Maggiori Family/Caterina

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Caterina Maggiori

Caterina Maggiori is 27 years old. She is the eldest of three daughters. Her father was always disapointed that she wasn't a boy and so all her life Caterina was a bit of a tom-boy, trying to copy the characteristics of her father rather than those of her mother.

In many ways Caterina feels like the oldest son, and enjoys the company of other knights as much as she does with the ladies. She felt it necessary to remain in her family's home town of Webgard and defend the family realm of Abington in Atamara. She fights like a man and is strong and determined to prove herself above all men. She considers herself their equal in all ways and rarely clothes herself in feminine attire.

Caterina also considers herself responsible for her two younger sisters, although she cannot always understand them. She considers Francesca to be too quiet and shy, whilst she consider Maddadela too whimsickle and without discipline. She stands alone and is determined never to marry in order to continue the Maggiori name for as long as may be.

She has great respect for the Duchess of Suville whom she considers to be a strong and sensible woman. She rarely makes use of her Lady-in-Waiting, Piera, and rarely addresses her directly. In fact she and Piera often argue with each other about Caterina's boyish ways, but she cannot bring herself to part from the old trout for she has been in the family for many years.

Caterina's Steward, Bartholomeus is a very serious man and Caterina trusts him implicitly with her lands and wealth. Once again he has been in the family for many years.

Johannes, the Captain of her guard is a playmate from her childhood. He secretly loves Caterina, but he knows that that is not way that she will ever see him as anything than just another man.

Do not be misled by Caterina's dog Pepe. He sounds cute, but he is in fact an Irish Wolfhound capable of tearing flesh from a man's body with one swipe. Pepe is fiercely loyal to his mistress and will attack anyone who he considers to be a threat to her.