McDugan Family/Olaf

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Olaf had heard of the wars of Atamara, knew that his home of Minas Ithil was fighting one, and decided that he did not want to be a part of it. With one of his cousins fighting that war and another on a different continent looking for battle, he knew that it would not be long before he would also be sent out with a group of men and expected to fight. However, before that happened, he was able to gain passage (for himself and the few guards that every noble had) on a ship bound for a far off land, The Far East, hoping that it was a peaceful land, and joined the realm of Greater Anelia.

At first, his wish came true. He enjoyed this new found peace, attending the many tournaments that were held, and joined the faith Magna Anelia Eclesia. He even became the swordfighting champion in Taop, along with most of the other competitors. However, this peace would not last. Greater Anelia came to the aid of the League of Anacan when it was faced with certain destruction, which thrusted Olaf into the heart of war and the life of a soldier. There were only two battles against the forces of Suvenetland, but his wound, the sight of the pain and death of others, and realizing that it was King Caerid's madness that started the fighting, not the will of the Aneil, was enough to convince him against fighting any longer.

Since then, Olaf has become a peaceful trader. He does not want to see battle, but if the faith is threatened and the Aneil call for his aid, he will come to its defence.