Neill Family/Weland

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Weland; son of Erik; Brother to Ender

Current Age: 34
Class: Hero
Weapon of Choice: Longsword nicknamed "Mimameidr"
Current Title: Count of Tepmona, Master Weaponsmith of the O'Neils
Titles Held: Master Weaponsmith of the O'Neils, Scout, General of Khthon, Count of Tepmona

Weland was the youngest of the sons of Erik and Finna O'Neil and Ender's younger brother. He was much like Ender in his love for war, but, he was always a little more subdued than his war mongering brother. As a young boy he was terrible at using the bow but quickly became skilled with the axe. He favored melee combat over long range and his interests soon found him in an apprenticeship with his Uncle Gunnar, the family blacksmith. He excelled at weapon making and created his first long sword with his brother (He later presented it as a farewell gift when Ender left the mansion).

For years he labored with his Uncle in the family forge creating axes and swords. He trained in melee combat alongside his cousin, Garm son of Gunnar, and soon became proficient in all forms of melee combat known to the Clan. Eager to follow his brother into the world he left home at the age of twenty one. He served with the Barony for two weeks before saying farewell to his homeland. He boarded a ship (despite being warned against it. A cousin of his had perished at sea years before during a fishing expedition) and found himself in Bulaterra. He joined the realm of Fronen and trimmed his beard. He soon discarded his traditional bearskins in favor of plate armor.

Wielding a self-crafted long sword he did not find peace for long before a scourge of the undead and monsters overran the lands. He fought against them for a great time and even found himself imprisoned by the beasts for a period. Thankfully he was able to escape finding an old passage hidden behind the wall in his crude cell.

His skill in tracking also made him an excellent scout and he made every effort to train with the Fronen Scout Guild whenever he could. During the decline of the undead and monster invasion he even served as a Scout in the region of Tepmona.

For a brief time, Weland left the realm of Fronen to join the realm of Khthon, a colony of Fronen founded by Predbjørn II. It was a realm that valued heroes and only allowed heroes to hold office. It was a difficult place to live at the time, but, he figured it was worth the struggle. The realm fell to invading forces too soon after it was born. Weland fled the lands in exile and rejoined Fronen awaiting the rebirth of Khthon

Despite his new appearance and his changes since he left Makar, he still keept in touch with his family and his brother over the years. He drank heavily and enjoyed a good bar tale or game of strength even if he was more 'civilized' now.

Shortly after his return he was appointed the Count of Tepmona and oversaw the repopulation, recontruction, and defense of the region. He spent most of his days tending to paperwork and the problems of the people in Tepmona and most nights drinking himself into oblivion with the citizens of Tepmona in the tavern he built with them.

As war came again to Fronen, however, he recruited as many of the citizens of Tepmona that he could pay and left Tepmona to war on Fronen's borders against the realm of Avalon. With the end of the Avalon conflict he grew once again used to periods of peace mixed with orders to move out in defense of Fronen's allies.

While an eager youth with dreams of ruling he has recently found that he is content with his Lordship over Tepmona. He has found that the hardy people of the region remind him of his home a great deal. He confided in the citizens one night at the local tavern that "Should I die many years from now and only be remembered as the Count of Tepmona, I would be happy. I can not ask for a better land or a better people. my home."

Give me a quill and give me a sword. If negotiations fail I'll chop their head off, then we'll see which is considered mightier. - Weland