The Church of Teros

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The Church of Teros


<^ban^> :)
<CertifiedInsane> lol
<King_Hireshmont> lol
<^ban^> ok, anyways, King_Hireshmont is quite close with the darker Qyrvaggism
<CertifiedInsane> lol, I wanted it to be "The Order of the Great Serpent", and our realm was going to be called Serpentis Prime, lol
<CertifiedInsane> But since we never got to create it, that is most unlikely to happen
<^ban^> the religion itself is the Church of Teros, followers of the "One True God, The All Knowing, The Dark Eye"
<CertifiedInsane> Sounds good so far
<^ban^> the pantheon has only one named God, Teros.
<King_Hireshmont> Monotheism is good, it's easier to work with
<King_Hireshmont> Can we have a cycloptic serpent?
<^ban^> The others are The Lady of Light, The Lady of Water, The Hunter, and The Marshal
<^ban^> The two ladys are almost polar opposites of Teros and The Marshal
<^ban^> The Marshal's role is a as his name describes: He is the Marshal of the armies of Teros, and Teros armies are vast, for while some may serve the Light in Life, all serve him in Death
<CertifiedInsane> Yeah, I like serpents, especially the aquatic type. Quite fitting for tyrannical island realms
<King_Hireshmont> Indeed.
<King_Hireshmont> Seriously ^ban^, can we mix in a sea-serpent? Make Teros a one-eyed all-knowing sea serpent?
<^ban^> Teros has a very vague appearance, but always in a room of shadows upon his dark throne. He himself is vague to the point that he can be described only as humanoid, all other features lost in the shadows that are him, except for his eyes, which is where The Dark Eye comes from
<CertifiedInsane> Serpent eyes?
<^ban^> well, the problem with that is that it wont be founded on the islands
<CertifiedInsane> Is it created yet?
<^ban^> I already have a place to found it, where it will be a state religion
<^ban^> no
<^ban^> The Dark Eye can be a serpent eye
<CertifiedInsane> Where will you create it then?
<^ban^> that works :)
<^ban^> with The1Exile
<CertifiedInsane> Right, him, what was he planning again?
<^ban^> err
<^ban^> that northeastern most city
<^ban^> anyways, continuing:
<CertifiedInsane> oh, yeah, lol... I wish him luck, he'll need it
<^ban^> The ladies are always attempting to overthrow Teros and his Marshal, and in the beginning they had t he advantage
<CertifiedInsane> I thought you said it was monotheistic?
<^ban^> but over time Teros armies have slowly increased, and Teros, being a god of patience, knows that what is now an even battle is eventually his.
<^ban^> No, I said it had only one named god.
<King_Hireshmont> mm
<^ban^> Now, the general belief of the Church of Teros is that all other religions are merely misinterpretations of the true pantheon.
<^ban^> like if the Church ever encountered Qyrvaggism, Qyrvagg would represent the Marshal (I think, not too schooled on Qyrvaggism at the moment)
<^ban^> But the only one true God is Teros, who knows and sees all, "he with the Serpent Eye" ;)
<^ban^> The religion itself, because of the Teros/Marshal relationship, dictates recognition of authority, and that all other religions be taught the true way, by force if necessary.
<King_Hireshmont> lol
<King_Hireshmont> Maybe we'll convert.
<King_Hireshmont> :P
<CertifiedInsane> I dunno
<^ban^> The Hunter is a symbol of chaos, neither Light nor Dark, very impulsive
<King_Hireshmont> Actually, no
<King_Hireshmont> Onliana couldn't convert to such a religion
<CertifiedInsane> Monotheism is needed...
<CertifiedInsane> Well, good luck though, that's an interesting religion
<^ban^> Why is Monotheism so important for you?
<CertifiedInsane> 'cause we want absolute devotion to the god, he is supreme, there should be no dieties to oppose him as no mortals to oppose his prophets
<^ban^> the point I was getting at is that opposition, if you believe in this pantheon, is impossible.
<^ban^> It is all about eventuality, kind of like the march of an army of the dead.
<^ban^> Eventually, Teros will be the only one.
<King_Hireshmont> I happen to like dynamic religuons instead of progressive/evolutionary ones.
<CertifiedInsane> I dunno, it shows weakness in the god
<King_Hireshmont> What does?
<CertifiedInsane> Him not being supreme at the start
<^ban^> if anything that shows strength
<^ban^> weakness would be if there WAS no eventuality
<^ban^> if it was an eternally even struggle
<CertifiedInsane> Well, I guess we like the idea of an all-powerfull sea serpent too much
<^ban^> but his power increases with time. Eventually all march in his army.
<^ban^> He can easily be personified in the mortal world as a sea serpent ;)
<CertifiedInsane> lol
<CertifiedInsane> Now you want us to use it?
