Avalon/Roleplay Section/Hector

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Hector of Avalon

Hector, Part I Avalon/Roleplay_Section/Hector/Hector Part I

Hector, Part II Avalon/Roleplay_Section/Hector/Hector Part II

Hector, Part III Avalon/Roleplay_Section/Hector/Hector Part III

The Battle of Henhower Part I (Written by Hector) Avalon/Roleplay_Section/Hector/The Battle of Henhower

Part II (Written by Revan)

The skies were grey, at least that's what Revan could make out of all the treetops in the way.

"Let's go"

Soon after, the sound of the undead fill the men's ears. The men grab what wounded they could and dart off. Revan looks back at his men to make sure none had been left behind. He saw one man struggling on a wounded.

"Here, I got him."

Revan hoists the wounded man over his shoulder while still run at full speed. The soldier is relieved a bit but his face still bare the fear of being caught by the undead.

"Revan, what are we going to do? 700 of those damned sacs of flesh, we'll never make it out."

"Oh, quit whining soldier. With an attitude like that i'm surprised we're not being chased by you!"

The wounded man on Revan's shoulder had a bloody gash upon his head. He could still see but with a red gloss over his sight. He takes a look at the horde behind them in horror. The undead, dead men that yet still lived. Not only were there dead men there were also the preditorial creatures of the area. Few like giant house cats. The undead think nothing of the trees as they either bounce off of them or plow right throught them showing no sign of fatigue. Water pertrudes through the blood on the wounded man's face through his eyes.

Revan and his men, just a little bit behind Hector's men, were gaining speed away from the horde that lie behind them. The trees broke away to a small valley. The men could see Hector's unit fall into the valley and freeze. When the men enter the quiet valley they held their breath to see the pale flesh of a small group of undead barreling towards them.

"Go Hector, I can hold them off."

"Revan, are you crazy? You'll die here."

"Hector, It's either you or me. Now get going and don't waste any more time."

"I'm sorry Revan, but I'm staying to fight."

Revan turns to the monsters and calls his men to a defensive box formation.

"Throw the wounded behind us, I don't want them to get in the way."

Hectors men join Revans to create the box formation. Revan and Hector stand in front of the box and wait.

"I knew this would happen, Didn't I tell Grim-Reaper it was too risky to TO Henhower?"

Hector did not reply, he unsheathes his sword and assumes a battle ready stance. His sword seemed to shimmer like silver though no light could have done this. Revan prepares for battle. It began to rain. The horde was seconds in front of them. Revan could clearly distinguish the shape of the beasts and the second before the two masses clashed Revan was not scared of the beasts that wanted his blood soo badly. In fact he felt brotherly towards them.

As living began to fight undead Revan clearly knew that it was rediculus to think like that. The first to attack Revan was an undead giant cat. He fell to the floor and raised his blade to cut the underbelly of it. The undead beast fell to the floor, still flinching but with not enough mobility to do anything. Revan quickly picked himself up to slice the right side of an undead in the form of a human. He finished the undead with a clean spin and a quick slice of the neck, causing the head to spin and fall to the ground as its body did. Revan charges another monster and sinks his blade in the left leg of another undead. The leg snaps like a tree freshly cut by a wood cutter. To finish the undead off, Revan crushes the head with a powerful stomp with his foot, continuing on to the next monster.

The men had fought well but many had start to fall. Down to the few men Hector had he spoke.


Revan followed that up with the same call. He had 4 men down to their last breath. Hector's men run off into the valley. Revan runs blindly out of the skirmish towards the forest. He would have turned around since that was where they were being chased by the first monster horde but he was already ahead of the monsters.

3 men safetly make it out of the skirmish but one struggled at first but was then caught by an undead that had jumped into the sky and onto the poor soldier. The undead beast bit down into the neck of the soldier and ripped out a chunk of the soldiers neck with the veins spraying out a stream of red blood that shot at least 3 feet away. Revan and his three men ran wildly into the forest. They were soon met by the bulk of the horde that was chasing them. Revan verred left and never looked back. He was running faster than he had ever ran but no matter how fast Revan ran the undead seemed to match his speed. One undead managed to slash Revan on the back and Revan cried out to no one but the beasts behind him.

