Ikalak Ball

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During it's desperate times, while under siege by the forces of Toren in the north and Tasalak in the west the nobles of Ikalak still found time to enjoy themselves and be merry. Duke Daveaut of Ikalak city announce a ball to be held there. The following are the events that led up to and what happened during the ball.

Raven read through the pile of letters that had been piling up as she rode along the Korlok road. Behind her she could hear her Throat Slashers laughing and comparing battle stories. Ozric was scratched a bit, but other than that it had been an easy fight, and a relief to the bottled up aggression they felt whenever they sat in camp too long.

She turned her attention to one envelop of obviously higher quality stationary.

"The Honourable Duke Daveaut Dracon cordially invites you ..."

A ball? Raven had never been to a ball, had never been dancing. Hell, before a few weeks ago, she'd never been inside an estate except to rob it. A ball?

Her eyes scanned the page to the bottom, where a scribbled postscript in the Duke's own hand read:

I hope we can finally meet. Daveaut

Well, perhaps it was time...

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

Raven's confidence had grown steadily over the weeks. The once small thief leader of the shadows was becoming something of a military leader in her own right.

But none of that new confidence seemed to serve her now as she entered the dress maker's shop. A small cluster of women were being served in one corner, a mother and her daughters by their appearance.

The young shop girl approached. "Yes, ma'am? How may I serve you?"

Raven blushed and stammered. "I,uhm...I need a dress..for a ball....the Duke's ball," she managed to say.

The girl, who really hadn't thought to take Raven very seriously up until that point, straightened at the mention of the Duke.

"Oh, yes, ma'am! We can certainly help with that," she said. "Did you have anything in mind?"

"Well," Raven blushed again, realizing that she had never in her life worn a dress before. "I want something...fresh. Something that says..." she glanced over at the women chatting happily in the corner.

Leaning over to the girl, she said, "I want something that speaks. I want something that says...." she whispered the rest into the girl's ear.

The girl blushed to her very roots, then giggled softly. "Oh, yes," she whispered back. "I have just the thing."

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

Raven looked at the dress laid out on the table.

"It's beautiful, but...," she said.

The dressmaker's girl looked worried. "Is there a problem, ma'am?"

"It's just...the material. It's so sheer. You can almost see right through it." Raven said.

Seeing the girl didn't understand, she explained.

"How will I hide my dagger?"

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

Thank you Daveaut, a girl is lucky to have a sponsor like yourself.

"Now I shall need to get to the dress makers, someone to do something with my hair, get my nails done, and maybe some rouge of my cheeks and I'll be ready in a few hours to go to the ball. Oh some new shoes as well, my a girl can be busy"

"Captain, Captain, can you look after the troops while I prepare myself for the ball?"

Freda Windwalker (Lord)

In the finest clothes Kakashi could find he waited fr the ball. He was watching all the gold,silver, and bronze things go in the palace ballroom. He got enough money for one round of beer for everyone and two for himself, he left for the ball for the ball started at sundown and he still had to kick the troops in shape. "Captain." Kakashi said. "Yessir!",Captain Heimar said with a smart salute with his sword with a diamond on the end of the hilt. "I would like the soldiers to train for at least four hours today" "Yes sir!",Captain Heimar said. With still five hours to kill till the ball he practiced dancing with himself ;yet not very well.

kakashi naruto knights! (Knight of Ikalak)

The seamstress added a few more pins to the dress Raven was modeling.

"I think it needs to be just a little bit tighter here," she said, marking it with her chalk. "And it covers just a little to much skin here," she added.

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

having been bathed, shaved and groomed all morning, the time had finally come. The Duke ordered the Palace gates opened and welcomed all those on the outside with a grand sweeping motion of his arm. Inside the nobles found counless delicacies and as much to drink as they could wish. Servants were at everyone's beck and call and the Duke surveyed the room. There were quite a few familiar faces, but none he saw that he was particularly interested in talking to at the moment.

'hmmmm where are they...' The Duke asked himself whilst upon his Chair at the head of the ballroom.

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

Darius was hiding in the shadows.

it sounded like his Duke's ball was beginning. Darius was using the down time to practice his skills on the Ikalak Milita's. so far he had "tagged over half of them. several had nearly wet themselves when he had jumped from the shadows and left bruises on his victims.

"watch yourself closer" he growled at them, "or you might be dead someday"

as he walked he kept a close eye out for enemy infiltrators. it had been along time since any infiltrators had dared enter the white city. "babes" he thought "lambs to the slaughter." the infiltrators opposing Ikalak knew without a doubt, they were not the equal of the Ikalakian infiltrator core.

still he kept a look out. assumption as the mother of all mess ups. his Duke depended on him to keep the city clear so the Ikalak Nobles could enjoy one night of peace and relaxation. Darius had no desire to goto the ball himself. he found peace and relaxation anytime he drove his twin daggers into the flesh of his enemies.

as he rounded a shadowy corner he saw a group of young militia men having a smoke. they were responsible for keeping watch of the back entrance into the ball.

Darius smiled a wolfish grin.

"time for some relaxation"

Darius O'Davidson (Knight of Ikalak)

After a bath and shaving Rev put on his finest clothing (OOC: Not really sure what a man would wear as dress clothing in this time period). Walking through the streets of Ikalak he could see the sun setting over the buildings, it was a breath taking view. It all of a sudden went out of view as the Duke's Palace. He had never seen such a building. It's lavish decorations added even more to it beautiful design. It was by far the largest building Rev had ever seen, and he wondered how one man could find use for all the rooms that it must contain.

After staring at the building in amazement for a few minutes Rev was suddenly brought back to consciousness as the servant at the gate, who was puzzled by Rev's behavior finally spoke up and asked for his invitation. Rev produced it from an inner pocket of his coat and handed it to the man. He then walked his way down the path through the front lawn. As he entered through the main entrance he was once again struck with awe. The main hall was filled with two stories high with a grand staircase leading to a balcony. Off to one of the sides was an orchestra was playing a light tune. On the other side where tables filled with people waiting to be served. In the center was a dance floor which at the current time was vacant. He didn't have as much time to marvel as before. Within a few moments a herald grabbed him by the sleeve.

"Sir once again you must tell me your name."

Brushing him off lightly Rev replied, "Rev Athins, Knight of Aboal."

The herald then pounded the bottom of his staff, loudly, twice on the floor and announced in a high voice, "Enters Rev Athins, Knigh of Aboal."

Rev decided that the first thing he would do would be to find the Duke and thank him for throwing such a grand party in such a dismal time. He wandered off in search of him.

Rev Athins (Knight of Aboal)

Dressed in green, trimmed with green, Eshear walked to the palace. The inside was alight, with food and drink spread throughout the gaping hall. He greeted Daveaut, and proceeded to a table on the far left.

Eshear Erendegard (Knight of Kietrem)

Daveaut greeted all who came including Rev and Eshear and many others. All were happily enjoying each others company and the food, but none were yet dancing. There was music....so what was the problem? Then he realized 'DUH.' Being unexperienced in these things since he was such a young Duke, Daveaut had forgotten the proper protocol. OF COURSE, the Host must start off the dancing. So, giving the room a cursory glance, and noticing that neither of his preferred choices had arrived yet, Daveaut offered his hand to one of the pretty young nobles ladies who led no troops and whose name therefore slipped his mind. But that was neither here nor there, she was simply thrilled to be the first to dance with the Duke, although lord knows why as he was not the greatest dancer in the world, and soon others crowded the dance floor.

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

The ball was amazing; with all the things Kakashi had seen going in the ballroom and more. All the best wines from the finest breweries;none from the loathed Taselak. He saw many familiar faces such as Jack,Daveaut, and Edwin the Honorable. Raven in the most stunning dress he had ever seen and Rev had very fine clothing on as well. Many of the rich men of Ikalak city were there as well,many already drunk too. Sponge was there making sure law and order was at the ball.

After thanking Daveaut graciously and having a long chat with Jack over a few beers and the finest food in the world he began to dance with a beautiful maiden by the name of Emily. Apparently Emily was from Wellaf and had taken a ship all the way just for the ball. After dancing is fill he drank more,getting all the more drunk every beer he had.

kakashi naruto knights! (Knight of Ikalak)

No one yet had caught Eshear's eye. He was only an acquaintance to functions such as these, preferring to eat, drink and talk as opposed to dancing.

This pork, musta been from Mewun. No other place for this. Pity we can't get any more

Although the beverages were great, he had bought a little something for himself and a select few. He took a sip from the bottle and promptly fell over.


He picked himself up and resumed talking, but at a more animated pace.

Eshear Erendegard (Knight of Kietrem)

Raven had been nervously waiting down the road from the Duke's estate, steeling up the nerve to make an appearance. She knew she didn't really belong among these grand lords and ladies. She was sure to make some social gaffe that would reveal her background. Finally, though, she could wait no longer.

She was escorted into the main ballroom, where the herald took her invitation and announced in a clear, loud voice:

"The Lady Raven Namtrah of Asker".

She blushed as every eye in the room turned to look at her.

"The dress," she thought. "It's too much!"

The dress. A dark, not quite black, sheer material. A small golden clasp held two narrow bands together behind her delicate neck. The bands widened just enough to cover the front of her breasts as they traversed downward to meet just above her navel, leaving her back and sides completely bare. From the waist it hugged her hips and legs tightly all the way to her ankles, with a high slit on the left side extending upward to her hip, exposing her slender legs whenever she took a step. Matching elbow-length gloves completed the outfit; her black hair was pulled up behind her head and held with an ornate hairpin, with a small strand resting on one side of her neck. The only other jewelry was a fine silver chain that lay against her throat.

