Ikkies soup

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Revision as of 20:35, 28 September 2005 by Krashmoss (talk | contribs)

Before the battle in Abykal against Iglavik

Boswick said :

What is it I see coming over the horizon in a cage?

My sergeant has reported to me that Little Ogre has been kept in a cage and not fed ever since his last hunting meal of 4 Ikalak soldiers. Anyway, time to rally the troops with the old cowbell.

As I ring the cowbell I open his cage and hand him a spiked club I yell "Dinner is served Little Ogre!!!!".

I'll follow him into battle and hack apart anything that remains on the way!!! I suggest you all do the same in Abykal!

Here, I need to explain what Little Ogre did with the spiked club.

The battle at Abykal

After the battle

will said :

Little Ogre did you slip and bump your head while eating the ikkie meat? or did a lucky ikkie hit with his weapon ?

Little Ogre answered :

Me tried to eat what Boswick gave me. Me thought was a leg. In my mouth was pain. Me was bleeding. Me was eating spiked club. Me was too hungry.