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Template:Infobox Serpent

The Church of the Great Serpent

In the Beginning

Long ago, the Great Serpent resided in the central seas. None who could walk and talk could escape his grasp. The Great Serpent was served out of fear and respect, with unconditional faith and loyalty as demanded, devouring those who refused to aknowledge his supreme authority. It was he who brought order to chaos, civilization to barbarianism. With absolute soveraignty over all of the mortal realm, he issued the first laws, the first systems where the blessed, who came to be called nobles, exerced power over the others.

After a few generations, long before recorden history, a groups of civilized barbarians started to secretly undermine the Great Serpent but, knowing they could not harm him, waited for the holy day of the Arrival to overcome his followers while he was occupied listening to the prayers of his millions of followers. That day, they took up the arms stored in the communal huts, intended to fight monsters, and raided the cities all over the holy domain of Serpentis. Quickly the cities fell, followers slayed unarmed during prayer. He had brought them all order, rallied multiple ethnicities, and shielded them from the undead, but these men would not deny their old faiths, they held frivelous things such as freedom above all else. The Serpent, in his distracted state, came to realise that this poison would need more time to be purged from the body. The faithful came to defend the island fortress, but many were intercepted before arrival, others remained in their remote homes not truly knowing what was happening. At the gates of the fortress, the faithfull fought with zeal against the heretics, each man killing a hundred of the the enemy. But they were too many, and eventually the faithfull succombed. On this holy day, the Great Serpent would have needed to stay suspended in his throne to remain in the mortal realm for another generation, but he now knew this was no longer possible. He had come to the mortal realm, this imperfect world, to bring man closer to the divine, but they has not been ready for such an evolution. In his last act in this world, he scattered his remaining faithfull over all the continents of the world, some still unknown to these men, so that they could escape the barbaric slaughter the heretics were executing.

Mankind needed to evolve further on it's own, to be able to grasp a hint of the divine. And so he left this realm, leaving a few relics behind and awaiting the call of his followers to manifest himself once more in our world.

And so, the heretics arrived in the colossal throne room, and realised the Great Serpent was no longer there. They plundered the city, and spread the various artifacts across the continents, established paganism as ruling religion. Since them, regional pantheons have ruled.

Only when the holy city is re-taken and the world converted will, with the relic, his prophet be able to call him back to this world, on the holy day, so that he may once more enlighten use, rule us fairly, and bring us to greatness.


From tradition dating from the time he manifested himself on our world, we are still aware of the values the Great Serpent brought to the world, that the followers accepted as their own. His teachings still guide our actions and thought, as he once did himself so long ago. It is therefore expected for a servent of the Great Serpent to act according to the points given below:

The Serpent's Creed In all actions, seek Strength, Obediance, Devotion, and Purity, and you are welcome here.

The most important teachings the Great Serpent commands us to obey are the six obligations:

  • Defend the realm.
  • Defend the Church of the Serpent.
  • Defend your mind against those who would make you stray.
  • Attack injustice with rightous fury.
  • Attack those who would harm the Church of the Serpent.
  • Attack those who would harm the Serpent's followers.


And so, from the vast domain of Serpentis (sometimes believed to be a continent, sometimes a collection of them), the faithful were scattered on that faithfull day of betrayal, murder, and heresy. One day, as the prophecy says, the descendants of the faithful will gather back in the original land, where they will lay the fundations of a realm worthy of the Great Serpent. It is believed this land has not yet been found, and that a prophet will lead the faithful to it when the time is right.

The Great Serpent

Our one true lord lays somewhere above us, in another level of existance, watching over all, devouring the souls of the deserving. The Great Serpent is our god's manifestation into this imperfect, undivine mortal realm, forcing a physical form. It is unkown if the true lord holds any shape our minds couldn't understand, and so he has come to be represented by his manifestation, which would not have chosen the shape of a sea serpent for nothing.


(to come)


The Church of Teros

  • The Great Serpent: Manifestation of the one true god on the mortal world.

The Path of the Great Dragon

  • The Beginning
  • Teachings
  • Until now
  • Promised land: Serpentis