<^ban^> I'm toying with the idea
<^ban^> :)
<CertifiedInsane> :)
<^ban^> took another look at the map
<^ban^> errr
<^ban^> that was definitely for aanother window
<King_Hireshmont> lol
<^ban^> anyways, a serpent would actually work
<CertifiedInsane> Why don't you and Exile try Giask instead of Darfix?
<King_Hireshmont> Giask is very pretty.
<^ban^> you're thinking northwest
<^ban^> I said northeast didn't I?
<King_Hireshmont> Oh, lol, wait a sec
<CertifiedInsane> Ummm, dunno, I assumed it anyways
<King_Hireshmont> The1Exile is going for Darfix?
<^ban^> No
<King_Hireshmont> I thought he was going for Giask
<^ban^> we want that northernmost city on the east island
<CertifiedInsane> I thought he was going for Darfix
<CertifiedInsane> Didn't he say he was going to dod that?
<King_Hireshmont> Springdale?
<^ban^> thats it
<King_Hireshmont> He told me Giask
<CertifiedInsane> lol, he changed quite a few times
<King_Hireshmont> I think he hasn't quite decided.
<King_Hireshmont> :P
<CertifiedInsane> today alone
<King_Hireshmont> Typical The1Exile
<CertifiedInsane> He wanted MAdina untill I told him to back off it ;)
<King_Hireshmont> Can't carry anything through to completion
<King_Hireshmont> But does the first half of the job brilliantly!
<CertifiedInsane> lol
<^ban^> lol nod
<CertifiedInsane> Well, if you two go to Giask, you could travel to the central Islands
<^ban^> Personally I think it would be fun to have a religion spread out like that though ;)
<CertifiedInsane> Well, let's see...
<CertifiedInsane> Hireshmont, what points do you want to absolutely see in our religion?
<King_Hireshmont> Well
<King_Hireshmont> Onliana needs an ethical religion.
<King_Hireshmont> An ethically sound religion.
<CertifiedInsane> what do you mean by ethically sound religion?
<King_Hireshmont> I find monotheism easiest to work with, but I can do polytheism if need be. Pantheism is good too.
<King_Hireshmont> Ethically sound? heh
<^ban^> This one is perfectly ethical, nothing wrong with believing in truth :)
<King_Hireshmont> look up "The Summa" on the wiki
<King_Hireshmont> That gives a VERY detailed description
<CertifiedInsane> on ?
<King_Hireshmont> Onliana doesn't require EXACTLY that, but along those general lines
<King_Hireshmont> no
<King_Hireshmont> on the BM Wiki
<King_Hireshmont> Actually, sry, no
<CertifiedInsane> lol
<King_Hireshmont> Go to Vellos Family/Onliana
<^ban^> btw when I said "ns be taught the true way, by force if necessary." I meant to say "by force if _absolutely_ necessary."
<^ban^> followers of the Church wouldn't be in any rush, after all
<King_Hireshmont> And look for the Summa
<King_Hireshmont> Basically:
<King_Hireshmont> A religion founded upon reason, a religion with standards of honor and justice, a religion which upholds the feudal society, a religion which does not blatantly oppress, and a religion which does not support barbarism and savagery.
<King_Hireshmont> Those are all loose terms of course
<CertifiedInsane> I'd be in a rush to convert our island, but not the rest
<CertifiedInsane> ...does not blatantly opress...?
<^ban^> Hrm, sounds like mine fits well except that it kind of ignores justice
<King_Hireshmont> lol
<King_Hireshmont> Yes, does not blatantly oppress
<King_Hireshmont> i.e. no Spanish Inquisition, no forced conversion
<^ban^> hehe.
<^ban^> like I said
<CertifiedInsane> Why not? :(
<^ban^> as eventually all march in the armies of Teros, there is no forced conversion, but there will definitely be conversion :>
<King_Hireshmont> lol
<King_Hireshmont> Onliana believes in, well, ethics and morality.
<CertifiedInsane> Well, to think of it...
<King_Hireshmont> She has Utopian dreams. She wants to lead a perfect society.
<CertifiedInsane> The religion doesn't need to preach forced conversion, that could simply be our realm's interpretation ;)
<King_Hireshmont> ehh....
<CertifiedInsane> Not as in crusades
<CertifiedInsane> But if we occupy territory, we'll convert while we are there
<King_Hireshmont> Yes
<King_Hireshmont> But that's not forced conversion
<CertifiedInsane> (Other religions are illegal in our realm anyhow ;) )
<King_Hireshmont> Also, Onliana would have supported the crusades
<King_Hireshmont> BUT
<^ban^> crusades are definitely forced conversion :)
<^ban^> Convert or die.
<King_Hireshmont> Nope.
<King_Hireshmont> Not technically
<CertifiedInsane> Then what do you mean by forced conversion?
<King_Hireshmont> Covert or die.