A flash appeared ahead of him and a crack. A tree had been struck by lightning and before it could fall Revan slipped under the tree, blocking off the undead with a blaze of fire.

Through the orange and red flames of the fire, Revan could see the undead making it's way slowly closer to the cave. It was absolutely horrifying to Revan and his eyes buldged, starring at the undead closing in on him. One undead had made it into the flames and embraced them. It was burning alive, or burning dead, walking through the scorching flames that burnt the skin into crisp that cracked off as it moved. It fell on the floor, motionless. The rest of the horde walked into the flames all burning in one hellish inferno so bloodthirsty and determined to kill Revan. Revan could smell the peutrid smell of burning flesh that filled the whole cave and it became hard to breath. All that night Revan had the horrifying sight of undead after undead walk into the greedy flames that claimed one after one. It had saved Revan's life but at a terrifying display that wouldn't let Revan sleep.

The next day Revan had claimed the area safe and he kicked what was a combination of flesh and dirt onto the flames and they went out. Revan wandered around the area and finnaly found one wounded man in a tree. He soon after found the last two in a rotting tree. He took one deep breath and ordered his men to move on.

"Carry on men."

Part III (Written by Hector)

Hector ran with his eight wounded men as if none of them had a scratch on them... Hector smiles sinically. Maybe these gashing wounds are superficial. Look at my unit move..

After Hector had sounded the retreat, he lead his men down to a vally floor, over a river and into the foothills of Cteduul.

"Revan, there is a pass up that way..." he says, gasping for air. No reply.

"Revan?" Hector turns to look as he runs, slowing as his men pass him like lightning.

"Revan!" He calls out. He sees him, running through the woods, with a burning branch...all alone... in a different direction... Revan disappears behind a hill. The undead are fast! They are right behind Revan.

Hector looks and sees a horde turning towards his men.

Revan can fend for himself, he's rather good, but my men need looking after.

Hector quickly picks up the pace and races to catch up. Suddenly, they are surounded. The undead seem to come from everywhere. There are hundreds of them, but only a few are in front.

"Swing that sword Soldier!!! Swing it!!" A confused and frightened soldier looks back at Hector, then plunges head-long into the 3 undead in front of him. He doesn't even get a strike in and they consume him. He desappears in a mangeld mass of rotten flesh, as the undead devour him.

Hector screams, "To the right, to the right, run!!!" He's down to 7 men now. They vear right and the men, in unison swing their swords and cut the undead down in front of them and blast through.

Running as fast as they can, they crest a hill and one man tumbles head over feat down the other side. An undead beast pounces on him, and the man's scream turns into a girgle as blood fills his throat!!!

Damn it, man, why didn't you keep your footing? Hector runs. Strangley, he's not afraid for himself, he fears for his men; and, he fears for her. If he never makes it back, then she'll be all alone... Enough, think! Where can we go. We can not escape this horde! They will not tire, but we will, and quickly!

As they run, it is all they can do to stay ahead of the mis-shapen freaks! They start to ascend another hill. The trees start to thin here. This is a rule region. By the gods, I've lead them to a village. Damn it Hector!

As they ascend, Hector hears a bell ringing wildly! The men crest the hill and see a small village. People are grabbing everything and running towards a chappel!

That's it!!! That's it!!!

"Head to the chappel men! Run, the church is sacred ground. The undead can not go there!"

I smile crosses his face. I've cheated death yet again!... Not yet fool! You've got to make it there first!!!

The undead pick up speed, sensing the urgency. Hector's men follow suite, speeding up, rejuvinated at the thought of survival.

They run. A small child is ahead of Hector. He'll never make it. Damn my selflesness! He smiles at the lack of humilty he has for himself.

Hector scoops up the child and his mother in one swoop, only slowing a bit and continues running. He can feel the heat of the undead as they close in on him!

"Run men!!! RUN!!!"

The men come crashing into the church and collapse to the ground. Hector, is right behind them. He tosses the child and his mother into the church door and turns, standing defiantly outside the church door at the horde as it comes to a stop.