As she stood at the top of the stairs that led into the ballroom, seeing and being seen, the herald leaned over to her and whispered:

"Perhaps My Lady desires to leave her sword with me for the duration of the festivities?"

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

"The Lady Raven Namtrah of Asker".

Daveaut Immediately parted himself with his current dance partner, and inconspicuously found himself a viewing lane. And what a sight it was! never had their been such a scantily clothed lady attending a ball, but somehow, the Lady Raven pulled it off regally; never keeping her eyes in a single place, he could tell she was rather nervous. Perhaps I can calm her, he though arrogantly, and began the trek across the ballroom

Upon arriving at her backside, quiet intentionally he must admit, he politely cleared his throat. She turned with a rather annoyed look, until she realized who it was....

(OOC: leaving it for you to pick up here....hopefully Victoria wont enter before we can complete ours, but if she does then i will probably just do them both at the same time if the players or Raven and Victoria don't mind....haha or perhaps I will have him make excuses and run back and forth hollywood style...now THAT would be entertaining =-D)

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

Raven blushed when she saw it was the Duke, surprised at his sudden appearance.

"Shorter than I'd pictured," she thought, and attempted an awkward curtsy. She felt his eyes traveling over her unashamedly.

"My Lord, it is an honor to finally meet such a kind benefactor," she said.

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

yet again he was astounded by her appearance

'The honor is mine M'lady, I am pleased you could make it, I was beginning to worry we would never meet.'

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

"I,uhm..." she tried to say. Leaning forward conspiratorially, she whispered to the Duke.

"This is my first ball," she said. "What do you do at these things?"

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

her first ball??? While the Duke had never hosted such a ball, he had assumed all had attended. Anyhow, here was his opening

'Well my dear, simply relax and enjoy yourself. IT IS, of course, customary to drink AT LEAST 3 glasses of wine throughout the night. And you cannot leave without saying goodnight to your truly. Apart from that enjoy yourself and mingle.....But, there is one more thing. You also must have a dance with the Duke to make sure your first ball experience is unforgettable.

And with this the Duke bowed slightly and extended his hand

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

DANCE?!? Oh, no! How could she get out of this? The Duke was standing there, waiting...she could hardly refuse...wait! There was here way out.

"Oh, thank you, Lord Dracon," she said. Turning quickly, she ran full front into Sir Eshear who was wobbling in a peculiar fashion with a drink in his hand. He dodged her, but she managed to reach up and dump his glass down the front of her dress, causing goosebumps to rise on her bare stomach.

"Oh," she exclaimed in her most feminine voice.

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

Victoria took slow, nervous steps, as she attempted to remain calm. The ground seemed to quake under her. She looked at the herald, and realizing she didn't have an -actual- invitation, panicked.

"What's wrong, miss?" The herald leaned forward and asked.

By now Victoria was breathing deeply, "I didn't get a...uh, invitation."

He raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean you didn't get an invitation? Why would you be here all dressed up?" He said, pointing at her red dress.

"The...soldiers were escorting me here." she replied sheepishly.

"The soldiers? Do you mean the Ducal Footguard? You should've said something. The Duke nearly panicked when you didn't show up. You are the Lady Victoria, Correct?"

A wave of relief swept over Victoria. "Yes," she replied.

In a deep, clear voice, the Herald announced, "The Lady Victoria Marioneaux has arrived."

As she made her entrance, she could hear Selene's voice, "You don't walk, you float!" It brought a quickly fading smile. It had been a joke, but now it was punctuated by an unpleasant memory. However, upon hearing the music and seeing the people dancing the smile was coaxed out once again. She nearly forgot why she had to be here.

Victoria Marioneaux (Dame of Ikalak)

The Duke could hardly believe his fortune.

'I fear that dress need be cleaned immediately,'

While the Duke loathed himself for not taking better advantage of this opportunity, he knew that if he dissappeared for the rest of the ball it would cause quite a commotion....better to create a reason for her to have to stick around till the end.

'Follow me, I will show you a room in which you can change into another dress....'

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

"Oh, no, please don't trouble yourself...it's nothing at all. Perhaps a towel?"

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

'no no I insist....'

Suddenly Daveaut heres 'Lady Victoria....'

Actually dear, I must attend to my guests, but please, follow Igor, he will show you to either a change of outfit, or a towel if you must.

With that Daveaut hurredly departs.

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

Raven sighed. It seemed this man was always going to get his way. Nodding her assent, she allowed herself to be led off to another part of the estate for a change of wardrobe.

At least she had escaped dancing.

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

heading towards the main entrance Daveaut turns, to make sure Raven is occupied. Indeed, she is talking to Igor about something. He arrived and was once again astonished, but in a different manner altogether. While Victoria was not as flashily dressed as Raven, she was nonetheless beautiful in much her own right. One thing he could say for sure, he could definately see Selene not only in her face, but her stature and walk as well......'I wonder if she complains about broken nails as well,' Daveaut began to think, but then was overcome, like he had been many times previously with the loss of Selene. 'ENOUGH' he said to himself, you are at your own ball, act like a duke. And without even realizing it he was in front of Victoria, and she was merely staring at him.

'uhh...errrmm. Welcome Sel...uh Victoria, I am glad you have arrived.'

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

Victoria curtsied politely, practiced from years. "It is nice to meet you, Daveaut. I was..." she paused, as she waited for the most polite way to say it to come to mind, "harried by some distracted soldiers."

Something about this man seemed all too familiar, and put her at ease. It was almost like she knew him from somewhere, years ago.

Victoria Marioneaux (Dame of Ikalak)

yes this young dame was much more practiced in the delicacies of nobleship than the other....whether that was a plus, a minus, or simply a difference was yet uncertain. What was certain, was both ladies were very promising, and very interested. Daveaut reminded himself manners were important here seeing as she was Selene's kin.....However, Daveaut had spent his luxurious youth surrounded by this one, and something about this one was enigmatic. Mystery was welcomed, however, and only increased the excitement of the Duke

'firstly, M'lady, let me apologize for the guards. They are a necessary evil as they are admittedly doltish around women, but are the best swordsmen for hire in this area. However....if I may ask...where are these men who were responsible for your safekeeping?'

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

Victoria looked at him sheepishly. "Well..." she searched for words. She couldn't just tell this man that she had her driver leave the poor guards in the dust. "I left them outside, since they were dirty." she lied. It wasn't a REAL lie, now that she thought about it. They were dirty, and she did leave them outside the 'Palace Bar'.

Victoria Marioneaux (Dame of Ikalak)

'Well dear, I cannot say I blame you. From what my informants tell me, they had quite a day chasing you around thus the dirty smelliness. They also mentioned something about trickery....but I honestly was not paying much attention as the scribe was beginning to ramble. All those matters aside, would you care for a dance?'

With this Daveaut repeats the earlier gesture of a bow and extended hand previously given to Raven; although he was not quite as confident as before considering the former had left the room with a stained dress....

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

Victoria took his hand, and smiled. She absolutely loved to dance. She really hoped that he was good at dancing as well. "Of course," Victoria replied, still smiling.

Victoria Marioneaux (Dame of Ikalak)

as soon as the two reached their desired spot on the floor the music sped up. 'UHOH,' Daveaut thought to himself. 'Well now, just remember what Mitch told you about your convert zone. nothing flashy, thats her job, just keep the elbows in, snap, and sway along with her body.' Well.....sounds good in theory

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

Raven reentered the ballroom in a stunning, though somewhat more conservative red dress.

"Wonder what the Duke is doing with a closet full of women's dresses," she thought. The music was quite loud and fast, playing a piece she had never heard before. She followed the crowd's gaze to the center of the dance floor. What she saw made her reach instinctively for her dagger.

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

Victoria kept her cool as they began dancing. She almost laughed when she saw that she was the one leading the duke to his own music at his own ball, but everything seemed to be going smoothly. He was managing to keep up, so far. She didn't trust him enough to do anything too fancy, although she managed to put in a few minor flourishes.

Soon she was beginning to get tired, for the song had a very quick rhythm. Worse yet, his steps were getting sloppy. "The song has to be over soon," she thought. Then he stepped on her foot. "Ow!" she shrieked, pulling her foot up as little waves of pain went through it.

Victoria Marioneaux (Dame of Ikalak)

After greeting the Duke and kakashi Rev walked over an sat down at a table with a few minor nobles of Ikalak city. He enjoyed a delicious meal along with some conversation. He saw the Duke start off the dancing at the ball and asked one of the ladies who was at the table with him for a dance. After returning back to the table and having some desert Rev was getting ready to go to the bar when the hearld announced the entrance of Raven. Though he did not know her he glanced over as he did when any entrance was announced. For the third time that night he was left stunned at the sight he beheld. She was beautiful and clothed in a skimpy dress. It wasn't until he saw the Duke approach her that he was finally able to bring his attention back to his table.

"How bout that drink," said one of the men sitting with him who he had offered to buy a round for.

"Ohh yes," replied Rev. They both walked over to the bar and drank a round, while chit-chatting some more. Rev then announced his challenge to all who were sitting by the bar, "To any man or woman here who thinks they can hold their liquor, I challenge you to a contest. We will drink until one of us passes out or throws up. Any takers?"

