Kiryoku Family/Dai-saku/On Identity

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Before reading further, I ask that only those, who have been handed a copy of Dai-saku's On Identity in-game continue. This is a rather long writing, and would have been a pain to send in game. I have put it here to make it easier for those who are intended to view it, see it. With that, I want to thank you in advance for taking time to continue, and remember, this is Roleplay.

On Identity Dai-saku

For months I have watched from the shadows, a realm pushing forth without any sense of direction. A realm whose identity conflicts with the perceived views of others. Recent events have left me confused, just what is, the True Identity of Nighthelm? Little has been spoken in realm of the identity. The few characteristics which are said to define Nighthelm, they do not differ that much from other realms. Much of the same is indeed claimed by these realms, thus what is the unique identity of Nighthelm?

It is my belief, that this lack of identity, this failure to communicate it properly to all nobles, is allowing Nighthelm to proceed down a path, a path filled with darkness and destruction. This would not be the first time, Nighthelm has tread dangerous waters. Indeed, it is Nighthelm history that a band of nobles overthrew their King, to save the realm from destruction. Do not think that this is merely literature intended to start a rebellion to oust the government. The truth is that this is merely an attempt to wake the nobles, so that they may once again realize their responsibility in preserving that which defines Nighthelm. A revolution you may call it, I see it as Re-discovery.


Let us begin our journey of Re-discovery with the word 'Realm'. What is a 'Realm'? Is it the name that strikes fear into our enemies and instills courage in our allies? Is it the banner we proudly fly, announcing our coming? Is it the land patrol and protect? The government that makes the decisions? I would say it is none of these.

Names, are synonymous with reputation, the affect a name has comes from the deeds you have done. The most recent having the greatest significance. A name will be feared on day, and jeered the next.

Banners, are merely a visual symbol, a powerful communication tool. It is used to announce presence. Like names, their respect is a rather fickle thing. While being central to gathering allies, it does not restrain them from leaving and acting alone.

Land, is momentary, it come and goes over time. Important in strategic planning, and incredibly diverse. Land can be used to bind people together, but bond is purely material. Material objects can be taken away, destroyed, and given. This is inherently a weak bond, and can not be depended upon over the course of time.

Government, is fallible. Humans are fallible, and government is made up of humans. Governments change as frequently as the wind. For the minds of those in charge can sway and wander. Minds can be remain steadfast and be pig-headed. Minds can be devious, cunning, and selfish in desire.

A 'Realm' should be above all this. Nobles of a realm gather together for a reason, a common bond brings them together. Not all nobles are able to form this bond, but those that can enter into something much larger than any of them can imagine. A 'Realm' should be an ideal, values and virtues that every member aspires to. Realms based around this are of the strongest type. For as long as nobles who cherish that ideal exists, the realm exists.

This is not to say that once a noble holds to the ideal, they will always be apart of the realm. Indeed, humans have a tendency to let their minds wander, and can easily loose sight of what is important to them. When this happens, they do a dis-service to the realm, actually working against it in many cases. Over time, if unchecked, this can lead to a warping of the ideals and the identity of the realm can change. At times like these, it is up to the members of the realm, still with clear thought, to save the misguided and bring them back to the correct path. For if they remain silent, more of their comrades may loose their way and eventually it may be too late. The path of Re-discovery begins here, with the definition of a 'realm'.


Just what is it that Nighthelm values? I seem to recall, a while back, that a question was posed to the Senate, about the same topic. To great surprise, only two, only two Senate members responded publicly. I hope, for the sake of question originator, that he or she received more of an answer in private. The two, public responses, did not really answer the topic. Though the response from the Arch Priest posed a clearer set of values, it was not backed up by any other member. This includes, Nighthelm nobles not in the Senate. Is this how Nighthelm views it's own values? No senior noble can state openly what they are? The realm at large has no feelings on the subject, nothing to add? Just what values do the majority of Nighthelm nobles feel are important?

