The Code of Nobility

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First recorded in Caligus, then adopted in Heen, soon hopefully applied in many realms.

The Caligan version

Caligus is a noble realm, so Caligans should behave noble as well. It is perfectly normal that you sometimes disagree with one of the counsellors (or more) or with another member of your realm, then announce your disagreement in a polite way. Reasonable complaints will always be listened to.

Infractions are such as stated below:

  • Swearing, cursing and insulting: This will indirectly as well as directly intimidate any other noble from fully expressing his right of speech.
  • Threats, intimidations and terrorization: Whether specified to a specific person or disguised in an allegory, this directly infracts the right of speech of any other noble.
  • Unwarranted hangings, obscene behavior and razzias: These dishonourable acts define the offender as a cruel, unnoble man. (OOC: This includes public behavior in roleplays, which is considered 'real' by the game (public defined as 'withnessed by another noble that is included in the roleplay itself'; of course this noble can decide not to make it further public to the Arch Priest))

You can and most likely will be fined for breaking the Code of Nobility. Bans are common practice when behavior repeats itself within the same two weeks.

Signed by

Cartor, Arch Priest of Caligus; Veteran Senator of Caligus

The Heenite version

Coming soon...

Apply these rules of conduct in your own realms as you wish.