Talk:Plergoth Press/Issue Five

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The dawning of the month of June finds Plergoth in an excellent strategic position. The rebel army of Vlaanderen is busily attempting to restore the ruined region of Bajit to some sort of productive use while it continues to battle the army of our staunch ally, Mesh.

The shattered Khthonian field army has just returned to Dyomoque and should spend the next few days rebuilding and refitting, leaving the Army of Plergoth free to maneuver.

Plergoth has already made use of this window of opportunity, attacking rebel recruiting centers and food stores in Yokk and Haffemet and doing the same to Khthonian assets in Weghie. It is believed that the rebels and bandits have largely exhausted their family resources during earlier stages of this war, and now, with their regions in chaos, their smallfolk put to the sword, and their coffers empty, they lack the coin to mount a serious challenge on the field of battle in the forseeable future.

Lol, this sure is subjective... Do I have to remember Plergoth that those smallfolk and bandits actually were your own citizens once? Makes me think what other bandits still reside in Plergoth until they also secceed. Or of course, they only become bandits after declaring independance. But yeah, as stated on the front page, this is a propagande newspaper... Foreign Curs 12:29, 3 June 2007 (CEST)