Talk:The Face of Fronen/Edition:5

From BattleMaster Wiki

Now just out of curiosity, what is it about RoF and Irombrozia that you folks in the East have a grudge against? If I recall, Cedric didn't want to even get involved in the civil war. Was that just an empty statement or what?

All I can say, although my words won't really be listened to since I'm a rebel-dog myself, is that you guys should just call the troops back, kick back, and enjoy the scenery ^_^ Instead of worrying about helping Riombara becoming the next Abington. ---Bakos

I can't speak for Cedric, but I assume the fact that RoF betrayed Fronen would be a good reason for waring them. Also, considering Irombrozia has aligned themselves with enemies of the ECA in general, as well as the fact that they are initiating most of the conflicts with Riombara could be a good reason for not liking Irombrozia too much either.