He stands their, studying them. They, in return, study him. They pace around the chappel, defiantly. But soon, their undying hunger forces them to return to the woods, in search of flesh.

"Sir, that was close."

Yes indeed. Yet, another tale to tell. He thinks to himself. How many of these will I survive?

His thoughts turn to Revan. By the gods, I hope he makes it.

Battle of Norjke

Norjke is a mountainous region. The winds here carry the smell of rotten meat. That foul oder that causes one to turn away and cover one's mouth. This oder has been on the winds for about a day or so.

Hector turns to Revan. "The undead come, friend".

"Ahh, I thought perhaps the paraganthe was in blume."

"This time, it'll be a lot different, Revan, we have many more men." He pauses and looks down. "You know, I actually had some doubt you'd make it through our last battle of Henhower."

Revan turns, with his eyes opened a bit wider than his normal squint, and his mouth opened just a little. "What? Are you serious old friend?"

"Yeah, I am." Hector looks up, meeting Revan's gaze.

"Ah come on, are you serious?" Revan says almost as if he suddenly doesn't know the man next to him.

"You know, Revan, had I not found that church, me and my men would have been part of this undead horde coming now."

"Hector, when have we ever failed in a mission... or when was the last time someone or something killed you?"

Hector's shoulders bounce a bit as he laughs once. "Ah, comeon Revan, I knew if it could be done, you'd do it. But still, it made me think a lot."

"Bah, don't get sentimental on me now, Hector. I can't go on being a hero, if you're going to keep crying when you see me bump my knee.... dad."

Hector laughs. "You're righ! Forget it. It's just, I think about her too much now, and it makes me look closer at what I value!"

Suddenly, a loud horn sounds.

"They're coming..." Both men break from each other, running in opposite directions to their camps.

"To arms, to arms!!!" Hector, shouts...

"Come on men, get up, it's time to fight..." Revan says to his 5 men.

Suddenly, before Revan can get his horse saddled, a creature comes bounding from the woods. The armies are starting to form in the center of the battle field, just in the clearing about a 100 yards away. But Revan and his men are just getting out of there camp.

Before he knew it, one of his men was consumed by two giant creatures, about 10 feet tall, and just as wide.

Revan brings out his bow, and aims right between the eyes. All the while, leaning on his horses hind quarters, using it as a shield and to stablize his balance.

Swwwoooosshhh... the arrow flies perfectly between the eyes of the first monster. He teeters for a moment, then falls backwards, crushing an underling. The second monster sees him and starts towards him. Meanwhile, in the center of the battlefield, the armies are forming... But Revan's men are being attacked. Another man is crushed by a large tree trunk that was widdled down in the shape of a mace and cluched in the hands of the giant monster.

Revan turns, and a skiny, but tall monster is in full swing, aiming right for Revan's head. The horse Revan is leaning against bucks and throws Revan back.. Suddenly, Hector is there. Slicing the head clean off. The monster drops to his knees, then colapses, a lifeless mound of grey matter.

Hector grabs Revan and helps him to his feet... "come Revan, let's not dilly dally, there is a giant monster between us and the battle field, you flank his left, I'll flank his right..."

Hector's men are already moving with the other armies, forming a line in the clearing, and heading straight at the majority of the monsters gathered there.

Revan and Hector confuse the large Monster. This is too easy. Hector thinks to himself... Suddenly, he feels a sharp pain and sees a flash of bright light. Then nothing.

Revan looks and sees an underling swinging a mace and hitting Hector from the side, he never even saw it coming.

Revan has to make a choice, risk his life for his friend or not... Well, what's a hero for. Revan slides on his knees, between the legs of the giant monster, as the monster swings his giant tree trunk wildly missing Revan. Revan slides on his knees and he lifts his sword and slices up, cutting a major artery in the monsters right leg. He stumbles and collapses.

Revan bolts towards the underling, who is raising his mace to smash Hector's skull. He's at least 25 feet away, and he won't reach him in time. So, Revan pulls back his sword and throws it with all his might... I was never any good at throwing my sword.

