The Order of the Elders/Library

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The Library of the Elders

Welcome to the Library of the Elders, contained within are the translated texts of the Ancients from which we derive our knowledge of the Elder Gods. The texts of the ancients have been organized into Hymn's and the specific teachings, vows, and oaths relating to each god.

Hymn's to the Elder Gods

Hymn Praising the Elder Gods

To Seek Guidance and Virtues

Odin, Father, Eldest of the Gods we ask you heed this, your children's call. Guide us, bestow your widom, grant your insight, reveal our woes we ask of you Father to soothe our souls.

Thor, protector, Patron of Pilgrims, Bless me with your favour make my journey swift, with clear an' pleasant skies. Watch ov'r and shield me, from th' harm of natures wrath, for I travel seekin' truth along pious paths.

Hildr, Maiden, Mistress of the Blades hear the dyings' praise, collect the val'rous fallen an t' Asgard lead their way. Leth'rgy soaks the muscles worn, let your pow'r through us flow, for ev'ry crimson morn' we rise t' meet the foe.

Loki, Trickster, Beguiler of All Master of misfortune. Teach us with our failures, give us humility for we are fools. Yet let not poisoned edge by stayed nor glitt'ring chain deflect the Fates shadowy display that a Heretic they shant protect.

Hel, Guardian, Keeper of Lost Souls, Keep us from despair. Let us not slip from th' path and fall into blasphemy. Grant us unwav'ring strength to rout out and fight heresy, with sharp'nd steel an' faith, temper'd by grace an' chivalry.

--written by Phellan Rothach, Knight of Apelen, Monk of the Order

The Texts of Odin

The Texts of Thor

The Texts of Hildr

The Texts of Loki

The Texts of Hel

A Commentary on Hel

A commentary on the faithful and the path of Hel

It should be noted that Hel plays several vital roles in maintaining the balance of souls in the Underworld and in Asgard. While being charged wtih Guarding the Souls of the Lost she is a wise and caring mother. Hel does not wish for the Lost, the Faithless, and the Heretics to inhabit her Realm, she wishes all men of Midgard the glory of entering the gates of Asgard. Thus we her children should always make the attempt to save the fallen and make them Righteous, for this is her greatest wish.

However, she is not forgiving of those with heretical beliefs who would sway the Innocent and lead them into Damnation. Nor does she grant leniancy to those who refuse to accept the righteous truth and cling to their heretical beliefs and thus threaten the innocents of Midgard. Heretics, those who refuse to accept the Elders into their hearts, are the greatest of the Damned, fallen they seek to drag the unwitting and uninformed into Damnation with them. Thus should we, the mortal emissaries of Hel, find such Heretics among us we are obliged to inform them of the truth, and failing in saving them from their fate in the Underworld, ensure the Salvation of the Innocents which they may corrupt.

Hel expects us to be just and honourable in our dealings with those not of the faith, blind hatred of the heretic is not our way--for such blindness leads us away from the mercy and compassion of Hel. She teaches us that faith is like steel, tempered it becomes stronger, more unyeilding in the face of adversity. Thus temper your righteous anger of the Heretic with the mercy granted by Hel, find the strength within yourself to forgive them for their blindness and know that their fate has been decided by their own decisions, and thus we have achieved Compassion, loving our fellow man despite their flaws. Do not however allow Compassion to stay your hand in the salvation of the innocent, wisdom shall grant you the knowledge of when to act and when to hold fast. If Hel's wishes are not clear, fear not consulting those of Odin's path, nor the other faithful, for we are of one body, and should act as one.

--Translated by Phellan Rothach, Knight of Apelen, Monk of the Order

Oath of the Disciple

Hel, mother of our souls, sacred Guardian, I ask of thee, grant your blessing bestow upon me your graces. So that I, faithful to your teachings, May be resolute in my duties; To aid in the salvation of others, To be true to the Elders, And ensure that we fall not, From the path into Damnation.

Aid me, I beseech you mother. Let Odin's wisdom find me, Guide me to Thor's pious paths, Banish my fears so I may honour Hildr, and illuminate Loki's veiled falsehoods. Guide me, assist me in knowing the Elders, So that I may be your worthy vassal.

Grant me Mercy So that I may forgive the misguided foe Grant me Compassion So that I may love those fallen from the path Grant me Knowledge So that I may judge who is damned Task upon me Forgiveness As I vow to save the Damned Task upon me Love As I vow to care for the Fallen Task upon me Judgement As I vow to seek out heresy.

Bless me O' Mother For I am unquestionably yours!

--Translated by Phellan Rothach, Knight of Apelen, Monk of the Order