No Space Press/February 07

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Issue: November 2006
Editor-in-chief: Jerix Beijar

Special Contributions

February 2, 2006
New Fudiciary!
Recently, lord Jerix, our old fudiciary abdicated from his office because he has been very busy with personal matters, therefore a new election was held to elect a new fudiciary. Today, the results of the election came in, with lady Elaira taking the office with an astounding 62% of the votes! Congratulations!

-Gale ThunderSpear

February 2, 2006
Tournament Over!
The tournament held in Castle Ubent is over! Lothar, Baron of Eldoret won the swordfighting tournament and Law, Imperial Knight of Ubent, came second place, they are both nobles of Ubent. The jousting contest was won by Niels ,Knight of Aix, Perdan and second place was stolen by Screndt, Duke of Aix both of Perdan.

-Gale ThunderSpear

February 1, 2006
We're Back!
Due to the recent friction with Fontan and undead and monster hordes popping up everywhere, none of our editors can find the time to do any editing. But now that things have quiet down a bit, No Space Press is now back in business!

-Gale ThunderSpear

February 1, 2006
Election Results!
Today's election results have come in! Both Tempest and Jerix stays in office with 65.4% and 38.6% of the votes respectively. Congratulations on the re-elections!

-Gale ThunderSpear

Daily News

February 14, 2007
Region Takeover! Perdan has taken control of Chaos Temple (formerly part of Kalmar Islands). Perdan now controls 11 regions.
February 14, 2007
Region Takeover! Old Rancagua has taken control of Alvaret (formerly part of Avamar Selective). Old Rancagua now controls 18 regions.
February 13, 2007
Ruler election in Kalmar Islands! The realm of Kalmar Islands has elected Lalakis as its new Chancellor. He received 29 % of the valid votes.
February 12, 2007
Region Takeover! Old Rancagua has taken control of Stora , a former rogue region. Old Rancagua now controls 17 regions.
February 9, 2007
An alliance was forged! The realms of Caligus and Ibladesh have joined into an alliance.
February 9, 2007
Undead! Panic is spreading in Braga after peasants spread rumours of an undead horde. The peasants are living in fear and barely dare to leave their homes.
February 8, 2007
Region Revolt! The people of Stora have revolted and declared independence from Old Rancagua!
February 6, 2007
Region Revolt! The people of Lundel have revolted and declared independence from Perdan!
February 5, 2007
Huge Battle Fought! Another couple of large battles fought at Chaos Temple today. The first battle was won by the defenders despite facing innumerable odds (Estimated combat strengths: 25000 CS vs. 15000 CS) while the second was won by the attackers. (Estimated combat strengths: 11000 CS vs. 5000 CS) These battles indeed show the determination of the Islanders to fight for their freedom!
February 4, 2007
Huge Battle Fought! A huge battle has been fought at Chaos Temple on the Kalmar Islands today. It was the armies of Itorunt and Perdan against the Kalmar and Avamar defenders; the attackers have been defeated. (Estimated combat strengths: 7000 CS vs. 14000 CS)
February 3, 2007
Palace constructed! Lycastus, Pontifex of Light of Fountain, Duke of Fontan has ordered a new palace to be built in the capital. The peasants are awed, and there is a small rise in loyality throughout the realm..
February 3, 2007
Public Execution! The dishonourable Sydney Carton of Avamar Selective was publicly tortured to death in Ashforth earlier today.
February 1, 2007
Battle in Viseu! There has been a battle in Viseu when monsters tried to loot the region. There has been some minor damage done to the infrastructure, but the monsters have been soundly wiped out.
February 1, 2007
Battle in An Najaf! There has been a skirmish in An Najaf when monsters foolishly decided to raid the region. The monsters have been largely wiped out, but there are still some left in the region.
February 1, 2007
Monthly election results have come in:

The realm of Sirion has reconfirmed Handow as its Prime Minister, he received 51% of the votes.

The realm of Fontan has reconfirmed Gregor as its Chancellor, he received 63% of the votes.

The realm of Ubent has elected Vapor as its new Prime Minister, he received 29% of the votes.

The realm of Kalmar Islands has elected Kolya as its new Chancellor, he received 68% of the votes.