Before anyone could respond to his challenge there was another announcement of entrance. This time it was Victoria. Rev was much farther away now but could still tell that she was very beautiful, though much to his dismay she was wearing a much more traditional dress. He again saw the Duke approach her. "Daveaut is cleaning up," Rev though to himself. He also made a mental note to one day become a duke so that he could do the same thing.

Rev Athins (Knight of Aboal)

Danzi sat in front of the mirror starring with something akin to horror at the stranger staring back. Her long, thick hair cascaded down her back, shining from repeated brushing. Her blue eyes looked bigger, defined, framed by black makeup and her lips glimmered.

The dress maker assigned to her cause had worked magic. At first she had tutted and scowled at Danzi's unladylike mannerisms, not smiling, not walking or standing delicately and other trifles. But after accidentally discovering one of Danzi's hidden daggers while measuring her, and noticing the several white remnants of old wounds, she had switched to a more quiet and even scared demeanor.

Danzi hadn't cared. She had waited silently and patiently while her dress was made, and now it looked gorgeous. The silk had been coloured black-purple, and fitted her slim athletic figure through the bodice. At the hips it loosened allowing her easy movement. Small straps hung around her upper arms, leaving her shoulders bare, but tactfully hiding a horrid scar that she had on her left upper arm.

She slowly and deliberately sprayed lilac perfume onto her neck before slipping on the soft leather slippers made to match the elegant gown. As she waited she began to nervously and unconsciously twirl her twin daggers in her hands.

Lady Danzi Uceek (Outlaw)

Eladon took a deep breath. It had been a long time since he had been to something so formal. While dancing wasn't much his style, watching others dance is something that he enjoys as much as a good bar fight. Dressed in a tunic of blue and dark green with gold trimmings he proceeded to enter the ball. It was a little more exciting than he thought with nobles dancing, chatting and maybe the odd few getting drunk when the festivities have barely begun. Daveaut seemed too busy dancing for Eladon to greet himself. That didn't bother him though he was really looking for a place to sit down. He took a seat not too far from the action from the dancing and began to drink while watching the dancing.

Eladon Beorc (Knight of Ikalak)

Freda decides that the best enterance is a slow and sinuous walk into the room on the arm of one of Ikalak's most famous warriors. Ikalak had many to chose from but she decided that the man who replaced her as Grand Justiciar would be a fitting companion.

"Lord Sponge, will you do me the honour of escorting me into the Ball." Freda shivered at the feeling of the satin dress against her skin, it felt different from her armour but good like a reminder of her upbringing where satin was a cloth to wear every Sunday to devotions. "I may not know all the steps to this dance but I surely will stay off your feet. Shall we?"

Freda Windwalker (Lord)

Jack was outside the Duke's chambers again. soon after his conversation with kakashi, he left the ball. Back in his quarters, moaning a little to his captain..

A ball, such rubbish, I mean, we have 2 enemy's on our doorstep. What possibly is more inportant that that at the moment. he klapped his hands and suddenly a scout appeared. I want a detailed scouting of Berakor wihin 2hours, don't dare to come back to me with anything else.

As soon that was done, Jack turned back to his papers and started simulating troop movements again. His captain Ralf knew better that that. He knew exacly why Jack was avoiding people now....

In his young Years, Jack was a good dancer, he was even asked to go into service at the royal court. Jack fancied dancing so much, he could totaly loose himself.

However since the siege of TS some time agon Jack endured severe burnings of boiling pich. And it happened, Jack used to dance wihout his shirt...

Ralf was feeling sad to see his master in this condition. Therefore he silently left the room, to get Jack some good ale...

Sir Jack Carnes Minister of Defense of Ikalak

Danzi had waited in the room endlessly for the man who had agreed to take her to the ball, but giving up she slipped out the window and ran lightly across the Ikalak rooftops.

Reaching the palace, which she knew well, she laughed slightly at the sound of startled guards below her - Darius was having fun tonight. Deftly, she slipped down a wall face and smoothing her hair and dress, she entered discretely at the back of the ballroom and began to mingle with the lesser nobles.

Lady Danzi Uceek (Outlaw)

Raven saw Danzi at the back of the room and steeled up the courage to finally meet her heroine. Leaving the young nobleman who had challenged her to a wine-drinking contest - "'cuz you're just a wee little thing" - ignobly slumped over the table, she quietly walked over and greeted her.

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

Daveaut had not missed Raven re-enter the room, nor did he miss the look upon her face when she saw he had already moved on to Victoria. 'Good,' he thought, 'Jealousy can do wonders for a mans luck and a womans libido.' what did worry him, however, was the fact she was talking to yet another gorgeous woman, whom Daveaut had to admit he did not recognize, nor had he heard her announced at the entrance. Meanwhile, the song being over, Daveaut escorted victoria to a nearby bar and they began to drink wine and chat casually about the great woman that was Selene

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

As the young teenage noble approached, Danzi could smell the unmistakable stench of wine. It smelt, not as though she had been merely drinking it, but that she had been bathing in it.

Raven walked with an air of confidence and the smooth, suppleness of youth. Danzi felt an unusual pang of jealousy as she wondered briefly where all the years had gone.

Inclining her head politely as Raven neared she greeted her,

"Lady Raven, its a pleasure to be seen by you finally"

Lady Danzi Uceek (Outlaw)

"My Lady Danzi, the honor is completely mine," Raven said, making another clumsy attempt at a curtsy. "I have followed your career with awe, and practice the advice you gave me everyday."

Raven looked the woman over. "Nearly twice my age," she thought, "but still beautiful. No wonder the men always get that strange look whenever they mention her or read her reports."

She leaned closer to the other woman. "I practiced one of your tricks tonight," she whispered, and touched the hairpin holding her dark locks behind her head. "Stiletto. Custom made," she smiled. "Wonder if you had some advice for me in how to best stick it in a certain someone?"

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

By the time Danzi had slipped out Kakashi was VERY drunk. If he tried to dance he would have knocked someone over. He even had to send his personal bodyguard home to get more gold for beer at one point. Having drunken 5 beers.

seeing the young man who made the bar competition,kakashi scooted towards him clumsily.

"Hey you"kakashi said "I'll take on your challenge."

kakashi naruto knights! (Knight of Ikalak)

Danzi smiled at the eager and forthright noble. It felt strange to be looked so directly at, and she fought the urge to run to the nearest window. She craned to admire the hairpin.

"The secret is the way in which you hold it, they are obviously intricate weapons that rely on accuracy to be effective." she spoke matter-of-factly.

"The target will depend on preference, and what you are guaranteed to reliably hit. My favourite is the temple..." she gestured to the side of Ravens head.

"But its a small target. When starting out, it would be better to go for the neck, until your accuracy improves. It will be messier, but at least you are virtually guaranteed to hit"

The few nobles within earshot had turned deathly pale and begun moving away from the women.

"This is perhaps not a conversation the Duke would appreciate at his ball though." Her face darkened slightly, "And hopefully I won't have the need to demonstrate while I'm here"

Lady Danzi Uceek (Outlaw)

  • There is much question as to whom Edwin would be taking to the ball. As he burst through the doors into the foyer, late as usual. Everyone was surprised to see him alone. As he gazed left and right, he panned to find the one that might not even be there. Finally over towards the back, he narrowed his vision and approached. Many gals starred as he closed the gap between him and Danzi. He could hear them whisper, "who is that girl. We've never seen her before." As he approached,

"Greetings, I didn't think you would wait for me. You look absolutely delicious."

OOC: I absolutely apologize. I have a hellacious weekend. I might not be on for another day. ugh. Well, got Edwin's ass there. I will try and keep on it. Sorry hon.

Sir Edwin the Honourable Perfect II Prime Minister of Ikalak

Eshear rose slightly groggily from his seat.

The collision with Raven has not gone well, but he had to admit that she was stunning. Pity to ruin that spectacular dress. She was now conversing with an older but also beautiful woman, that Eshear did not recognize. They seemed to be looking at hair pins - very sharp hair pins.

Spose I should apologize, he muttered to himself.

Walking and swaying, he tottered over to the two women.

Eshear Erendegard (Knight of Kietrem)

After a few drinks kakashi came up to Rev accepting his challenge. Rev turned to the bar tender and layed some gold on the bar to pay for enough drinks.

"I'm trusting you to moderate this. You heard the rules, enforce them and keep the drinks coming."

The bar tender put the first round in front of each competitor. They downed them quickly and kept going.

Rev Athins (Knight of Aboal)

Danzi scowled at Edwin, but at the same time was grateful to see someone she knew. She became aware of all the murmurs and stares that the Prime Minister was attracting by being with her. Although somewhat well known by name, she was grateful for the sake of his reputation that few would know who she was.

Excusing herself from Raven, she pulled Edwin by the arm quickly to the dancefloor. Reaching up she rested her hand on the base of his neck and coming in close as their feet shuffled in time with the music she whispered,

"So was your little blonde upset you didn't bring her tonight?"

Lady Danzi Uceek (Outlaw)

Raven watched Danzi go off to the dance floor with the Prime Minister with regret; left alone again in a room of people she hardly knew.

She turned to go back to the tables just as a wobbly Eshear approached; the ensuing collision sent the contents of her wineglass down the front of her dress for the second time that night.

"Oh, for crying out loud, Eshear!" she sobbed, fighting the urge to reach for her hairpin.

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

Hmm, dangit. Me was jus going ta be apologizin for it earlier but, eh, wa

Nevva mind the dress eh, have sum a this

Eshear produced the small flask of his liquor, extra strong and specially imported by his brother.

Eshear Erendegard (Knight of Kietrem)

Raven looked at the proffered flask.

