Rowan's Riders Introduction

From BattleMaster Wiki

Mounted Knights of Minas Ithil

    The history of Minas Ithil is riddled with battles, wars, and heros. A warrior nation from inseption, this mighty kingdom has seen its share of ups and downs. In the wake of the war with Eston, the final war between the now dissolved Eastern Alliance and its aggressor, the Mounted Knights of Minas Ithil were born. Known at first simply as 'Rowans Riders', the group was concieved by a bright young tactician, Lady Katherine Yorke, put foreward by the experience general High Marshal Anton Anaris, passed by his majesty King DeadAngel3, and founded by its first Commander, the volunteering Knight Rowan MacGregor. Inside these pages you will find both a history of the Riders, and it's longstanding rules and regulations.

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Rowan's Riders Chapter One