As the sword slices through the underling, it looks at Revan in astonishment and then collapses, lifeless to the ground. Revan, lifts Hector up a bit and smacks him hard, in the face.

Hector jerks loose and stands, "What the hell is wrong with you?" As he grabs the side of his bloody head.

"An underling snuck up on you and was able to get you from the side"

I am getting too old for this.

"OK, I'm all right... LOOK OUT!"

Revan turns to see the large Monster in mid swing with his mace... Revan grabs Hector with both hands, swings both feet up to Hector's chest and shoves off as hard as he can.. Sending himself and Hector tumbling in opposite directions, just narrowly avoiding the Monsters' swing.

Hector, draws his sword and so does Revan. They both attack, viciously at the same time. Cutting the limbs from the monster. As it staggers and falls, both Revan and Hector look up to see the Monsters on the battlefield falling by the swords of the Avalonians...

"You know, Revan, this is our first real victory over the Monsters..."

"You're right, Hector, we should celebrate."

Hector puts his sword back in it's sheath, and grabs his head while putting his arm around Revan. "We have to stop meeting like this." Both men laugh as they walk off towards the battlefield to see if their men are still alive.

Battle of Norjke, part II

As Hector's 2 wounded men recover the rest of his men mingle with the other Troop Leaders gathered in the courtyard of the camp. Fires blaze in holes as the men gather around.

"General, my men were able to help today, but I appologize for my absence. We were, um, cutoff from the fight..." Hector says.

Revan quickly interjects, "Ah yes, General, I too was delayed. See, Hector here got in over his head, and, well, I had to come help him..."

The men start to laugh, Storm pipes up... "Revan, from what I could see, it was two giant monsters who, well... were over your head!"

All the TL's burst out in laughter. "Of course, it was Hector who was sideswiped by that wimping little underling..." Everyone laughs louder, and men jeer at Hector, one man smacks his shoulder as he laughs...

"Well, let's just say, he was too skiny to see..." Hector says, with a large smile on his face, and blood stains in his hair.

The leaders roar wildly as they all sit around the camp fire. Minsc and Michael both mock Hector... And re-inact Hector being hit by the skinny underling.

Grim-Reaper stands up... "That is completely inaccurate." The men all go silent... "It was more like this.." And Grim-Reaper grabs the side of his head, and falls to the ground.

Everyone breaks into laughter again. So loud, they didn't even hear the monsters enter the camp.

Suddenly, there was a disturbance, and all the TL's rise to their feet...

"To arms, to arms..." Michael screams.

All the TL's split up and run to their men's camps. In the distance, you can hear spuratic skirmishes, horns blowing, men screaming and the horrible screetch of the huge, loud lumbering monsters.

One man, one of Revan's, jumps from a tree and lands on the back of one of these huge creatures. The creature bucks wildly, swinging his large, hand-made mace at the soldier. But, it hits itself hard, in the head, causing it to stammer. The hero soldier, destined for greatnes raises his sword to end it's life. But, as he does, the monster falls, and roles to the left, causing the soldier to lose his balance and fall. He crashes hard into the ground and is totally disoriented. Then, a large monster runs up, raising it's mace high in the air and crushes him.

Hector sees this and thinks to himself. That could just have easily been me.

He darts away, running to join his men and the rest of the Avalonian army gathered now in a much smaller clearing in the woods. Forming up lines they advance on the 4 stong monsters, and the one, dizzy monster who hit himself in the head earlier.

Revan is there, with his 4 men. Grimm-Reaper, Michael, Storm and Minsc all meet up. "Fall in, men...formation!" Michael screams.

Hector is last to join, his 16 men, 2 who are clutching gapping wounds have fallen in. They advance slowly towards the monsters.

Revan is gathered in the center with his 4 men. As they approach, A monster crashes down with his mace, cruching 1 of Revan's men and sending the rest flying, each with large wounds. They stammer to their feat and push their way back through the ranks, running for cover.

Hector and Michael's men strike next, sending one monster to his knees.