"What the hell. Can't make things worse, can it?" she thought, and took a big swig.

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

Eladon wondered why he wasn't tipsy yet. Eshear assured him that 1 bottle of imported Oritolon wine would make him walk funny for 3 days. His thought's were interrupted by a nearby commotion. It was Eshear, seems to have bumpped Raven with is tankard full. He was surprised to see that Raven accepted Eshear's form of an apology. "I think I'll stay a little longer and see if I can find out what's wrong with this wine". he mumbled Eladon approached Eshear as he stumbled away from the scene. "Eshear, why is this wine so weak. you said you I wouldn't be walking straight after the first bottle." "Oh tha, haha. I was just pullin ya leg. Don't get angry with me, here this oughta fix ya problem." Eshear fills Eladons cup with something that smells strong enough to knock out a horse. Eladon drinks it in one gulp and begins to leave. He somehow managed to walk headlong into a post and was promptly knocked out.

Eladon Beorc (Knight of Ikalak)

There was an awkward silence between Daveaut and Victoria. Victoria took a sip of the wine. It was very good, for wine, she decided. Then she downed the rest of it. She made a face, as it was stronger than she realized. She pushed the glass away from her. In an attempt to start the conversation up again, she turned to Daveaut and asked, "Do you throw out all the drunks?"

Victoria Marioneaux (Dame of Ikalak)

Daveaut was glad she had broken the silence because if Victoria hadn't, he was bound to say something royally idiotic.

"No my dear," Daveaut spoke with a slight smirk. "Only the ugly ones. You, of course, are welcome to stay as long as you like.."

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

Victoria blushed slightly at his comment. "It's just that Selene always made it sound like Ikalak nobility was infested with drunks. I've only seen about ten. Where are the rest?"

Victoria Marioneaux (Dame of Ikalak)

Daveaut was all too pleased with himself, given that blush his comment had been received well. , "Well now, lets not call them drunks.....ok, maybe they are, but they are the best damn drunks in the whole world. And, sadly, many could not make it as they are stationed in Korlok while we are refitting to fend off the Tassies."

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

Victoria wasn't really sure what to say anymore. The music was now had a slow, easy tempo though. She wouldn't get stepped on, and other nobles would see her and begin to recognize her.

Abruptly, Victoria asked, "Do you want to dance again?"

Victoria Marioneaux (Dame of Ikalak)

after the last debacle the Duke was a bit frightful of the dnace floor, but he could not back down

Of course, my dear.

And with that he took her hand and led her to the floor yet again, this time with hopefully better results.

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

Raven staggered over to the bar that Rev and Kakashi were holding onto with all their might. Kakashi looked absolutely green; Rev was rather ashen, but seemed to be a little stiffer and holding it together better.

"You boysh should try shome of thissshh," she slurred, and held up the Oritolon wine she'd been drinking.

Suddenly she felt rather dizzy. She thought she'd better go lie down, but she wasn't sure if she could make it. Turning to the room, and waiting a moment for it to stop spinning, she asked in a loud voice:

"Doesh shomebody wanna take me home to bed?"

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

Victoria was slow-dancing with Daveaut, when suddenly she heard a slurred, obviously inebriated voice saying something about wanting to be taken somewhere involving a bed. Daveaut obviously heard it as well, as his head jumped to look around, and he sort of paused. Victoria kicked him gently in the shin to get his attention, and just scowled at him, before resuming the now ruined slow dance.

Victoria Marioneaux (Dame of Ikalak)

Darius had enough of whacking wet behind the ears fools.

his most recent victims were rubbing their heads and complaining they were the Duke's guard and he ought not treat them in such a manner.

Darius laughed and his expert ears heard someone running across the rooftops, headed towards the very place he would try to enter the estate if he was on a head hunt.

he dashed to a spot that he would use to come down and quickly hid in the shadows. the person running was making little noise and moving with supreme confidence.

"at last" he thought "a foe worthy of my attention."

the person came down exactly where Darius would have if he was them and...

they were wearing a dress???!!!

Darius who had been making his move was so astonished he slipped on an old fruit and tumbled to the ground. he quickly caught himself making no noise.

"who the hell was that?" he wondered " whats more they had just brazenly walked into the Duke's party.

"Danzi" he thought "wearing a dress o Luna i have to see this."

he quickly scaled up the wall to a window to the balcony area overlooking the dance floor.

as he went through the window the first thing he noticed was the delicious smells. his stomach started to immediately let him know that it had been awhile since he had eaten. "dam that smells good" he drooled.

a servant girl was passing underneath him carrying a try of food. a servant girl he knew well. he jumped the 10 feet to the balcony and landed right behind her. she heard him land and spun around startled, too see a dark clothed figure wearing a veil. she let out a squeal that no one heard over the music and threw the contents of the platter at him while turning to dash away.

"bloody hell there goes dinner" he thought. he reached out to quickly grab her and let her know it was only Darius.... and slipped on a fresh fruit. cursing he stumbled a few feet trying to get his momentum under control. he had just managed to get his body under control when two amazing things happen. first the servant girl showed uncharacteristic courage by slamming into him from the side. something he was not expecting at all. as he once again stumbled he noticed he was near the balconies edge, as he reached out to grab the banister and stop himself... he slipped on a fresh fruit and went over the side.

"oh this might hurt" he told himself as he was falling trying to get his body righted for the fall. he grabbed at the banister again and just caught himself enough to maybe right himself and get out of this unembarrassed. it was then that the servant girl smashed his fingers with the silver platter nearly breaking them. he let go with a "yeowch!"

he now fell in an almost uncontrolled fall, right down on to one end of a table filled with food and drink and all manner of sweets.

crash "ooof"

the side of the table he landed on flipped the table over on top of him and the contents of the other side of the table flying towards the dance floor.

"oooooooooooo" he moaned "im alive, i hurt to much to be dead"

he rolled out from underneath the table and looked up in pain. right at Danzi and Edwin who were looking at him in shock. he realized he was blacking out. the last thing he remembered before he blacked out was looking at the two and saying...

"did i get him?"

Darius O'Davidson (Knight of Ikalak)

  • Laughing at Darius, Edwin looked into Danzi's eyes,

"Oh which blonde do you speak of? I have more than a handful that await to be served on a regular basis."

  • laughing, he could see Danzi's anger.

"I do appreciate you approaching me for the Duke's ball. It is very nostalgic as I was the Duke for quite some time. However, I never had the urge for such entertainment. The alcohol and lil ladies of the evening took care of all my cares. "

  • the powerful Edwin pulled Danzi close. For he was not ashamed as Danzi has seen his physic before.

Sir Edwin the Honourable Perfect II Prime Minister of Ikalak

As several guards came towards Darius, a growl of anger on their faces, Danzi disentangled herself from Edwin and interupted their march.

"Move aside!" the largest guard growled, "M'Lady", he added grudgingly.

Danzi rested her left hand on his chest and with icy command said,

"Take him to the third floor, east wing, 8th door on the left with the notched handle"

"He has spoiled the Duke's ball and has no invitation. He's going straight to the cells"

Her right hand behind her back tightened on the hilt of her concealed dagger. She scanned the room for the position of the other guards.

"It is my room - gifted to me by the former Duke. He will be my guest."

The guard began to look uncertain. Releasing the dagger she instead pulled out a pouch of gold from which she handed him several gold pieces. The guards disposition changed instantly and he replied eagerly,

"Yes M'Lady"

"And have a physician see him"

"Yes M'Lady"

She turned back to Edwin as they began to carry Darius away and handed him the purse with its remaining gold.

"Thankyou for your generosity Prime Minister" she smirked.

"Criminal" he retorted.

"Noble" she said with equal disgust.

"Now, where were we?" she said, moving in closer, completely oblivious to the stares and questions surrounding them.

Lady Danzi Uceek (Outlaw)

After a few round of their compettition had passed Rev and kakashi were both well into the realm of drunkenness. The bar tender put the next round out and after a few moments both contestants picked up their glasses and started to down them. Rev was somehow holding together. He had managed to keep his suit completely dry. Normally he was a sloppy drinker. He finished the round and placed the glass on the bar at about the same time a kakashi did. kakashi looked as if he were wobbling a bit, or was that himself wobbling, Rev couldn't tell.

As the bar tender poured the next round of drinks Rev heard a voice and looked to see whom it was coming from. He knew he had seen the lady before but was too drunk to realise that it was Raven who he had stared at earlier when she had made her entrance. All he knew was the that she was pretty and was holding some sort of alcohol which she appeared to be offering to him. He gladly accepted and took a swig. The lady whom had just offered him the liqour then turned and said something about herself and bringing her to bed.

"I'll hav yoush inn bed any day, babe," Rev managed to stammer.

Rev then heard a loud cry of pain and turned to see a man smash trough one of the buffet tables. Upon seeing this Rev downed the rest of the liqour the lady had given him. He quickly realized that was a mistake. He felt it in his stomach, then the sudden rushing sensation in his mouth. The next thin he knew vomit was flying out of his mouth all over the young lady. Seeing this kakashi jumped up and shouted, "I WON!" Then tripped over a chair and laded hard on the floor. Rev then looked up at the girl he had vomited on and commented, "You're prettyyy."

OOC: Sorry Raven couldn't resist once the idea popped into my head. I also love the iorny of the fact that I am just sobering up while writing an RP about being drunk. Also sorry about the spelling, I'm way to tired to spell check.