Report from Nigh'les (8 days, 21 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (48 recipients)
It was posed to the Senate; What are the virtue's of Nighthelm.
In times long past I myself may have been caught asking this question or finding folly in answers; but here me now fellows,
Nighthelm is a Nation of Warriors; Our virtue lay with each noble man and woman who fights with honor.
If single warrior displays courage; That is Nighthelm Virtue,
if one beserker shows prowess; That is Nighthelm Virtue,
If we die fighting; THAT is Nighthelm Virtue.
Nighthelm's virtues are called out in our actions.
Sir Nigh'les (Noble)

Letter from Phellan (8 days, 18 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (48 recipients)
Again, on the topic of the message to the Senate.
A good member of the Realm has asked us what our ideals are! What makes us such a proud and strong people -- and what we speak of when we address such things in grandious speaches and valiant claims!
I believe Sir Nigh'les speaks truly from his heart -- a thing which is one of our traits, that men and women are allowed to speak freely and put forward their values and beliefs here in Nighthelm.
Many here embrace such warrior values -- that honour, valour, and duty are our strengths, that in combat and war we find ourselves and show our true courage. I believe Lord Sarig would be well versed in such things, he is a Warrior of exceptional skill, honour and integrity. He has no fear of death that I have seen, welcoming any such challenges with a vigor and fearlessness that is unrivaled.
But those are not our only traits -- we are a Realm singular in our protection of the commoners, they are our duty. Their safety and defense is ours to ensure and our Realm's strength is in our people -- nobles and men shall die and pass, but our people, the commoners of Nighthelm embrace these ideals along with us and provide us further strength! Indeed the people of Batesaor struggled and threw off the take over by 3 Realms many times by themselves -- such valour by the people is a trait of Nighthelm! That is true courage, that even our commoners shall fight to the last, shall embrace the ideals of freedom and honour.
I myself believe our ideals are those taught by the Elder Gods of the Order -- King Thraymn founded the Order on texts found here in the lands of Nighthelm, and our people have held ideals long before the Order was formed, so I have little doubt myself such things have long been embraced here in the South by the commoners and by the Nobles who have longed pledged to protect them and to fight for them, to protect the lands and people because it is their duty to ensure such values as freedom of the people -- not enslavement or abuse; the right to speak ones heart and mind without fear of retribution; the righteousness of our laws, the fairness of our justice and it's evenhandedness -- the knowledge that all is not black and white, that we must see the context of things to understand what as occured, rather than just assume.
And finally I believe this to be the most important thing of Nighthelms virtues -- that our strength comes from what our Nobles bring to us. What virtues we each possess, that we bring and share with each other. That we draw strength from and can teach one another. That is our true strength -- we do not force our ideals and beliefs onto our nobles rather we share them and learn of each others strengths and gain more from such an exchange. That is the strength of Nighthelm -- in our sharing of our strengths and weaknesses, thus we all become stronger from the difficulties and victories we experience!
Arch Priest of Nighthelm, Duke of Masahakon, Marshal of the Nighthelm Imperial Elite

The values of Nighthelm, as gathered from the two Senate responses:

  Protection of Commoners
  Freedom of Speech

These are the virtues that we are to gather from such responses? What does the silence of every noble of Nighthelm say about such responses? Are these acceptable, or do they miss the mark?

Aye, I do not recall a noble ever being chided for speaking his own feelings. Even when Lord Sarig spoke out about the terms of surrender. When nobles like, Lady Celina, then High Marshall, and Lord Golden Owl protested the thought of waging war on the Commonwealth, they did so without fear. Even now, we can speak our minds freely, and the a meaningful discussion can ensue.

Long has it been claimed, that Nighthelm has never used a Brutal Take-over nor indiscriminate looting. Always, the Nighthelm considers the plight of the peasantry. Yet, Nighthelm is apparently open to Hostile take-overs which may entice clashes with the peasantry. Plight of the peasantry factors in to decisions regarding war. Ansopen, was to be returned to Svunnetland, before it revolted and declared independence due to our lack of support. Yet, Nighthelm is content to wage war on the Commonwealth in Leod, instead of securing our borders. No longer will Nighthelm support their existence, instead now we work to subjugate the lands under the rule of Cathay.

