realized he had no idea she was mocking him.

I was the one moving, I was trying to find a way to escape.

Oh… Did you find one?

Not yet


You seem like a nice guy. Why did you choose to become a prison guard? Isn’t this an awfully boring job? I mean sitting there in your post, not having anyone to talk too, can’t be really fun, can it?

The guard sat down on the floor near the bars from Lucilla’s room, took a flask out of his jacket, took a gulp, put the flask back in his pocket and started talking. He told Lucilla the story of his life, how he was the son of a poor peasant, how he spent his childhood working on the small piece of land his family owned, how he ran away to become a knight, how he managed to get into the academy, how he was forced to leave the academy after being involved in a scandal and ended up as a prison guard. He also told her about the town he was living in, Naraka. Lucilla found out the town history and lots of pieces of information about various inhabitants of Naraka. But she also found out information about the latest happenings in Naraka, about the battles she took place in, about the battle when she got captured, and also about what had happened after she got captured.

The guard continued to talk and drink the strong smelling drink in his flask for a few hours, when, with a loud thud, he fell asleep