Adventurer Game

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This page is for player contributions to the new Adventurer feature.

Feel free to re-sort it, clean it up, improve it or add your own comments. Try not to put stuff under "fairly certain" unless it has been confirmed by at least one other player.

Fairly Certain Facts


  • Resting using the "rest" option removes a point of fatigue for each hour. Hours gained in excess of 16 are used resting this way.
  • Resting using the "sleep on the floor" opion removes about 2 points of fatigue for each hour.
  • Resting in a common room (paying 2 silver a pop) removes about 3 fatigue for each hour.
  • Resting in a private room (at 5 silver) removes about 4 fatigue for each hour rested.
  • You can't sleep for less than three hours.


  • You sometimes have to pay "taxes" and "road tolls".


  • You can cooperate with other adventurers. Since hunting requires more time for later groups, and it takes hours and fatigue, you will have to if you want to fight the large groups.
  • Hunting can, at least sometimes, give you some kind of loot.(i.e. silver)



  • When crossing realm borders you will have to pay some silver to be allowed to do so, or you will be turned back and lose hours, therefore gaining fatigue.

Generic Actions

  • Everything you do that uses hours, aside from resting, will add at least one point of fatigue for each hour used.


  • A sage can help you repair or construct a unique item from raw materials. Sages are hard to find, though.


  • Larger groups have more valuables?

Gold / Silver

  • Could it be that 12 silver is one gold?


  • Fatigue inhibits an adventurers ability to look for items in a region.
  • 36 Fatigue or more will grant a 100% chance to be stopped by a toll demand when attempting to travel.

Adventurer skill

  • After hunting and fighting some monsters, I was told that I had improved my adventurer skill. What could this relate to?

See Also