<CertifiedInsane> (And the Summa is REALLY long...)
<King_Hireshmont> The crusades didn't do that
<^ban^> hmm, true
<CertifiedInsane> In BM terms, how is that possible
<King_Hireshmont> The crusades put in Christian leadership.
<^ban^> this is definitely not convert or die though.
<King_Hireshmont> In BM terms?
<King_Hireshmont> Oh, easy
<King_Hireshmont> "If you believe religion X, we will ban you and execute if caught"
<King_Hireshmont> Or, heck
<^ban^> Basically its "Convert now or convert later, either way you will join us eventually."
<King_Hireshmont> Onliana would probably allow other religions in her realm
<CertifiedInsane> lol, not that it matters if all the peasents follow our religion ;)
<King_Hireshmont> Actually, it does
<King_Hireshmont> Priests make good support beuros
<CertifiedInsane> The peasents will assault heretic priests
<King_Hireshmont> And peasants actually give pretty good sums of money to maintain temples...
<CertifiedInsane> Well, if they all follow the ONE religion how does that give any less money than having other religions "legal"?
<^ban^> hehe, allow other religions
<^ban^> but discourage it.
<^ban^> Most other religions are misguided or variants anyways ;)
<King_Hireshmont> Indeed
<King_Hireshmont> For example
<King_Hireshmont> Allow other religions, and give them freedom to believe
<King_Hireshmont> And only give lordships to the people of our religion.
<^ban^> hehe
<CertifiedInsane> But those priests can actually hurt the stats of an otherwise homogenous region
<^ban^> in the realm this is giong to be founded in it will be the official state religion
<King_Hireshmont> Indeed.
<King_Hireshmont> But state religions don't have to be oppressive
<^ban^> nope
<CertifiedInsane> But I want mine to ;)
<^ban^> but other religions will be illegal
<^ban^> as we're thinking THeocracy
<CertifiedInsane> The southern islands anyways
<King_Hireshmont> lol
<^ban^> hehe
<King_Hireshmont> Ours wont be
<King_Hireshmont> lol
<King_Hireshmont> heh
<^ban^> thats whats great about this religion
<CertifiedInsane> In monarchy the ruler is chosen by "god" too ;)
<King_Hireshmont> We can all share religion
<King_Hireshmont> BUT
<^ban^> it leaves the choice for some kind of oppression to the realms
<King_Hireshmont> In ^ban^'s realm, it's a ruling religion
<King_Hireshmont> In Chenier's, it's a state religion
<King_Hireshmont> In mine, it's a preffered religion
<CertifiedInsane> THE state religion ;)
<CertifiedInsane> Hmmmm
<CertifiedInsane> ^ban^, ever considered going for the northern islands?
<^ban^> not really
<^ban^> we kind of like our current idea
<^ban^> :)
<CertifiedInsane> No one's going for it...
<^ban^> and?
<CertifiedInsane> We'd need a friendly power there for the federation of the islands, one that follows our religion
<^ban^> even if someone is going for what we want, we have a way to get it
<CertifiedInsane> Money and infils...?
<^ban^> Yep
<CertifiedInsane> lol
<^ban^> lots of money
<CertifiedInsane> You know you are not the only ones with infils, right?
<^ban^> yeah
<CertifiedInsane> lol
<^ban^> but I have very high swordfighting ;)
<King_Hireshmont> lol
<King_Hireshmont> Guys
<King_Hireshmont> I just got a great idea.
<King_Hireshmont> Giask invades south as far as Fissoa
<King_Hireshmont> Taking the whole southern area
<King_Hireshmont> Madina takes the south islands
<CertifiedInsane> LOL
<^ban^> ....what a good idea.
<CertifiedInsane> If Giask manages that, they deserve a trophy
<King_Hireshmont> Nebel takes the central islands and some coastal areas
<King_Hireshmont> And we make a religious federation.
<King_Hireshmont> For our religion.
<King_Hireshmont> :D
<King_Hireshmont> I think Giask, with Madina's help, CAN do it.
<King_Hireshmont> There are only 2 other cities in the area, and they're small
<King_Hireshmont> WIth a strong religious backing...
<CertifiedInsane> But yeah, if they take everything east and south of the palm sea, I see it possible
<King_Hireshmont> It can be done.
<^ban^> honestly, I don't care _where_ I found this religion
<^ban^> but Its definitly what i'm going to do :)
<King_Hireshmont> But think of it
<King_Hireshmont> If the islands and Giask fed
<King_Hireshmont> We'd have, like, 1/4 or 1/5 of the continent
<King_Hireshmont> And be perfectly set up to expand.
<King_Hireshmont> Because the Madina/Giask border would be safe.