Grimm Reaper and Michael's men attack the right flank distracting two monsters while Minsc, Hector, Storm and Revan (alone now) attack the center. Another monster falls to his death from the center attack. As Hector and the rest turn to look right, another monster crashes to the ground, yet still alive. The rest of the monsters attack, wounding several soldiers in their wake.

The battle rages on for an hour. Finally, at the end, the human's prevail again. As they start to wonder away, back to their respective camps, Grimm Reaper and Michael approach the rest of the TL's...

"Well fought... But, what were we talking about earlier?" Michael says as he looks at Minsc.

Minsc replys, "Oh, yeah! We were just trying to picture Hector going down like a little girl at the hands of a skinny underling!"

The men roar into laughter, and walk back to their fire, that has now died down to just glowing coals. "Scribe! Come bring some more wood and get this fire blazing again!" Grimm Reaper yells.

They all take their places around the fire again and pick up the conversation right were it last left off. The soldiers of these TL's smile, as they hear their leaders laughter well into the night.

Hector returns to Cteduul

Hector marches into town following minsc and their fearless leader Grimm-Reaper. His 15 men are close behind him. As they go towards the center of the city, they meet up as a platoon, and come to a halt.

Grimm-Reaper ascends the city centers stairs and turns... "Men, valiant fighting... now, regroup and take the night for yourselves. Gather your equipment and muster back here at 0600 hours. Dissss-misssed!"

Hector's men break formation, and one by one come up to Hector, patting his shoulder and asking permission to go to their respective homes... "Enjoy your time men, you've earned it!"

As his men walk in different directions, back to their homes, Hector proceeds up Touriga Lane. He looks forward to seeing her. As he walks, he finds himself walking fast. His heart is beating and he is starting to sweat a bit. As he round the corner, he approaches the brothel, but stops dead in his tracks. He can't believe what he is seeing. How can this be?

Hector drops his pack in the street and runs up to the door; the hinges are busted off, things are scattered everywhere. No one is inside and everything is overturned. He runs upstairs, straight to room 219. The door is busted in, obviously someone kicked the door in, and someone braced the door from inside. There are gouges in the floor from high heeled boots. Caused by someone leaning hard against the door, trying to keep it from opening. The bed is flipped, the dresser is overturned. There is a huge bloodstain on the floor. Dark red. Whoever that was, they are dead, that's too much blood for anyone to have lost and lived. There is a broken lamp 3 feet from the stain, with blood on it.

Hector looks everywhere, but her bag is gone, and some of her clothes too.

Hector darts out of the door, down the stairs, sliding with both hands down the banisters and skipping steps as he goes. He leaps over the debris and into the street. He looks in both directions, and sees a homeless pan-panhandler on the corner, about a block away.

He bolts towards him, and the pan-handler looks frightened and stands, pulling his coat closed.

Hector lifts him by his collar up to his face... "What in the hell happened here?"

"Whhaa? I dunno? I hear tell that some of them thar varmints from Lacint.. ya know, the Grifter group... they comed down har to 'cause thar lands bein' invaded by them thar monsters... They lost all dem whores, and s'pose they need more?"

Hector tosses the man down to the ground... "Where are they said to have gone?"

"Not far sir, see, they just come in heard... ah, say, yes'r'day."

"Which way, varmint?"

"Why, eh, they... they went to the west side of town, where they have they own buildings over thar... you know, the shelters down by the plunkets shot?"

Hector looks at the man, "If you are lying sir, I will come back and cut off your arms!"

"No sir, I not lyin', I tell you all I know. I sure hope you find 'em, thems varmints if I ever saw one!!"

Hector turns around and grabs his pack he dropped. Scoops it up and runs off towards the west side, where the gangs are lords, not Nobles.

Hector enters center street and walks down the middle of town. Two large men start to approach him, but Hector looks at them as though they're already dead, and they back away.

He proceeds, deeper into town, and comes across the feed store, owned by Mr. Plunket. It's gone out of business years ago, once the gangs moved in and ruined the west side.

Hector walks up to a large door guarded by a very large, and skillful looking bailiff.

"What's your business, Noble scum?"

