
From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 16:43, 21 April 2007 by Egregious (talk | contribs)

I live in England. I am interested in English and Classical literature (especially the epic tradition), Berkeleian Idealism, Kantian Ethics and various other highbrow things. I am also a gamer; currently I play a lot of PlanetSide (VS Werner, for those who are interested). I am also a fencer, primarily Epee with a little Foil on the side to help out new people.

My English is quite good, but I am an inexperienced wiki user. Currently (10/08/06) I'm poking around in the manual making minor spelling/punctuation/diction/syntax changes, hopefully avoiding altering the meaning. I'm prone to the odd mistake myself though, so it might be worthwhile for folks to check my contributions.

Talk page word count (15.08.06): 7,599.

Family [Now defunct]
