Tara Times

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Tarabanner.png The Tara Times
Price: ONE GOLD PIECE Editor: Peter Kolak Date of Issue: March 1st, 2007

Archive History

Religion Comes to Tara!
March 6th, 2007

The newly appointed Count of Andurus Kkan, who entered into the position after the sudden and what some say mysterious disappearance of Aeryuck, has constructed a small temple of The Order as one of his first acts in power. The Order originates from within the lands of The Cagilan Empire, one of Tara's closest and most trusted allies, and its first temple was built in Tarasac. Founded by Zadar Nargath at the beginning of the Butter Rebelion, The Order stems from The Order Of Ered Luin and contains much of the same values and traditions.

The priests of The Order have said that religion can and will be a great benefit to Tara in the future, and that not having a friendly and somewhat standardized religion will put us at the mercy of our enemies, both current and future, in the times to come. Though many remain skeptic about what mere words and rantings can actually do, many more will sleep easier knowing that our enemies are not influencing the commoners and turning the masses of peasants against us.

If you do get the chance I highly recommend traveling to Andurus and checking out this new temple for yourself. Though few Tarans have undergone the trek up to Tarasac, Andurus is much more accessible and allows for all of Tara the chance at religious fulfillment. As of the last time I checked, joining The Order had no monetary cost associated with it, and operated solely on the generosity of its members.

If you do happen upon a lone priest wandering our lands toiling away at their duties, I urge you to show them the true hospitality of Tara. Show them not only that Tara deserves The Order, but that The Order deserves Tara.

Written by Oscar

Redspan tired of Living?
March 5th, 2007

News has just reached Tara that Redspan has declared war upon the the Ash Sea Islands. One can only assume the entire Southern Alliance will follow suit. Without Carelian and Abington help, Redspan will soon become an extinct goat.

On other news... Reports are coming in of renegade Tarans moving North to fight in the wars there. The Taran Times has been unable to obtain a comment from the Dictator or any of his Council Members. Expect this reporter to obtain the answers no matter where they lie!!!

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Jose Crowned Region Lord of Aigling!
March 1st, 2007

Today Jonathan appointed the long time writer of the Tara Times, Jose Delacruz, as the new count of Aigling. We here at the newspaper have full confidence in our fellow journalist and know that the Aigling will prosper under his command. Now only Jagla awaits a lord, and the council will undoubtedly announce one once its stats are up to par.

We would also like to extend a belated congratulations to Kkan Ayres who also became the newly anointed lord of Andurus. He was appointed to his position a couple weeks ago when Aeryck stepped down to go on holidays.

Written by Rojo DeVesta

The Atamaran Advocate
February 28th, 2007

Another newspaper is about to start printing in Atamara. This time however it will not be based in any one realm but will cover the whole continent. The brainchild of Benny Kimura, the famous journalist from Redspan, the Atamaran Advocate plans to be a fortnightly newspaper that will bring it's readers news on anything Atamarian.

It's staff currently numbers ten journalists (one of them being myself) but it is always looking for new writers especially from realms who are not yet represented. However, potential writers be warned: your articles must be unbiased as this is an intercontinental work. Don't worry though there will be an editorial section for the staff to air their opinions.

The newspaper is pretty much ready and should be hitting the presses as soon as Benny gives the go ahead. Look for it soon in a bar near you!

Written by Rojo DeVesta