Rev Athins (Knight of Aboal)

Vomited on! the voice screamed in her head. Raven couldn't believe it. She came to the ball with a romantic rendezvous in mind, and ended up with a ruined dress, two drinks spilled on her, the jerk hanging all over another woman and then finally vomited on. She was glad that Danzi's hand had grabbed her own before she had been able to thrust the hairpin in his eye, but it didn't make her feel any better about how the night was going.

She wandered down the hallway of the the Duke's inner rooms, swaying slightly but generally more sober than before. Approaching a door with a guard on either side, she managed to say "Duke...said..."

The guards nodded and stepped aside. Entering, she realized this wasn't the room where she had left her dress. But the bed was so big, and soft looking , and she was so-o-o sleepy.

A lady-in-waiting approached and wordlessly removed the stained dress.

"If My Lady would wait for one moment, I'm sure..." The rest went unheard. Raven lay face down, fully unclothed, on the Duke's down-filled bedspread.

The lady-in-waiting shrugged. Not the first time, she thought, and carefully pulled the bedspread over the sleeping Raven.

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

Eshear saw Raven being vomited on by the now subconscious Rev. Knowing the effects of this great liquor, he followed after Raven and Danzi. Eladon was correct. First time drinkers may not walk straight for a week, unless they drank a violent concoction that Eshear carried in his pocket. Seeing Raven enter a room, he took a swig of this liquid, causing his vision to return to normal and his walk to become slightly less wonky.

Not wanting to embarrass Raven, he decided to write her a note with some doses of the hangover curing drink.

Dear Raven,

I see you have experienced the good and ill effects of Oritolon extra strong. Enclosed is a mixture that can lessen the effects of your hangover. Otherwise, you would not walk straight for several days.

- Eshear

Eshear handed the note and a bottle of the concoction to a lady in waiting that was walking out of the room.

For Raven.

Eshear Erendegard (Knight of Kietrem)

OOC - an addon

Walking out of the chambers, Eshear plonked a bottle in front of Rev and Kakashi.

Amateurs, he muttered.

Eshear Erendegard (Knight of Kietrem)

Shin throbbing, regretting he had missed his chance with raven (or so he thought) he wondered if by his previous actions, he had done so with Victoria. She was currently looking at him, obviously expecting an explanation.

"I meant nothing by it Victoria, I simply do not want an intoxicated woman to have to home alone....ehhh I mean I do not want an intoxicated woman to have to walk the streets alone as there are all kinds of thugs that walk about."

knowing she would not believe him, Daveaut was simply hpoing for a little leniency here.

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

Darius had a headache.

he had woken up to find himself in bed and being tended to by the Duke's own personal healer , whom Darius knew well.

after scoldng him about acting like a fool the healer had told him any other man would be dead but it appeared other than a lump on his head from the table he had landed on he was fine.

"tell that to my fingers" Darius told him grumpily working his aching fingers.

"Daveaut is not pleased that a mere servant girl took out his personal infiltrator, said something about all that training." the healer told him.

Darius growled and got up quickly which sent another wave of pain through his aching body. he worked for a few minutes stretching doing exercises he knew would relieve the ache of his muscles.

"where is Daveaut and how long was i out?" he asked.

"barley 20 min and the last i saw the Duke was dancing with a very pretty lady. some kin to the deceased Selene i believe." the healer answered.

"i see" Darius said "wait this is not my room how did i get here"

"no idea now if you don't mind i will get back to the ball", the healer said testily. "try not to get any more bumps on that head of yours." with that he walked out.

Darius could help but smile. "well i certainly made a grand entrance." he thought and started laughing, quickly stopping as his head was still pounding. "don't laugh idiot, at least he could have given me something for the pain." he thought.

"well i might as well go wait for Daveaut." he decided. no doubt his Duke would want an explanation of how it was that Darius had fallen off the balcony and onto an expensive table laden with expensive food and drink.

the thought of food made his stomach growl. he would ask the Duke's lady in waiting to have some food brought to him.

he walked to the Duke's room, he always met Daveaut n his room to make his reports. a Duke's personal killer always knew his Duke's secrets and sometimes he had to handle things the Duke didn't want anyone else to know about. all in all Daveaut took very good care of him and the two trusted each other completely.

Darius walked into the Duke's sleeping quarters and had a seat in the waiting room. a few seconds later the Duke's lady in waiting came out of the bedroom.

"Darius!" she said "are you alright i heard from the servant girl who came to clean the ladies dress you had been thrown off the balcony by a servant girl. Rhiana i think it was."

Darius groaned soon the entire kingdom would know about his little escapade, the servants were the worst gossips in the kingdom. "its seems." he told her, "that Luna has seen fit to give me a lesson in humility." he grinned "im starving think i can get some food?"

"of course my lord the Duke may not be here for awhile the ball is really just getting started." she replied, "although the Duke's entertainment is already in his bed passed out."

Darius nodded "thank you very much"

as she left he wondered just who the Duke's entertainment was. so he got up and walked into the bed room to have a look. whoever she was she was covered in blankets so Darius whipped them off, to find a young naked woman lying there.

"man" he thought "she isn't one to waste time she is ready and waiting for when he gets here."

he admired her lean athletic body, firm and subtle. he whistled appreciatively. this is not what the Duke usually likes he likes them soft and well endowed, flufly little court noblewomen. this girl was more like well an infiltrator. she had a few scars too, gave her character.

he did not know her and he knew all the noblewomen, pretty servant girls and merchant daughters in the city. he reached to roll her over to see her face and froze. she was naked but in her hair there was no mistaking it, a stilleto custom made and not cheaply, definetly an infiltrator weapon. he quickly removed it from her hair and examined the weapon. from a lesser known weaponsmith not considered very good at making swords which was just as well because weapons of assassination where his preferred trade. Darius had used him before.

this is not an Ikalak infiltrator he thought i know all of them personally. he rolled her over to look at her face. definatly not someone he knew and that meant she was a spy or an assassin. Darius had not shadowed his Duke's every movement when he had been appointing lords to the different regions, to have him assassinated in his own bed.

this girl has some explaining to do, gripping the stilleto he smack her as hard as he good an her tight well formed bare bottom.

Darius O'Davidson (Knight of Ikalak)

Molot got out of his carriage, he was late for the beginning of the ball, but seeing as the ball was to last several days, he was sure that there would be more people to join the ball after him. He had placed his second in command in charge of training his men and keeping them in high morale, and sped off to the ball.

He had spent several weeks preparing for the ball, he assumed he knew how to act as a noble, but still felt clueless as to what exactly the purpose of the ball was.

He walked up to the herald trailing some other late comers, he was inexperienced when it came to formal events, he was after all, the first noble of his family's bloodline. As such, he would either receive a warm welcome or lots of scorning looks. He had heard many warnings that nobles did not like their company invaded upon by people who grew above their bloodline's social class.

Nevertheless Molot was confident, brave, young, and above all naive. As Molot approached the herald the later loooked at him as if he was struck from behind with a club.

"May I ask your name please?" the herald asked running his eyes up and down Molot's decorative uniform.

Right away Molot felt even more nervous,

"Even this herald thinks I am a no one." he thought.

Being young has its virtues though, straightening himself up under the weight of his costume Molot replied with a raised chin,

"Molot Dlinoruki, Knight of Wellaf",

The herald turned away form his costume and announced the young noble.

Molot enjoyed the attention people paid his costume. It was really nothing special - just a decorative military uniform, every noble had one even if he or she had never served as a soldier. But his uniform was an attention grabber. Great patterns of weaving and swirling golden and silver threads glistened all over his dark green uniform. Medals - small, insignificant, and very common were pinned on the left side of his chest, but the silver and gold trimming in the background made them look valuable. To him, these medals were indeed very valuable - they attested to him rising through the ranks from peasant to noble through military servitude, not just being a noble-born child. He had designed the uniform himself, he disliked tailors who tried to fit him with a suit, it was like having a peasant writing about what it was like to be a noble - the noble would never appreciate it. The enormous amounts of gold and silver weighed the uniform down - they were not light metals, but his service as a soldier had made him strong as an ox.

Molot stepped down off of the entrance platform and began to mingle with the crowd as best as he could, trying desperately to pass himself off as a noble.

Molot Dlinoruki (Knight of Wellaf)

After winning the competition Kakashi promptly vomited on the bar. He gave the bar tender more gold for his trouble. Kakashi was tired and groggy and had saw the stilletto hairpin which made him slightly more alert of Raven when she had been removed from the bar. Getting his bodyguard to pick Rev up and prop him against a chair,for he ahd fought a nice battle. He could hear Rev mumbling in his sleep. Since his brother,Shikamaru, was from Alebad(which is warring with Oritolon)he refused to touch the liquor Raven had slapped down in the vomiting confusion. Since he had no buisness there he decided to dance among the ladies after he was partly recovered from his drunken spell. Spinning and twirling awkwardly with a beautiful blonde for a while then,being so tired he could hardly stand, he left the ballroom for the wonderful place he called home.

kakashi naruto knights! (Knight of Ikalak)

Raven sat up suddenly when she felt the slap. Twisting to face whoever had smacked her, she realized several things more or less simultaneously.

Her head didn't hurt and wasn't spinning as much as before. Whatever that stuff was that maid had forced her to drink had had the desired effect.

She was as naked as the day she was born.

There was a strange man sitting at the end of the bed, and he had her hairpin in his hand.

She covered herself quickly with a pillow - he had pulled the bedspread completely on to the floor - and measured up the man.

Who was he?

He looked like he'd been in a fight. Scratch that. He looked like three big goons had beat on him at will until they had finally got bored and tossed him in the gutter. Bandages, bruises and scars everywhere.

