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Revision as of 06:37, 28 September 2007 by Ceorl (talk | contribs) (typo)


The region of Zod is the only Stronghold of Avalon. This provides Avalon a good military base for belic actions against enemies. It's the second duchy of Avalon. The duke of Zod is Revan.


Entering the throne room of the Castle in zod Grim-Reaper looks in aw...

  • A mighty kingdom once resided here... i hope we will be able to get one of our own someday sigh

Grim-Reaper now moves towards the person in the center of attention, surrounded by Friends and well formed ladies Revan is standing next to Hector and jelpot talking about the weather...

  • Greetings Revan are you ready?
    • afcaors i am ;)
  • ok then, euhm ladies would you mind creating some space for the ceremony?

cleary annoyed the ladies step back into hte rest of the feesting crowd.

Suddenly a large gong sounds and everyone turns silent.

  • People of Zod and noblemen of Avalon we are here to give you a leader!

Grim Turns his attention to the man in question. makiong him kniel before the ancient throne.

  • Do youRevan taje the responsability or guardian of Zod?
    • Afcoars i do!
  • Do you swear loyalty to the Avaloniën Council?
    • Yup
  • Do you swear to protect these people and to never use your power against them and against the Avaloniën council?
    • I swear!
  • Then by the power vested in me by the people of Avalon i name you now Revan Mahorra Duke of Zod!

The crowd burst into siging and dancing, many of them trow their heads in the air to show their respect for Revan. The ladies who kept silent during the cerimony no pushes Grim-Reaper and hector out of the way and trow themself at Revans feet !

  • lucky bastard ... common judge we have work to do
    • you had to remind me didn't you?