Carelian Times

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carelia.png The Carelia Times
Price: Free Editor: Zerric Zorrathspace Issue: No. 6 June 2007


Abington in a fairly obvious move has declared war on Carelia leading many nobles in Carelia to yawn expectantly. The move comes as no surprise to anyone since your average Abinton noble is fairly incapable of surprising there families when they go home to visit. Laurie (imperial knight of Nida) was quoted as having said "Bout time too!" and rumor has it that most of the Carelian nobles feel the same way.

In more exciting news, paint has been seen drying in Atblane, Carelian red for all you Redspanians who don't dare come close enough to our borders to see. June 23, 2007

Were Back!

Thats right, the Carelia times is back once again, bringing you all the gossip from around Atamara! If a peasant spends the night in a barn with a goat, Were gonna bring it to you first! Speaking of Goats and peasants Redspan is under attack, only through the Tireless efforts of Carelia, CE, Talerium, have the Redspanians city of Stargard has been sacked...After numerous incursions by Redspan into Carelian land. Killing militia and even daring to kill Carelian Nobles troops King Kronos could take no more and was forced to take action. Resulting in devastating losses to Redspan. Many wonder why have Taran troops not spilled blood yet seek to claim spoiles of war, do they hold back in wait for Abington? How much support will Abington give to aid redspan? Our feelings here at the Carelian times is they should be along shortly, since their King Has Vowed to "wipe Carelia off the map..." in a message that we have gotten our hands on here at the Carelian times. Will Abington try and fulfill its promise? Stay informed, stay real, stay unbiased, pick up your next copy of the Carelia Times to know!

As we are in the middle of massive war this first Publication and therefore must be brief. Also We wont be able to spare many resources on this first paper, but stay tuned in the coming editions for a revised and improved paper!

June 22, 2007