Hector continues to walk, making the man a little nervous as he reaches for his sword.

"If your hand brushes the hilt of that sword, it will be the last move you ever make."

The man hesitates, then draws his sword. Before he knows it, the man is lying, lifeless on the ground. Hector pulls his sword from the man's torso and kicks the door open. As he walks up the stairs, he hears loud noises, laughter and a piano playing.

Hector kicks open the door at the top of the stairs, and he sees a room full of vagrants and body guards. He sees several girls being forced to dance and he recognizes them and knows he's in the right place. The girls' eyes open wide, Hector, the legend has come to rescue them. They grow tense, sensing their freedom on the line.

Without a word, Hector walks straight at the most pompous man in the room. Sitting between three girls...

As he approaches, the man stays seated and smirks at Hector, feeling powerful and very comfortable with his room full of body guards.

"Where is she?" All of the music stops; everyone stands completely still, the body guards cross their arms and stand there, ready to make a move.

In a thick foreign accent, the pompous man replies, "Wheech whore do mean?" All his men laugh loudly.

"Room 219? The most beautiful girl in Cteduul. Where is she?"

"ch-eh, eh, I cen not be sure? Why don't you seat down, and halve a dreenk, and weal talk about eet?"

Hector picks up a bottle and smashes it. "How about you talk?"

The man laughs, "You stupid peag! Now you vill die! Kill him!"

The room erupts, men start towards Hector. He waits, patiently, standing completely still as they close in on him. The first two to reach him are the two large body guards. Hector lifts his sword and steps to the side, slicing down, and cutting off one man's arm. He steps across the 2nd body guard and turns back towards him. He slices his throat and follows up with a cut across his chest. The man collapses. 4 men leap towards hector at once. He steps to the side, allowing them all to crash to the floor. He spins and slices down 2 men who were following them, and they collapse. As the 4 men rise one by one, Hector cuts them so deeply; blood goes flying across the room. The pompous man is lifting his legs and squirming to avoid the bloodshed.

Another man rushes Hector from behind, but he draws his sword to his side and behind him, under his arm. The man runs into his sword and collapses. Two more men leap over him, both with swords swinging at Hector. He parry’s them well, and in turn slices each of them down. Another man, with a dagger throws it at Hector. He ducks backwards and rises back up, pulling his own dagger and flinging it, underhand at the man. It pierces his throat and sends him flying backwards. Two men behind the bar, pull out cross bows. They each fire, Hector spins and dives behind a table, flipping it over for protection. He pulls out another dagger and throws it just as the man behind the bar peaks up to shoot again. Slicing him right through the eye, sending the man sprawling, who twitches for a moment and then lays still. The last man with the crossbow, jumps from behind the bar, sword drawn and charges Hector. Without a thought, he slices the mans head clean off.

As the room grows still, the pompous man lifts his arm from across his face to see all his men are dead. "What sort of man are you?"

Hector walks towards the man, and picks him up by his collar. He points his sword at his face... "Where in the hell is she, or you're a dead man?"

The man whimpers for a moment... then screams in a cry, "I don't know. I went upstairs and found one of my men dead. I think she killed him and ran off." The man continues to cry.

Hector breaths deep and exhales. "That's my girl!" Then he thrust the sword down the man's throat, killing him instantly.

Hector drops him and turns to the women. "Ladies, I believe you have a brothel to clean up.” The women all cheer and run to Hectors side, hugging him.

"I knew you'd come for us, Hector, I just knew it!" A woman cries on his shoulder hugging him tight.

"Where is she?" Hector asks.

One woman, a close friend of hers looks at Hector, then back down at her boots. "She... ah... well, she probably went to... his place to hide."

Hector stares off into the distance. He looks around the room, his eyes glazing over... "Well then, that's good... let's... ah... let's get you girls home."

Hector helps the girls out, then escorts them back to their home.

His place, huh. Well, then, what can I say? I guess it's for the best. Hector thinks as he leaves the brothel. His heart is heavy and he's angry at himself. He knew this would happen, that's why he closed his heart off long ago.

