Old Rancagua Press/20th October 2005

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gondortree.png Old Rancagua Press
Price Free Editor: Sam, Count Of Juazeiro Issue No9 20th October
Printed In Oroya
For the last month this paper has been out of printing, the reason, Old Rancagua has been on a rampage winning battle after battle claiming all of Rancaguas land. Gadlock soon fell, a rebellion was launched in Rancagua, which kept the forces of the church busy, more suicidal attacks were lauched against the Old Rancagua positions. After a short refit, Old Rangaua launched a two pronged attack on Kazan, and that quickly fell after a few days, Poiters now cut off from the capitol, began to lose faith in its leadership and turn their backs on Rancagua and joined Perdan instead.

Now Kazakh is cut off, a siege has begun and soon wil be over. The forces of Old Rancagua are building their strenth and byding their time, the civil war will soon be over.

On the 16th October, Rancagua lauched an attack on Gadlock and won their first and last battle. The largest force that Rangacua could muster was only 4691CS in fortified postitions and on the defensive, when a small force of Old Rancagua attacked the positions on the morning of the 16th. With winds blowing stong, archers had a hard time in front of them.

Sergant Will "Slasher" Bovington, second in command of the unit Sam's Soldiers tells his tale. "Aye, I was there. We saw them (Rancagua) up there on that hill, dug into it like cowards. we formed up and started to advance on them. Soon we saw our cavalry charge head first into their lines, no hint of fear. Then the rest of our lads carge in to the fight, we all wanted to get some more blood of the Rancs, you see. I saw a couple of our banners flying there in the middle of the mass of men, it was glorious to look up and see the white tree flying high. Me and the rest of the lads charged in, following our commander, the Hero Lord Sam, He was always the first in battle and never one to shy away from danger. It was he who kept us together. The lads after spending so long together fought for each other and did a lot of damage on the Rancs. But soon we we cut down one by one, then all we could see were the pesants fighting next to us. But they were cut down in moments, then the flood of Rancs swept around us leaving us fighting for our live int he middle of hundreds of men. But we held firm, we went from, 19 men to 12, to 6, to 3, 1. Lord Sam all alone fighting in the middle of all the Rancs, but there were to many of them and the took him down. The battle was all but over then, with the archers being the last to go. Luckly for us only for of the men were killed, the rest of us wounded. We were proud of what we had done, at any one time when had 50-100 men all around us"

That battle was lost but that night the rest of the Old Rancagua, bore down on the Rancagua force, looking for blood and revenge for their fellow brothers. That was the last major battle that Rancagua was involed in.