Nighthelm's military knows little fear. Against five realms we fought, even after loosing Batesaor. Repeated on a constant basis, the propaganda meant to fire our spirits, and raise morale, so that we may push forward on the campaign. However, it seems that the realm is afraid to defend our values, for what reason did we not protect Ansopen? For What reason does Nighthelm not defend the remnants of Antoza? Does Nighthelm fear the a massing of realms in opposition?

The values themselves, are good values. There is no reason that Nighthelm should not call them values. However, it seems little is done to uphold these values. The values themselves are also a bit incomplete. Why is there no loyalty virtue? Should Nighthelm not be loyal to its friends and allies? Why is Nighthelm so quick to turn its back on long time friends and allies? Because they have lost the way? Did Nighthelm do everything possible to help them see the light, and bring them back to a path of honor? If our allies and fiends have strayed from the path of honor, than it is part Nighthelm's fault for not being the friend and ally. It would be Nighthelm's own shame, that we, as friends and allies, did not do everything in our power to prevent them from disgracing themselves. Antoza should not be wiped from the map, there existence should be guaranteed, and we should not be moving into Leod, only to give their land away.

It would appear also, that Nighthelm is quick to befriend enemies, when it will profit Nighthelm. This is of course not something that should entirely be shunned, but have we fully reconciled before doing so. The alliance with Zonasa, does that mean that Nighthelm will never reclaim Batesaor? To Ally with Cathay and promise them Antoza's land, does this mean the nobles of the Commonwealth will never call Anacan home again, and see their banner restored? If Soliferum were to promise Nighthelm support in all endeavor's against the north, would Nighthelm form an alliance, to expand our borders North? Out of all the Realms that Nighthelm has befriend, who among them truly count as friend and ally. One for which Nighthelm would give its life to defend and protect, to watch over and ensure that they do not dishonor themselves. Who among those friends would do the same? It seems, the titles of 'Ally' and 'Friend' are too freely given out.

The question was asked to the Senate, and only two Senate members answered. Putting aside whether the noble who asked the question received a satisfactory response, were the responses satisfactory to the realm? Are there no other virtues that the Realm should have? Has Nighthelm been fulfilling it's duty to it's virtues or has it been failing? If it has failed, when, where, and why was Nighthelm allowed to fail? This is the most crucial step, in the path to Re-discovery.


“Nighthelm is a highly military orientated monarchy. All actions go towards the betterment of the military, and support of it. If you are a pure-bred soldier, this is were you belong.”

“...highly military orientated...”. Just what do those words mean? If Nighthelm's military is the realm's pride & joy, a force to be feared & respected, then why has Nighthelm suffered so many military defeats in past months to Soliferum, Svunnetland, Greater Aenilia, and Zonasa? It was claimed once, that poor military strategy was to blame, but the truth is far from it. The truth is, Nighthelm lacks military order. The talk of a 'highly military orientated' organizations is all talk. One can not claim to be a military realm by simply giving each noble equal shares of the taxes. Simply organizing the nobles into separate divisions can not be called a military structure, when all nobles in the army receive the same orders, regardless of division enrollment. The truth is, the military organization is in disarray, and the military as a whole lacks cohesion.

So many battles were lost in recent wars, due to half the nobles actually moving as ordered, when ordered. How many times was the army split, when trying to assault Alanurs or Batesaor? Remember the days in Hutael, when half the forces moved to Paplarmi, and half remained, only to be slaughtered by the Zonasan force. What about recent movements, how many moved in sync to reclaim the duchy of Hatdhes? How come the forces moving to break the take over in Arrmol, had 25% arrive too early, and another 25% arrive too late?

Each noble receives equal shares, and in return has equal responsibilities to the military. No one noble commands more units than another, except by the outcome of personal decisions. In this structure, it is imperative that each noble acts cohesively in the military. This is not to say the blame rest on the nobles of the realm, it in fact rest with those in charge of the military. Regardless of how cooperative a noble is on military matters, the High Marshal and Military Council should be aware of such behavior and in a position to properly compensate. If half the forces can only be expected to carry out orders as given without fail, than only half the force should be expected to move on such orders. This half should also be the only half that receives such orders. This is where army division plays an essential role.