Hector's true love, part I

Hector lost 5 men in his recent battles with the monsters in Lacint. He fought extra hard, though. His anger and hatred brewing inside.

When he first arrived, Michael, Grimm-Reaper and minsc had joined formed up front, right outside town, and before he knew it, the battle had begun.

Grimm-Reaper and his men had charged first, Hector and his men fell charged just after, followed by minsc, then Michael. The blows were mighty, and the monsters recoiled. They attacked back, splitting our forces. That's odd, almost like regular battle tactics Hector thinks to himself. He charges on.

As the monsters all fell, one by one, Hector looked around and found 5 dead men who had joined him on this expedition. Soon after, he received orders to return to Cteduul. They would be moving out soon, again, to take another region... all for the glory of Avalon. He has become cynical. Very much so sine he found out she went to him when she was in trouble.

Hector found himself standing in the town square, amongst the crowd of people who had recently moved there, all buying at the market. He had drifted off in thought and wound up in the center of town.

He decided he wouldn't interfere, that he would let her do what she must. After all, she didn't belong to him, and they weren't in love anyway. Right? We aren't in love.

Time and time again, he thought about her. It brought his whole world down. Normally, he obsesses about saving people. So, why, obsess about her? Jessica, his dear Jessica. Perhaps, because he felt she needed saving. Saving from herself.

He looks up again, and finds himself on the street where he lives. Middleton Street. A well to-do street, where some of the more affluent of Cteduul's people live.

He thinks on to how they met, how he chose her from all the other girls, and how his deep scars over the women he once loved prohibited him from just "sleeping" with any woman. Perhaps, it was she who saved him?

He looks up now, he has wondered to the man's doorstep. He looks down at his feet, then back to the door. He thinks twice about it, then knocks. konk, konk, konk. The door is solid, it would take quite an effort to knock down, he thinks to himself.

She answers the door. Her eyes grow wide, and she looks terrified. "Hector, why are you here? What on earth makes you think this is OK?"

Hector's heart sinks, then breaks. He can't believe what he is hearing.

"Hector, it's not how it looks. Trust me, you have to go, I'll come to you later, and explain everything."

He's heard that before, not from her, but of women many times. It is never as it looks! How ironic that he should fall for someone whom he thought would never have any attachments in the world.

"I'll meet you tonight, at the Kings X Pub."

"Fine, then, I'll see what you have to say." And with that, Hector turns and leaves.

Hectors true love, part II

Hector approaches a tiny park across from the Kings X pub, located at the end of town. A place that they've met before. Hector sees her, she is a silhouette among the trees.

As he approaches her, he sees she has been crying.

"Say what you will, and let's be done with his then..." Hector says, rather cold.

"You don't understand Hector, we are too different you and I. You are a noble, I am a whore. You are the royal treasurer, and I take tips a dollar at a time. This is impossible. What scandal it would be if we were together."

"Never mind all that... who's that man. That, rich man? Is he paying you enough? You get everything you need from him?"

"Of course not. It's just an arrangement. It's not as it appears, but I can't tell you everything, there's far more at stake than you and I here."

Hector looks at her, in disbelief. He does not know this woman. What was he thinking to have gotten involved with her? Why would she do this? Why wouldn't she come to me for help, instead of this... this... this man?

We never really had anything but a paid relationship, I've gone mad! What am I doing here.

Hector turns to her and lifts her hand and gently kisses it. "You were never a whore to me!" With that, Hector turns and leaves. His heart sinks, but now he realizes she is right. He is a noble, and must go off to war to expand his beloved realm. She is of no consequence. He's repeated it enough in his head now, that he almost believes it.

As she watches him leave, tears flow down her face. She could not risk her brothers' reputation by telling Hector, the Royal Treasurer that a high ranking politician's sister is a whore.

No, for now, Jessica will have to keep the secret that the man she is staying with is her Brother. And she did all of this to protect him.

As she turns to leave, she repeats those words in her head over and over, to the point, that now, she almost believes it.

Hector walks towards his home. A home he recently purchased from an old farmer who no longer wanted his estate. Hector picked it up for pretty cheap. It was a large adobe style home with yellow-tan paint and dark brown windows and trim.