Obviously not a drunken noble, or he would have just climbed into bed with her. Also, he clearly realized that the hairpin was not just a decorative piece. Perhaps he was one of the Duke's men and this was his bedroom she had unceremoniously taken over?

In any case, she needed to get out of here. She could shout for the maid, but if this was this man's room, she probably wouldn't come in to interfere. She looked the man over, trying to see past the bandages and bruises. Nope, didn't look any handsomer that way. Well, as Danzi had taught her, when an infiltrator is caught, she must do whatever necessary to get out alive. Whatever necessary.

She shifted the pillow so that one slender, creamy-white leg was exposed as far as the hip, and with a seductive smile said:

"Oh, I'm sorry - is this your bed? There's room enough for both of us, you know."

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

Rev awoke sitting in a chair. The room wasn't spinning anymore, but his head still pained him terribly. He saw the bottle Eshear had left thought for a second about it. Thinking it was more alcohol instead of an antidote he promptly stated, "No more," and pushed it away.

He realized he should get some more sleep, and stood up to leave. He got half way to a standing position before he fell back into the chair. Deciding it was a good enough place he laid his head on the table next to him and was back asleep almost instantly.

Rev Athins (Knight of Aboal)

"It is my room - gifted to me by the former Duke. He will be my guest." Quoted Danzi.

"Your Guest? I didn't realize that you were here with someone?"

  • The Large Edwin Smiled as he soaked in the stares along with the his comment which would most certain recommend his place among the land of cocky bastards. Regardless, he conversed with Danzi for awhile until the scent of regurgitation filled the air causing the Good Prime Minister's discomfort.

"lil lady, while the air is more than appetizing, I do believe that I am going to retire for the evening. Will you be needing anything other than my company tonight?

  • Edwin paused a moment for Danzi's reply fully expecting the kind of treatment that would be deserving of one that arrived late, wanted to leave early, while surrounded by an aura of arrogance that had a unique annoyance yet somewhat contagious allure. He was awesome, you only had to ask him.

Sir Edwin the Honourable Perfect II Prime Minister of Ikalak

"Will you be needing anything other than my company tonight?"

Danzi looked around at the ball, she had quite enough also. In truth she had wanted to experience the feeling of arriving through the front door as an invited guest, but Edwin had spoiled that - she glared slightly at him.

"Your little blonde can wait... she has you every other night. If your guards will leave you, I would like to show you a place in Ikalak city."

She paused for effect,

"I guarantee to personally see to your safety"

She grinned smugly, knowing full well the guards that followed the PM everywhere were only for ceremony. The man was huge, and as Duke when Ikalak had been wealthy, she had seen him training in the academy. His skill with the sword complemented his strength.

Her thoughts began to wander as she wondered on her chances of being able to best him. His right swing was deadly, but when he trained on his left side his swing was slightly higher leaving an opening directly to his ribs. That would be her best chance. She wondered if he would use his left hand when defending for his life though, or if he only trained with it because the trainers insisted a knight be able to fight either side.

Realising she had just been planning how to assassinate the Prime Minister, she guiltily stopped her thoughts. Waiting for his answer she began to feel uncomfortable wearing a dress and being seen by so many people, she wanted to leave.

Lady Danzi Uceek (Outlaw)

Victoria looked at Daveaut. Obviously, he was desperate for an excuse. Accompany her to her home? He was as bad as the men he sent to "guard" her.

"It's not like she would get past your men," Victoria replied coldly.

Victoria Marioneaux (Dame of Ikalak)

"Your little blonde can wait... she has you every other night. If your guards will leave you, I would like to show you a place in Ikalak city."

"my lil blonde? ha ha ha, which one. Danzi, with that dress on and your hair as it is, you can show me anything you want. And stop sizing me up. You have a good chance, but the odds are against you throwing that hair piece in me."

The Good PM and Danzi walked out of the Castle.

Sir Edwin the Honourable Perfect II Prime Minister of Ikalak

Freda bristles as one of Judge Sponge's scribes walks up to him and calls him away."Lady Freda, I would have loved to dance with you but unfortunately, duty calls." Sponge looks devastated by the scribe's news and reluctantly walks towards the dungeons.

Freda decides that the night must go on and looks around for a likely dance partner. She see's an explosive discussion between the young Raven and Rev but decides not to get involved. After all, satin does not like liquids being spilt on it.

She looks towards the entrance thinking "should I stay or should I go?"

OOC: Anyone like to walk in and start dancing with Freda????

Freda Windwalker (Lord)

As they walked into the cool, crisp night air Danzi felt immediately better, but also little nervous being with Edwin.

"This way", she directed, leading him through a tangle of streets and houses, heading towards the city wall. They reached the hulking stone wall that surrounded the city and she opened the door at the base of one of the turrets. Inside ladders seemed to go up and up for eternity. As she climbed she began to feel a little self-conscious, she turned to see if Edwin was keeping up and he grinned confidently. She was surprised to see how quickly and easily he climbed despite his bulk.

At the top of the last ladder was a small trapdoor which she pushed open and climbed through. Edwin followed. They were balanced on a narrow rooftop overlooking Berakor, the sparkle of the small Toren encampment could be seen. Turning around, the city of Ikalak could be seen sprawling in front of them. The houses twinkled with lights and the Palace shone as the candles flickered against its white washed walls. The scene was one of beauty.

Edwin was looking over the rooftops and Danzi blushed slightly,

"Have you ever seen the palace from this angle before?"

Lady Danzi Uceek (Outlaw)

The hours passed like a slow river, one after another. Baldur cheked the horizon, toward Aboal, before part of this great realm, now the battlefield for its survival against the tracherous Taselakians.

Time has been not good to Baldur and his men. From what was a very proud and big unit, now only 15 men remain, full of bitterness and anger toward the ones who betray them and almost killed the realm.

But not all was lot. The realm still endured, and Korlok walls were still full of guards, like a wall where the Taselakian waves of men broke whiout making damage to the White City a few miles behind. And now a ball was in Ikalak, a festival to celebrate the existance. Yes, that was good.

That wanst an option for Baldur and his Blackguards. They have their post, ensuring that the realm could have a quiet and happy day and night.

"Captain Lupold!" called Baldur. Some moment later a veteran soldier appeared. "Have you called me mylord?". "yes Lupold. The men are growing to relaxed. That is not good. Arrange everything for a break in the south wall scenario. A big enemy company of mixed infantry. I will lead the opfor units". "Has you order mylord, i will have everything ready in an hour".

Baldur Mekorig (Lord)

Lance enters through the front entrance and bears his invitation to the guard.

"Awfully late aren't we there Sir Lance," the guard ask. "My suit arrived late." Lance walks to the refreshment table and gets himself a glass of some of the hardest liquor there. He sits down at a empty table and sips at his drink slowly. Being new to these events, Lance feels better sitting at the table for a little and wait until he has a few more drinks. "Wonder what else there is to do at these balls besides drink and dance." Lance mutters aloud.

Hans The Mont (Knight of Ikalak)

"now now, no need to be harsh Victoria, you have my undivided attention, and you shall for as long as you would like it."

Just then, at the worst possible time of course, one of his chamber-maids came and told Daveaut that Darius was awaiting him in his room. He was overdue a scolding for the commotion he caused a few minutes earlier, and Daveaut did not want to keep his friend waiting. So although he regretted having to shoot himself in the foot once again that night, he did.

"Of course, my ducal duties will distract me from time to time, but besides those, you have my undivided attention. With that I ask your leave."

With that the Duke rose, lightly kissed Victoria's hand, and left for his room

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

The Duke arrived at his door and stopped. Should he have left Victoria? He had not given her a chance to say anything upon parting, but he was sure she understood he had obligations. With that the Duke entered the room fully prepared to scold Darius for his clumsi.......the thought was lost as he saw Darius sitting on the foot of his bed holding up a hairpin dagger, and, to his surprised, Raven being completely naked under his pillow looking rather seductively at Darius.


Daveaut shouted obviously irritated and wanted a quick response.

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

Eshear was bored and decided to go and thank Daveaut who had been very generous with his gold lately. Seeing him leave the hall, he followed Daveaut. He realised that this was the same route to where Raven was sleeping. The door opened, and Eshear heard Daveaut's roar:


Coming up behind the aggravated Duke, he caught a glimpse of Darius and the unclothed Raven. Eshear laughed.

Duke, you will find that Raven has consumed Oritolon ale, with it's very very strong properties. She doesn't know what she's doing! And Darius must have an addled brain from the fall! This is nothing to worry about, just a coincidence and a mistake.

With that, he offered Daveaut his flask. He winked at Raven and Darius. Grabbing the Duke by the nose, he shoved the bottle into his mouth, pouring down copius amounts of Oritolon ale.

Suddenly she heard the sound of someone entering the room, and looked up to see Duke Daveaut standing in the doorway.

The man was startled, and turned to say something.

Like a cat, she jumped up, grabbed the bedspread and threw it over his head, twisting it around his torso. Pulling a decorative tassel from the bed's canopy, she wrapped it around him like a rope, pulling it tightly until she heard him grunt, and pushed him backwards onto the bed.

The hairpin had been knocked to the floor. She picked it up and climbed back on to the bed. Straddling him, she leaned forward and poked him sharply in the nose with the weapon.

"What's the matter? Can't stare at the naked little girl with that blanket over your head?" she taunted. "Want me to poke some eye holes in it for you?"