What do the army divisions of Nighthelm currently affect? A force in the north, a force for defense, and a force for movement? Yet, the orders are generally given as a group, that is because the forces never truly act independently. Separate orders are given on the account of who is where. In this situation, why have military divisions at all? There is only one clear separation of forces. The Lightning Raiders, are a fast moving group, who generally do not carry siege engines or carts, always at the ready to move, and move they will.

I will not go on with the failures of the military. I believe them to be rather clear: equal tax distribution, lack of cohesion, arbitrary divisions. The solution to this is clear. Cohesion must be raised, or the tax distribution changed. Meaningful divisions must be implemented. These three tasks, can integrate with each other, and that would bring out the maximum potential of Nighthelm's military. A basic division of forces could be as follows:

Shield – The army specializing in defensive measures. The focus of the army is to defend against enemy incursions. A mobile militia of sorts, where movement is limited. Often generous time bands are allowed for movement, and orders come days before the deadline. Once in position, the Shield digs in, to repel charges and fortify the realms borders. Units in the Shield favor armor over swords. Archers find a particularly powerful use. Large infantry units are not uncommon, for the Shield at times can secure regions during Take-Overs. Normal settings are: Army or Sentry; Defensive; Dug in, with High Retreat tolerances.

Hammer – The army specializing in offensive measures. Hammer is used to strike out at enemies and to enforce the will of the realm. A hammer can not be swung slowly, it gains its destructive power from its mass and speed, these equate to the nobles it is made up of. Hammer moves quickly, the time frame allowed for movement is narrow, generally a precise window of half a day, with no room for error. Orders are given no more than a day in advance, often the orders are for movement in the later half of the day. Hammer sometimes employs complicated maneuvers, used to change the swing and mis-lead the enemies. Hammer favors weapons over armor. Infantry form the core; archers and cavalry find limited use here, but are accepted if they can follow the movements. Hammer strikes out hard, but does not preform well as a shield on the defensive. Instead it is constantly seeking out the next strike. During take-overs Hammer can move to re-fit and begin positioning for the next offensive. This keeps the enemies always on the move. Normal settings are: Army & Aggressive. Siege Engines are a standard for every infantry unit when moving on fortifications.

Lightning Raiders – The Elite unit that is rather versatile, though it's strength is best left to itself. Lightning Raiders generally employ cavalry, though infantry is accepted if Vanguard can be sustained. The swift speed and quick reaction of the Lightning Raiders make them an invaluable asset. Able to reinforce Shield or Hammer if necessary, the Raiders serve as excellent scouts as well as Special Ops. Due to the speed of the Raiders, they often can be used to flank an enemy, cutting into supply lines and cause havoc well behind the front lines. The Elite who serve in the Lightning Raiders need no orders. They know which settings they will employ & which units to fields. The Vanguard settings are often used to give the Raiders the extra burst of speed to keep them flexible in their roles.

Under these divisions, the strength of the military will rise. If cohesions rises, than it is possible under an equal tax distribution to achieve the full potential of the military. However if cohesions is lacking, the resulting strength will always be less than if taxes were renegotiated and individually considered. Regardless, employing the divisions alone will allow the High Marshall to effectively plan his campaigns and cohesions should be concentrated in the assignments to Hammer. The nature of Shield would make up for those lacking cohesion.

Thus the path of Re-discovery concludes, with the trait that realm is singly most proud of, the military. But the path of Re-discovery may not end here, this is only the beginning. For the path has only been defined by a single individual. The path itself requires more, it requires the opinions of the nobles of the realm. For they are apart of the realm and the realms path, is the one they walk? Is this plan, as I have laid out suitable? Are there any topics that were not covered that should be included in the Re-discovery? Are there any un-truths put forth that need correction? Perhaps, a point that is disagreeable? Nobles of Nighthelm, take charge I say. This is your realm, you stand in a position to define its character. Is the Nighthelm of past months, the Nighthelm you wish to see of the future?