<CertifiedInsane> But you should expect Giask to be attacked by the north
<CertifiedInsane> and if they are too expansionist other realms could gang up on them
<^ban^> our idea was to start in Springdale
<CertifiedInsane> Which is why I suggest the northern island for ^ban^, and Hireshmont you get Paisly, while the northern island also gets Mimer
<^ban^> then expand.
<^ban^> and expand and expand.
<CertifiedInsane> Expansionnist realms don't live long
<King_Hireshmont> Unless they make spawn realms!
<^ban^> there'd be an end to the expansion
<King_Hireshmont> And make the spawn realms share a religion!
<King_Hireshmont> !
<^ban^> we actually know where we'd stop
<CertifiedInsane> Colonies are not loyal for very long
<King_Hireshmont> Our ultimate goal is religious unification of the whole continent
<King_Hireshmont> Under the banner of Telos!
<CertifiedInsane> And then you end up as you were before the colonies
<King_Hireshmont> They are MORE loyal if they have religious unity.
<^ban^> er
<CertifiedInsane> lol
<^ban^> Teros
<^ban^> :P
<King_Hireshmont> whatever
<King_Hireshmont> lol
<^ban^> lol
<King_Hireshmont> I'll learn to spell it eventually
<^ban^> "unimportant detail"?
<^ban^> :P
<King_Hireshmont> lol
<King_Hireshmont> heh
<CertifiedInsane> Teros, as in Terror, lol
<King_Hireshmont> Marc was a High Priest in Qyrvaggism

Points of Interest

The ladies are always attempting to overthrow Teros and his Marshal, and in the beginning they had the advantage
  • Like dark Qyrvaggism
  • Pantheon, five gods
    • Names:
      • Teros is only named one
        • The One True God, The All Knowing, The Dark Eye
          • Extremely vague appearence
            • Silhouette is vague enough to be descriable only as humanoid, only distinguising features are the eyes. Other features are lost in the 'shadows'
              • The 'shadows' are an extension of his being?
            • There are \occasions when he appears as a sea serpent, in which case he is very well defined, other characteristics remain
              • The sea serpent is coal black with yellow eyes.
              • Teros' avatar on the mortal plane of existance
              • Often times the serpent appears before and after battle, appearing for either sacrifices or to watch
          • Normally appears in his throne room
            • Room of shadows and darkness
            • Sits upon throne
              • Throne is made of unknown dark material
      • The Marshal
        • The Marshal's role is a as his name describes: He is the Marshal of the armies of Teros, and Teros armies are vast, for while some may serve the Light in Life, all serve him in Death
        • Dynamic
        • Subordinate of Teros
        • See notes on Army of Teros
      • (Teros and The Marshal are called collectively The Masters)
      • The Hunter
        • Symbolistic of Chaos.
        • Neither Light nor Dark
          • Also, followers of the Church have no definition of Good and Evil, rather Light and Dark - they are different. The Church follows The Masters (Dark)
        • Avoids joining either side in their conflict
        • Joker
      • The Ladies
        • The Lady of Light
          • Elder of the two sisters
        • The Lady of Water
          • Younger of the two sisters
  • Army of Teros
    • The Army consists of the willing who have chosen to follow Teros
      • Or their spirits? Undecided as of yet.
    • The Army's numbers increase with all deaths. It is to Teros that all go in death, so it is Teros to serve in life.
  • History
    • The Ladies and The Masters have been in a state of war since before the age of men
      • In the beginning the Army of Teros was relatively small, and the ladies began with a numerical advantage
      • As time went on, some died, and it is to the Army of Teros that all souls go
        • As such, the Army of Teros has grown stronger, The Ladies and The Masters are currently equal in strength, but The Army of Teros grows daily.
  • Beliefs
    • Most religions are merely misguided, some variants, having misinterpreted the true nature of the universe.
      • An exception are those who follow The Ladies.
      • It is The Ladies' that Teros war, and followers of them, under any name, are evil in the eyes of Teros.
    • In Death it is to the Army of Teros that all go.
      • Death is not to be feared, but nor should life be thrown away.
    • Teros may be served both in Life and Death.
      • The Ladies may be served only in Life.
    • Discipline
      • Those without discipline will face The Marshal in many forms, be that from failure or death.
    • All should be taught The Truth (see notes on The Truth)
      • Force is a possibility, but should not be the first method
    • Honour
      • Those to whom you make an oath are to never be betrayed.
        • Knight -> Lord. Knight -> Duke. Lord -> Duke. Duke -> Ruler.
      • Betrayal is unforgiveable.
      • An oath may never be broken by a follower of the Church unless the other party does something which dishonours the oath
    • Justice is in the eyes of Teros
  • The Truth
    • Extremely abstract concept
    • Something that can not be simply put into words
      • Yet is known by all true followers of Teros
    • Related to the eventuality of The War
<CertifiedInsane> Teros, as in Terror, lol

How very true.