Carnes Family

From BattleMaster Wiki

The Carnes Family's family book

In the logs of history, carefully noted by the family scribes, this is the memory of the carnes family. All important evens are writen down, here.

Jim Carnes

It all started with the birth of the oldest son, Jim Carnes.

Jim began his carrier as troop leader in the 'Ash Sea Islands', close to the family mansion in Ser'Quea He fought many battles there, in the aid of ASI- allies of Falasan.

Julian Carnes

His brother Julian Carnes began his carrier in 'Falasan

It is there where we learned the explore his skills in the service of the army. However, Julian, who was allways a more advantures type, dicided to make the great tripp acros the sea, so he emigrated te Berluaterra. Where he joinend the realm 'Kingdom of Alluran'

However later when the insland was invaded by daimons, Jullian was caught in a battle, after days enduring in hell. He finally managed to escape, and was forced to imigrate to the East Continent, where he joined the realm of Sirion.

Jack Carnes

Julian had a twin-brother Jack Carnes.

Well Jack started his carrier on the South-East Island. Better known as the 'War Island'. There Jack, developped his skills and tactical vieuws on the battlefield, who will someday, prove him usefull....

Jeff Carnes

Jeff, the bastard son of the familly, lives in Berluaterra. His live is full of adventure. fighting, monsters. defeating undead... someday Jeff hopes he will be seen as a noblemen. worthy of the name 'Carnes'...

Elberan Carnes

One of the more younger brothers of the familly, Elberan Carnes Yet allready one of the members with the most Fame, He was at the age of 17 appointed as Count of the region of An Najaf. It is likely we havn't seen the last action of this young noble...