Grancourt Family/The Karandras Scandal/Intro

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It starts With a Letter from Laurie

Letter from Laurie Message sent to all your students (6 recipients) I am giving up my mentors post. Please could all of you end your lessons with me. I'm sorry that I haven't completed some of your training. Many of you haven't contacted me for more lessons anyway, so i assume you are doing fine. There's been no problems i have been aware of.

I am sorry to do this, but i just don't have enough time to support this many students, and I am still young.

Karandras, see me in my office...

Thinking carefully Karandras’s hand rested lightly on the king’s head. Tightening her grip slightly, her eyes narrow. Glancing up she gave a wolfish smile at the man as she raised her hand and made her move.
"Check mate", she said leaning back,
A sigh of resignation passes over the board, catching the king, queen, and bishop in a warm breeze.
“I guess this just isn’t my game, M’lady”
“Nonsense, Quillindras! You’re getting much better” she smiled back warmly. Looking at her opponent, she was reminded of home; the aging man had served with the Black Guardians since her father campaigned regularly. He was a towering giant of a man, easily a foot taller than her and probably twice as wide at the shoulder with close cropped silver hair. Mulling over her words he did not look convinced.
Just as the board was being re-set up, the sound of hooves could be clearly heard, stopping just outside the tent before a messenger bustled in, Karandras rose to greet him,
“Lady Karandras, my lord would meet with you” he said offering the woman a letter.
Taking the message she opened it and smiled, before looking over her shoulder at Quillindras.
“It seems Lord Laurie would like to see me…”
“I’ll bet he would…” came a low growl from the other side of the chess board.
Glancing up from the letter at her old friend she gave a knowing smile and chuckled at the man’s words,
“Are you suggesting the mentor my father selected for me has something else on his mind than concluding our fascinating lecture on Classical Carelian history? Quill, I’m shocked!” she said with a wry grin,
The man grumbled just below hearing level for a second,
“Hm…it appears Laurie is in Corniel, and you are to take me to him?” she asked, her eyes rising to look at the messenger, who still stood in the doorway of the tent. He nodded once, not meeting her stare.
“Very well. Continue to Barad Falas: I’ll meet you there” she said leaving the tent, but Quillindras followed her out whispering,
“You know he’s married…his wife is an important woman! Her words carry a lot of water in other lands!”
Mounting the spare horse the messenger had brought, the woman gave laugh,
“So do buckets, yet I pay them no mind”
“People will talk…”
“Then silence them, Quill. You are my honour guard after all – so guard my honour”
And with that she was gone, leaving the huge man alone,
“Her father’s daughter….” He said shaking his head and heading back into the tent.