The Fontanese Digest/Second Issue: Late September 2005

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fontan.jpg The Fontanese Digest
Price: Free Circulation Contributing Editor/s: Lord Mikhail, Servant of Fontan Issue No2 Late September 2005
Printed In Fontan City

Death Of A Realm: Eleador Is No More

The diplomatic crisis between the realms of Fontan and Eleador ended with Fontanese troops performing a successful TO on the region of Montijo. Tensions between the two realms grew after the realm of Eleador refused to give up the disputed region to Fontan. After Tabost was taken, the realm of Eleador was only left with Montijo and no clear resolution to the situation. The dispute dissolved into crisis after Avamarian troops used Montijo to attack Fontanese forces and regions, with Fontan sending its army to secure the region. With the TO successful it meant the death of the realm of Eleador, who was in decline for a long time after relations between the Republic of Sirion and the realm had descended into war.

Rebellion in OR

Reports have reached their way to Fontan City of a rebellion in OR. While details are sketchy it seems that it was an isolated incident of one person and that the rebellion lacks any real support to suceed. We will provide an update to the situation when more information comes available.