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

Daveaut was shocked and had no idea what had just happened. What he did know was his knees were quite a bit wobbly and Raven was now straddling Darius......hmmm What he wouldn't give to be Darius. WAIT....she had a knife.'

"WOAH WOAH Raven...hiccup....no ned to PECK out hish eyesh........thatsh Draius....err Dariush.....he is mi friend. now come here darling."

With this, Daveaut staggered over and went to pull Raven off of Darius...while bringing her as close to him as possible of course.

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

"definatly an infiltrator" he thought

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS???!!!" he heard a familiar voice say. he turned to look at his Duke, it was a near fatal mistake. he felt her move like quicksilver. he tried to turn quickly but she had the bedspread over his head in a flash and he was still moving slowly from his tumble off the balcony. he cursed as he started to fall and she pumeled him on the side of his head. she grabbed a tassel and quickly wraped him up neatly. Darius quickly filled his lungs to max capacity and held his arms away from his body as far as he could. the girl kicked him onto the bed and he lost a grip on the stiletto. she quickly grabbed the stilleto and jumped on top on him. he could her a commotion near where the Duke would be. "oh no." he thought, "there are two of them!"

"What's the matter? Can't stare at the naked little girl with that blanket over your head?" she taunted. "Want me to poke some eye holes in it for you?"

he quickly kicked up his legs and fliped himself, she went flying through the air off the bed and landed with a crash. two seconds later he had quickly cut himself out of the bedspread and turned to defend his Duke...

who was standing near a young noble holding his bleeding nose

"WOAH WOAH Raven...hiccup....no ned to PECK out hish eyesh........thatsh Draius....err Dariush.....he is mi friend. now come here darling." his Duke said.

"my lord i think she might be unconsciousness, do you know her? Darius asked wincingly.

Darius O'Davidson (Knight of Ikalak)

"my lord i think she might be unconsciousness, do you know her? "

"Unconscious...yes...what a good idea," she thought, as the world faded to black.

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

Everything had gone to plan - sort of. He whipped the blanket over Raven and dumped her on the bed. Picking up the stiletto, he placed it beside her. He slipped a bottle of the caffeine, oil and smelling salt mixture into Daveaut's pocket and pushed him out of the room.

So, Darius. Have a nice fall?

Eshear Erendegard (Knight of Kietrem)

"Why yesh my friend. Har har....it appears you have been caught unawares by two women tonight."

The duke could not help but laugh out loud at the great Darius and the predicaments he had gotten into tonight.

"Now lets get her back into the bed so she can rest."

With this Daveaut picked Raven up as gently as his now inebriated body would let him, and set her down in the bed, Recovering her with the sheets.

  • OOC: now would be a GREAT time for Victoria to get nosy =-D

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

"Have you ever seen the palace from this angle before?"

  • Edwin wasn't sure what she meant. For he was Ikalak's Duke for a majority of his life. He had seen these walls, lights, and enemy encampments countless occasions throughout his career. However, what angle was she referring to?

"Many times Danzi, However, never the privilege of seeing them while you weren't trying to hide yourself."

  • Instead of the entrance he exited the traditional way, brushing past the Captain of the guard. Whispering,

"I will not be watched tonight."

  • For Edwin knew why the lights were different tonight as he made his way down the wall. He didn't want anyone to know what if anything that would transpire from here on out.

OOC: If anyone gets offended by this stuff, just let me know. I'm bored and making a bunch of crap up.

Sir Edwin the Honourable Perfect II Prime Minister of Ikalak

"Lord Lawrence Expatriate, Knight of Iron" boomed the herald as he entered the room.

His carefully chosen outfit was a testament to his personality. He was wearing a stylish, well-made suit that nevertheless allowed him to blend into crowds, designed to allow him full range of motion and with small, custom made chainmail links protecting his vital organs, A dress sword, which he refused to check was on his hip, and few besides his close friends knew that it was a battle ready blade and not a shiny toy as many such swords were.

He walked around the room with a flagon of ale, as he preferred simplier drinks, and, after seeing the Duke and Sponge depart on business (be it prisoners or attractive ladies, whichever they prefer) sought out his friends Edwin, Oberon and of course Lucky Jack.

Chatting with nobles and perhaps asking Freda to a dance, he continued his walk. Balls always made him uncomfortable. He had not reason to fear anything here, surrounded by friends, but he prefered small groups of close friends, friend who knew his odd little habits, such as talking to himself, and no longer reacted to them.

"We have come far," he muttered, surprising a few nobles who heard him speaking to himself," far indeed. I remember when we were on the edge of distruction, and now our valor and skill have earned us a few precious hours in which to relax. As much as I dislike these, I pray we have many more in the future. Despite my preferences, I would rather that Ikalak's nobles danced with each other rather than death."

Lawrence Expatriate Count of Wellaf

Darius was confused.

Duke Daveaut and a longtime hero of Ikalak Eshear were picking the girl up and covering her.

Why yesh my friend. Har har....it appears you have been caught unawares by two women tonight." his Duke said as he moved the girl into what he prolly thought was a comfortable position. "So, Darius. Have a nice fall?" asked Eshear as he was seemingly trying to distract the Duke and move him out of the room.

Darius did a double groan. "Luna im never gonna live this night down." he told himself. "oh how pride does goeth before fall the priestess of Luna that served his mother constantly told him. now he completely understood.

did Eshear thing there was something between, what had the called her, Raven and himself? he kept winking at Darius and trying to move Daveaut out of the room and the Duke was having none of it.

"my lord i think if you know her you should call a healer she has taken a nasty fall and im afraid i thought you were under attack so i was not gentle with her." Darius was worried she had a nasty cut and a large lump on the side of her head.

"im confused as to whats going on here really." Darius confessed.

he reached down and picked up the stilleto from beside the young Raven, she really was desirable.

"this" he said "is an assassin's weapon, when i found her in your bed with nothing but this not knowing her i assumed she was sent to take you out.

"is she an infiltrator? if so why was i not told of her and introduced?" he asked. "that was a near thing, if she had not stopped to gloat he might not have come out of this without a serious wounding or worse dead." he thought.

"you will learn girl, gloat after you have the knife already in them" he said to himself.

he looked expectantly at his Duke.

Darius O'Davidson (Knight of Ikalak)

After taking a swig of the bottle Eshear had given him, the Duke was feeling much better

"No Darius, she is now a simple noble, but i believe she aspires to being an infiltrator, and she seems to have a natural ability for it if you ask me....or those nearly taken out eyes of yours. However, this girl is of special interest to me, of which business NEITHER of you should be concerned, so please try to treat her as well as possible and do not try to bed her as you would another."

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

After being abruptly left by the Duke, Victoria headed to the bar, squeezing past the people dancing. She sat down, noticing there was a man passed out in a chair. The bartender was standing, cleaning some mugs. In a rather gruff voice, he said, "What would ye like?"

"Umm, whatever he is paying for." Victoria replied, pulling a coin out of Rev's purse while he slept nearby.

The bartender let out a big, booming laugh as he slid the coin off the table and into his pocket, "Alright lass, heres something you might like. Not too strong, good flavor." He said, pulling out a wineglass and filling it up with a deep, red liquid. Victoria suddenly recognized the bottle.

"Thats from Kietrem, isn't it?" she blurted out.

"Aye, fine stuff. Most of the from elsewhere just try to make the brew as strong as possible." he replied, and set the glass in front of her. "Enjoy." With that, the bartender went back to polishing his assortment of mugs, tankards, and wineglasses.

Victoria sipped at the wine, enjoying it. What she really wanted was someone to talk to.

Victoria Marioneaux (Dame of Ikalak)

Eshear was not winking. The side effects of the hangover cure were super increased alertness, and twiches, among others. Seeing Daveaut was not going to budge, he let go of him.

Darius, if you weren't so busy hiding, you may have noticed that we have several new nobles in our midst, coming from various backgrounds. Raven looks like a natural for infiltratoring, as the duke just mentioned.

Eshear Erendegard (Knight of Kietrem)

Darius nodded at Eshear. "quite right" he said.

now that he thought about he had seen a few realm letters from someone named Raven.

However, this girl is of special interest to me, of which business NEITHER of you should be concerned, so please try to treat her as well as possible and do not try to bed her as you would another." Daveaut said.

Darius cocked an eye at his Duke, he saw something in his eyes but apparently Daveaut had been practicing the body language exercises Darius had shown him, because Darius read little from him about just what this interest was.

"then i suggest we call the healer, it seems he is to have a busy night. still i tell you this is no simple noblegirl, she has trained with an infiltrator at some point. at least been taught the basics." he told his Duke.

Darius O'Davidson (Knight of Ikalak)

"That may be, my friend, but leave the questioning to me. However, I do appreciate your attentiveness, even if it was wrong in this case; as i know your intuition is usually superb. And yes Have a healer sent in, i must return to the ballroom."

With this the Duke Departed and heading back to find Victoria to resume where he left off

OOC: Done for the night, expecting Victoria will be drunk and possibly singing hilariously by the time i get back on tomorrrow =-)

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

Danzi walked pass the guard and followed Edwin. She felt more apprehensive and uncertain than she would've felt walking through the entire Taselakian army with a stolen uniform on. But she let him lead her along the wall.

Watching him walking in front of her, she admired the outfit that had been tailored for him for the ball. She knew he was not fanciful of what clothes he wore, if any, but while he was facing forward she took the opportunity to admire the quality of the deep blue velvet coat and the way it accentuated his broad shoulders before tappering to his waist and hanging nicely over his buttocks.