It was what she had always dreamed of.

He passes a very popular pub in Cteduul known as "the bottom of the barrel". It is hoping tonight. As he passes by, Revan came stumbling out of the bar. He was laughing wildly, obviously drunk. Hector caught him and lifted his face to see if it was him...

"Hek ter, you ol' dogzh! How be ya,?"

Hector smiles and lifts him up. "Come Revan, let us return home. It is time to sleep this off." He turns and crutches him under his arm to start home.

Two men surge from the bar, both very large, and apparently very skilled with a sword. "Halt, that rat owes us money."

Hector turns, with Revan on his shoulder. Revan is smiling, then sees the two men and stands on his own. Revan appears to be completely sober now.

"You dogs cheated! You dealt from the bottom of the deck, and for that, I owe you a sword, but not money!"

The two men laugh. Each looking at Revan intently. "Do you know who we are scum? We're special forces. Pull that sword, and it'll be the last thing you ever do in this world."

The men both laugh. Hector stares at them. "Wow, so you guys are actually special forces, eh?"

The men stop laughing, they start to look a little concerned. "Yeah, what's it to you filth? Who are you, then?"

"Hector, Ministry of Finances for Avalon, and this is the legendary Revan. Ministry of death. Are you sure you want piss him off? I've known my share of Special Forces sir, and seeing as you have the one eagle feather insignia, I'd say you just joined. So, I'd watch it if I were you, throwing that title around, you haven't even made it past hell week, rookie. Now, turn around and get out of here!"

The two men stammer throw their arms forward in embarrassment, trying to dismiss his comments, then return back inside the bar.

"Hector, you have such a way with words."

The two men sway back to Hector's manor. The both crash out and the next morning, they awaken to one of Hector's servants making them some coffee.

They sit in the courtyard, under a trellis and talk. They talk for hours. Then, Revan says, "Hector, you hear about that whore who killed one of those grifters?"

Hector almost chokes on his coffee. "No. What?"

"See, it appears that some whore killed these grifters as they were trying to take her back to Lacint, where they were run out of town by the monsters. But she was able to kill the guy that was trying to take her. She's a tough one I heard."

"Really" Hector tries not to act like he knows anything.

"Yeah, and it appears, she's the sister of someone we know."

Hector stares, completely in a trance. Waiting on the news that is coming. "Go on..."

"Yeah, it appears that Kain's sister is a whore... Can you believe that."

Hector caughs, spitting out the dry bread he had been eating. He chokes and caughs wildly as Revan smacks his back.. "I know, I know, can you believe that Kain' sister is a whore. Right now, it's just you and I who know this... See, Kain was a bit drunk last night and spilled the beans to me when we took a trip out back to relieve ourselves."

Hector continues to choke, gasping for air... "Chhaack... hemmmph... Ah, hmm hmmm, does, ahh.. does he live on Middleton street? Over on the east side of town?"

"Yeah, I went to a party of his last week. It was great. It was before this all happened though, so I never saw her. She must be pretty good looking, Kain's family is pretty well off, and their whole family is a bunch of pretties.. ha ha, you know what I mean?"

Hector didn't even hear, his mind is racing. He isn't sure what to say.

"Revan, we're good friends, yes?"

"Of course, what do you mean, what are you saying?"

"Nothing, just keep this between us, make no mention of this to anyone... It would not do Kain well to have this come out right now."

"To be honest, I almost forgot about it. Her brother did say that she was merly living at the brothel, she hadn't accepted business for some time now. He thinks she has some secret love or something."

Hector smiles. His heart lifts. All the suspicions are gone. Funny, how the one you love sometimes can't convince you directly, it has to come from other places.

Hector stands up and says, "I feel like drinking, let's have some ale!"

Revan looks at Hector... "Are you serious? Dawn just broke, and I'm still hung over..."

"Ahh, baah, this is a beautiful day already. Let me tell you why that is, my very close and good friend."

Hector tells Revan everything. The story goes on for 2 hours as the men get drunk before lunch time.