Usually she didn't care that she was an infiltrator, she believed she did more work for Ikalak than any noble that sent trained peasants into battle. But she knew, that dressing up as a noble didn't make her one and so she wondered, 'How is it that the most dishonourable member of Ikalak ends up spending the evening with such a man?' She smiled a little to herself, 'perhaps he was too scared to say no"

Lady Danzi Uceek (Outlaw)

Darius grunted his assent.

as the Duke and Eshear left Darius saw the Duke's lady in waiting standing in the room looking shocked with a heaping platter of food and a pitcher of something to drink.

"mmmm....yyy lord, what has happened here?" she asked as she took in the now nearly destroyed room.

"o just a little misunderstanding." Darius said taking the platter and the pitcher from her. "please have a healer sent immediately lady Raven has sustain a minor head wound and needs attention."

"yess my lord, dddiiiid you stab her?" she breathed almost silently.

"not at all she has taken a tumble and hurt herself." Darius reassured the servant, "now quickly fetch the healer."

"yes my lord at once." the servant woman said as she dashed away. the guards outside the door were looking in curiously, Darius waved them away and they quickly retook their positions.

he sat down and quickly consumed the food and ale. he aways ate quickly, an infiltrator often had to eat on the run or eat quickly so he or she could keep moving.

his hunger sated he kept watch over the unconscious girl until the healer arrived. "Darius i might have known, what have you got involved in now?" the healer asked.

"not me the girl she has a headwound and she is precious to the Duke so i suggest you do a good job." Darius said.

he was not in a very good mood and the healer knew it, he and his assistants quickly started working on the young woman.

after a few moments she seemed to show signs of coming around.

"she will be fine i think." the healer said. "its a clean cut and not very deep. headwounds bleed alot but in this case its not serious."

"excellent." Darius said. "see she is constantly attended too." he showed the healer and the assistants the hairpin, then he weaved into his own long hair.

"if she asks tell her were this is." he told them.

he took a necklace from around his neck, it was tight fitting so as not to be hanging if he got in a fight. sometimes Luna sent rocks down to the Earth. his family collected as many of these rocks as possible and made religious artifacts and jewelry in Luna's honor and likeness. the stone on the necklace was a full moon. symbolizing Luna lighting the path of all her Hands, which is what infiltrators of her religion were called. he bent over and put it around the young girls neck. "may Luna light your path young one, the path you seek is fraught with sorrow death and heartache." he prayed

as he left the room he could hear the girl waking up.

Darius O'Davidson (Knight of Ikalak)

Lawrence walked around the palace, admiring the building and memorizing its layout.

Ahead he heard voices and walked forward to investigate. Upon seeing a less than properly clothed young lady unconscious and bleeding from the head, Darius eating rapidly while eyeing her, and the Duke walking off in another direction, Lawrence decided to simply not try to comprehend the situation.

Turning around, he walked back to the bar to find a drink and some conversation. The night was simply too bizarre to remain sober.

Lawrence Expatriate Count of Wellaf

Raevn woke with a start for the second time that evening. This scene was far less alarming, however. A healer, an old woman, was sitting next to her bed on a chair, while a younger woman scurried around the room.

"Ah, you're awake. That's good - no, don't try to get up. You've had an eventful night, it seems." The woman's smile was without malice. "Fortunately you have good people protecting you."

"There are guards on the door, and I shall stay by your side until morning. Now sleep, young one. I believe it may be many days before you rest again in such a comfortable bed."

Raven nodded and closed her eyes, and was soon in a deep, dreamless slumber.

Raven Namtrah (Dame of Ikalak)

Up to this point Molot had been casually talking to the people in the middle of the great hall - the ones that were not drunk, or in the process of becoming drunk, but now he spotted a finely dressed lady sitting next to a slumped over noble.

He was not sure what to make of it, but then he saw her take something from the purse of the slumped gentleman.

He approached the lady from the side the man was sitting, he noticed from a distance that the man had already had one drink too many, and he wondered if this man was not escorting the lady.

"Good evening m'lady," he said trying to sound noble,

"I could not help but notice that you are sitting here without company." he paused, but receiving no reply from the lady he probed out the relation between her and the sleeping gentleman,

"After all, your escort has already drunk himself to sleep." He watched intently at the lady who was entertaining herself with a red drink - a wine of some sort, hoping that at last he may have found someone interesting to talk to... also hoping that she had not been influenced by the drink yet.

Molot Dlinoruki (Knight of Wellaf)

Victoria turned and looked at the man who was talking to her. The man looked like a walking trophy hall. He had many ribbons, medals, and what looked like silver and gold stitching. She could see his name clearly embroidered on his uniform, Molot.

"Oh, hi." She said, meekly. She reached into Rev's purse and pulled out two more coins. "Bartender, get him something and get me some more of this wine."

The Bartender let out a chuckle and started looking for that bottle of wine she had given Victoria some of earlier.

Victoria Marioneaux (Dame of Ikalak)

Molot now knew what it was that the lady had taken out of the sleeping gentleman's purse, not knowing exactly how many coins she had already taken, but taking into account that she was not yet drunk, he slipped five coins into the gentleman's purse.

Then turning to the bartender he said, "Here's another coin f you can get me some of that peasant's brew" he said pointing to a bottle with a clear liquid, he was afraid of calling it what the 'commonfolk' would call it.

The bartender nodded, not bothering to stop looking for the drink that the lady had ordered.

He frowned a little, it amazed him why nobles bothered drinking without having anything to eat. "Could you give me a few salted cucumbers, and a bit of bread to go with that please?"

The bartender turned to him and looked dumbfounded at first, as though Molot had been talking in a foreign tongue, but then grinned sheepishly, "Aye then sir, you'd be talkin' 'bout the vodka then?"

Molot looked nervously to the lady, and seeing that she was not looking at him he winked at the bartender, "Peasant's brew is peasant's brew, who cares what you call it."

The bartender's smile grew even more stretching from ear to ear by now, he hurried off to fullfill the orders.

Molot turned to the lady who was finishing her drink by now, "Would you mind if I joined you for a while, I have only recently been granted my own lands, and do not know many nobles. I have only had the pleasure of interacting with Marshall Oberon, Count Lawrence, and Sir Crimsonblade as of yet, I have yet to see any of the three at this ball, and I certainly look forward to making new acquaintances."

Molot Dlinoruki (Knight of Wellaf)

Victoria nodded and smiled disarmingly at Molot. He was mildly interesting so far, but his attire really caught her eye. It jangled and, well, was extremely distracting.

"You can join me. I'm here until my escort here decides I've drunk enough," she said, winking at Molot while she patted Rev's purse.

Victoria Marioneaux (Dame of Ikalak)

Molot now felt a little guilty for having sponsored the lady to drink, but he took a seat next to the lady.

"May I ask what your name is?" he asked.

The bartender now came to the bar placing the orders - the wine, the brew, the salted cucumbers, and the loaf of bread. He smiled again as he watched Molot set up his drinking station.

Molot Dlinoruki (Knight of Wellaf)

Victoria took the glass of wine and took another sip out of it.

"I'm Victoria. Victoria Marioneaux. And you are?" She asked, as she took a small slice of bread.

Victoria Marioneaux (Dame of Ikalak)

Victoria took a bite out of bread while Molot replied. She didn't like this bread. She put it down, and washed it down with the rest of her wine. She began to feel dizzy. She realized Molot was talking still. Was this man honestly still talking to her about his name? She leaned over and grabbed a few coins from Rev's purse and put them in front of her, nearly falling on the floor in the process.

"What he had." she said, pointing in the direction of Rev's limp body. She thought she heard Molot say something, but the way the night had progressed so far it wouldn't be a good one to remember sober or just buzzed.

Victoria Marioneaux (Dame of Ikalak)

Arriving back in the ballroom, Daveaut saw Victoria, looking annoyed and EXTREMELY drunk. He went over and scowled at Molot for buying her so much to drink. He then picked up the wine in front of Victoria and said

"Now dear, I believe you have had enough, perhaps I could show you to a room in which you can enjoy some sleep till morning."

Daveaut Dracon Duke of Ikalak

"Now dear, I believe you have had enough, perhaps I could show you to a room in which you can enjoy some sleep till morning." Daveaut said, restraining her from getting down a last drink.

The world was spinning violently. Victoria rocked back and forth in her seat. She turned and saw two very handsome looking Daveauts. She grabbed at his arm, until his hand took hers and helped her up, steadying her as she almost fell back down.

"Sho, wheres we schleeping?" she asked in a slurred voice, leaning on Daveaut.

Victoria Marioneaux (Dame of Ikalak)

Molot simply ignored the scolding, he was a bit responsible - after all, he HAD been refilling the sleeping man's purse.

Molot swallowed another glass followed by some bread and a salted pickle. He was glad to see that he was not even close to feeling drunk.

He stood up, "Good sir, I was NOT in fact buying the lady drinks."

He paused until the gentleman holding Victoria up glared at him. He made sure that the gentleman saw him put a few more coins into the slumbering man's purse.

"I was only paying for myself," Molot glanced into his purse, "and I will continue to do so, seeing as this brew is rather cheap."

He frowned a little, to himself mostly. "But I see we have gone off to a bad start, I have not introduced myself, and you sir, have not introduced YOURself."

Molot eyed the man's costume, it seemed royal, but he was to new of a noble to know exactly what the costume would make the person wearing it.

"My name is Molot Dlinoruki, may I inquire the name of the man whose company I am in at the moment?"

Molot Dlinoruki (Knight of Wellaf)